Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 70 (1999)267-269
Neutrino propagation
in magnetized
D. Grasso’” ‘Departament E-46100
de F&a
de Valencia
After a short presentation of the general techniques used to determine neutrino potentials in a magnetized medium I will discuss some applications to MSW resonant oscillations. I will also consider the relevance of our results for the pulsar velocity problem.
1. Introduction The effect of media on the propagation mentary
of particle
many important
theoretical cillations solution
is nowadays physics
and astrophysics
one of most
of MSW
[2] including
of ele-
a well established
was the
their possible role for the
of the solar-neutrino
induced effects are expected matic in the environment
to be even more dra-
of collapsed stars and in
the early Universe where temperature
and matter
density can be much larger than in the Sun. In
another role:
this is the magnetic
ofte_n play a crucial field B.
netic fields as large as B N 1012 Gauss have been observed on the surface of pulsars and fields as large as 10 l6 Gauss are expected
to be present in
the core of neutron
and supernovas
Several models also predict
netic fields to be present in the early Universe. As I will discuss, such a strong fields can modify in several ways the properties a consequence,
of a medium and, as
those of the particles
through this medium. magnetic field induced
Only recently, however, effects have been started
to receive a wide attention (see e.g. [3-51). In this contribution I will concentrate my attention on neutrinos collapsing, stars.
in collapsed,
of the
The main tool to study neutrino a medium,
as in the vacuum,
potentials propagation
is the Dirac equa-
tion. In the Fourier space this reads
of this re-
remarkable neutrino
- m, - E(T, B, R)) where
Here C(T B, pi), and pi the chemical species,
of the i-th particle induced
den in the neutrino
T is the temperature
is only the medium
being the vacuum
= 0 .
to C already vacuum
mass m,.
Two kind of Feynman diagrams contribute to C(T, B, pi). These are the bubble and the tadpole diagrams
(see Fig.
ning in the internal to be intended
1 in ref.[5]).
The fermions run-
lines of these diagrams
as real (not virtual)
have be-
longing to the heat-bath.
For temperatures
in NS’s we can safely
as those present
any thermal
so that
W and 2 in ours diagrams
of gauge-bosons, are the usual
ones. Thermal
of muons and
tauons are also negligible,
so that only electrons,
, proton and neutrons give a relevant contribution to C(T, B, pi). If we neglect (see below)
the ambient
netic field can affect C only through the electron
its effect on
A very powerful tool to
study this effect is given by the finite-temperature electron propagator in the presence of an external magnetic field. This propagator has been derived in refs.
[6] and applied for the first time to neu-
trino physics in [5]. The complete expression of this propagator is quite long and I do not report it here. The interested reader can find it in refs. 0920-5632/98/$19.00 0 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. PI1 SO920-5632(98)00436-S
All rights reserved
D. Grasso/Nuclear Physics B (Pmt. Suppl.) 70 (1999) 267-269
[5,6]. Using this propagator it is possible to evaluate the contributions of the bubble and tadpole diagrams to C(T, B, pi) [5]. Inserting such a result into the neutrino dispersion relation det (8,~~
- my - X(2’, B, p;))
= 0
we can then derive the matter induced potential of neutrinos propagating through an electrically neutral plasma I+,)
c N,Li- ;Np
+ 2 c
N;+;N,OcoSQ . 1
In my notation Ni represents the charge density of the i-th particle species. N,” stands for the electron charge density in the lowest Landau level (LLL). Finally, 4 is the angle between neutrino momentum and the magnetic field vector. It is important to observe that both quantities N, and N,” are functions of T, pi and B’. Indeed, we have
terms in the neutrino potentials. Although nucleon anomalous magnetic moments are much smaller than the electrons’, it is however possible that a strong degeneration of the electron gas suppress electron polarization. If, at same time, the nucleons are non-degenerate it may then happen that nucleon polarization is not negligible [7,8]. A similar situation can actually be realized in the central regions of hot NS’s. To conclude this section we summarise that the effect of the magnetic field on the neutrino propagation is two-folds. Strong magnetic fields may modify the bulk properties of the electronpositron gas inducing an enlargement of the potential to which the V, is submitted. Besides that, the magnetic field induces a polarization of particles having a non-vanishing magnetic moment. We have shown that this latter effect gives rise to an angular dependence in the neutrino potential. 3. Resonant
