A. A. Elbadri I, C. Shaw I , C. F. Johnston I, K. D. Buchanan I and D. B. Archer 2, Departments of Medicin~ and Ophthalmology2, The Queen's University of Belfast. We have recently reported the presence of the tridecapeptide,
in the retinae of cow, sheep, rabbit and rat by means of innnunocytochemistry (ICC) and determined its chemical identity with the synthetic bovine peptide by radioimmunoassay
(RIA) and chromatography
NT has been localised to
a population of amacrine cells in human retina by ICC of whole retinal mounts. NT-immunoreactive
amacrine cells were located in the inner nuclear layer. They
were ovoid with short, thick processes extending towards the inner plexiform layer.
The cells were evenly-distributed
in the four quadrants of the
posterior retina with only a few cells present at the periphery. with other mammals studied these NT-immunoreactlve intimate association with the retinal vasculature.
In common
amacrine cells were in NT is a putative neuro-
transmitter and is known to increase vascular permeability and to regulate vascular smooth muscle tone.
As the retinal vasculature
is devoid of
autonomic innervation NT may function as a local regulator at this site.
G.-L. FERRII, 3, L. REBECCHI I, L. MASSARENTI I, G. BILIOTTI 2, S.R. BLOOM 2, G. LABO 1 and J.M. POLAK 3, IDepartment of Medicine I, University of Bologna, Italy, 2Department of Surgery, University of Florence, Italy, Departments of 3Hlstochemlstry and 4Medlclne, RPMS, Hammersmlth Hospital, London WI20HS. Normal samples of gut from stomach to rectum were fixed in benzoquinone solution. Thin slices of mucosa (and duodenal submucosa) were microdissected (1 villus or 2-3 crypts/glands wide), stained by i m m u n o f l u o r e s c e n c e and observed w h o l e t o r e v e a l t h e 3-D p a t t e r n of innervation. In the stomach, a rich network of VIP-containing n e r v e f i b r e s was r e v e a l e d around fundic and pyloric glands, while rare substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibres penetrate the whole mucosa, especially in the antrum. Both peptides were also visualised t o be c l o s e l y associated with intramucosal blood vessels. In the duodenum and ileum, VIP-immunostained fibres formed a very dense network in the villi and in the villus-crypt ridges, while jejunal villi and the crypt region at all levels were distinctly less supplied. Substance P-immunoreactive fibres were less numerous and more evenly distributed throughout the small intestine. In the duodenal submucosa, although nerve bundles and perikarya containing either VIP or substance P were numerous between the lobules of Brunner's glands, only a few fibres reached the acinar cells. In the colonic and rectal mucosa the distribution of VIP- and substance P-immunostained nerv e s was s i m i l a r to that observed in the ileum. A dense VIP immunoreactive innervation was r e v e a l e d in the muscularis mucosae at all levels of the gut, particularly in the duodenum and rectum. Scattered met-enkephalin-im~unoreactive nerve bundles were seen mainly in the duodenal submucous plexus and in the muscular mucosae. In conclusion, the distribution of "peptidergic" nerves in the gastrointestinal mucosa shows distinct regional differences, probably related to variations in mucosal functions along the course of the gut.