I will now apply the result of the previous section to study MSW-type neutrino resonant oscillations. The resonance condition for the MSW transition between u, and u,+~ is
(7) Substituting (3,4) in (7) we find (see also [7] for an independent derivation of the same result) ~cos28=~GsNe(1+Xeos~)=0
where 7~labels Landau levels and f,+r (n, p,, pe) are the Fermi-Dirac distributions of electrons and positrons. For a fixed electron chemical potential, both N, and N,” tend to increase almost linearly with B whenever eB >> p:,T2. Since, due to the double degeneracy of the n > 1 Landau level, only the LLL contributes to the spin-polarization of the electron-positron gas, it is possible [7] to rewrite the angular dependent terms in (3,4) in terms of a polarization parameter defined by A I -Nf/Ne. The reader should keep in mind that nucleon polarizations may also induce angular dependent
where Am2 _ m2YP,Z- m2 . Since in NS’s and SN’s the charge asymmet$ of neutrinos is usually negligible, I have ignored here the heath-bath neutrino contribution to the potential. Resonant MSW oscillations between active and sterile neutrinos can also be studied. As V(YS) = 0 we find the resonance conditions Am2 -cos20=fiG~ 2E
[ N e (1,
Am2 -cos28=fiGF 2E
[ N c (+COS#J)
- ;N+‘)
- fN+O)
respectively for u, H vs and vP,+ H vs oscillations. Here we assumed Am2 > 0 in those cases
D. Gra.wo/Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 70 (1999) 267-269
for which mvs > my._. that u~,~ ++ us resonant sible if m,, < mVe ,* >T. 4.
We then see from (10) oscillations are only pos-
for pulsar
One of the most challenging problems in modern astrophysics is to find a consistent explanation for the high velocity of pulsars. Observations [9] shows that these velocities range from zero up to 900 km/s with a mean value of 450 f 50 km/s . It has been recently proposed that a solution of this puzzle may be provided by an interplay between neutrino resonant oscillations and SN’s magnetic fields [lO,ll]. This idea is based on the angular dependence of the resonance condition that we discussed in the previous section. In the case of ye - v, oscillation [lo] such a mechanism heavily bears on the assumption that the resonance sphere lays between the tauon and electron neutrino spheres. In this case, in fact, the distortion of the resonance sphere would induce a temperature anisotropy of the escaping tau-neutrinos produced by the oscillations, hence a recoil kick of the proto-neutron star. In order to give rise to the observed pulsar velocities an 1% asymmetry in the escaping neutrino total momentum is required. Using (8) we find the predicted asymmetry to be [12] Ak 1 hN, --_-_x k 9 hT
metric neutrino transport in SN’s due to the angular dependence of the neutrino mean free time in the presence of a magnetic field. This effect has been first considered in [13]. I point here that a more careful analysis of this effect may be performed through the determination of the imaginary part of the neutrino self-energies using thermal-field theory techniques. This approach would directly provide the thermalization rates of neutrinos as a function of the angle 4, hence the neutrino momentum asymmetry [14]. REFERENCES 1.
3. 4.
5. 6.
where hN, f ]dlnN,/dr]-i and hT f Id ln T/dT 1-l are, respectively, the variation scale heights of T and N, at the resonance radius. The value of the ratio * ranges in the interval O.l- 1 the exact value depending on the adopted SN model. We then see from (11) that at least a N 10% electron polarization is required to achieve the desired anisotropy. Using (5,6) (see also [7]) this requirement translates into a minimal value of the dipolar component of the magnetic field strength which lies in the range 1015+101s Gauss. In conclusion, it is worthwhile to observe that, if such high values of magnetic field strength are generally present in SN’s, a more conventional solution of the pulsar velocities puzzle may be invoked. Such a solution is related with an asym-
10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
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