New Addresses.

New Addresses.

732 SHEFFIELD ROYAL INFIRMARY.—House Surgeon, unmarried. Salary 270 per annum, with board and residence. SHEFFIELD UNION HOSPITAL, Firvale.—Resident A...

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732 SHEFFIELD ROYAL INFIRMARY.—House Surgeon, unmarried. Salary 270 per annum, with board and residence. SHEFFIELD UNION HOSPITAL, Firvale.—Resident Assistant Medical Officer, unmarried. Salary 2120 per annum, with apartments and rations.

SHREWSBURY, SALOP INFIRMARY.-House Physician for six months. Salary at rate of £90 per annum, with board and apartments. SOUTHAMPTON, ROYAL SOUTH HANTS AND SOUTHAMPTON HOSPITAL.Junior House Surgeon for six months. Salary at rate of £60 per with rooms, board, and washing.


AND SOUTH SHIELDS AND WESTOE DISPENSARY.-Senior and Junior House Surgeons. Salaries 2100 and £90 per annum respectively, with residence, board, and


washing. STAFFORD, CoTON HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL.-Assistant Medical Officer, unmarried. Salary £170 per annum, with residence, board, and


SURREY EDUCATION COMMITTEE.—Assistant Medical Officer. Salary £250 per annum. TALGARTH, BRECON AND RADNOR ASYLUM, Breconshire.-Assistant Medical Officer, unmarried. Salary £170 per annum, with quarters, board, attendance, and laundry. TAUNTON, SOMERSET AND BATH ASYLUM, Cotford.-Assistant Medical Officer, unmarried. Salary 2150 per annum, with apartments, board, washing, attendance, &e. TlVhRToN HOSPITAL, Devon.-House Surgeon and Dispenser. Salary £80 per annum and all found. TUNBRIDGE WELLS GENERAL HOSPITAL.—House Physician, unmarried. Salary £100 per annum, with board, residence, &c. WALSALL AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL.—Secretary. Salary 2175 per annum.

WANDSWORTH UNION INFIRMARY, St. John’s Hill, near Clapham Junction.-Junior Assistant Medical Officer, unmarried, for six months. Salary at rate of £120 per annum, with board, lodging,

and washing. WARRINGTON INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY.-Junior House Surgeon for six months. Salary at rate of 2100 per annum, with apartments,

maintenance, and laundry. WARRINGTON, LANCASHIRE COUNTY ASYLUM, Winwick.-Pathologist and Assistant Medical Officer. Salary £200 per annum, with board, attendance, and washing.


WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE.—Assistant County Medical Officer. Salary £300 per annum. WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL.—County Medical Officer of Health. Salary £600 per annum. WHITECHAPEL UNION INFIRMARY, Vallance-road, E.-Second Assistant Resident Medical Officer. Salary 2100 per annum, with rations,



washing. AND STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL HOSPITAL.-House Salary £100 per annum, with board, rooms, and


Surgeon. laundry.


THE Chief Inspector of Factories, Home Office, London, S.W., gives

notice of vacancies as Certifying Surgeons under the Factory and Workshop Acts at Donaghmore, in the county of Down ; at Sevenoaks, in the county of Kent; and at Stevenage, in the county of Herts. __________________

New Addresses. BUXTON, DUDLEY W., M.D., 58, New Cayendish-street, W. 4757



CoMERFORD, BEAUMONT H., M.D., 11, Chester-square, S.W. GASKELL, J. F., M.D., 23, Ladbroke-grove, W. Telephone: 1989


LEE, H., M.B., F.R.C.S., 49, Queen Anne-street, W. NACHBAR, J., M.D., 1, Wimpole-street. W. OWEN, RAYLEY, M.R.C.S., The Yews, East Hagbourne, Dideot, Berks. ROPER, RiCHARD S., F.RC.S., Jesselton, British North Borneo.Russ, CHARLES, M.B., 25, Beaumont-street, W. TucK, G. L. (’VU LIEN TEH), M.D., Customs Buildings, Harbin, Manchuria.


fee of

Notes, Short Comments, and Answers to Correspondents. PUBLIC HEALTH IN BRITISH GUIANA. THE health of this colony during the year, April, 1911, to March, 1912, was fairly satisfactory, there having been no outbreaks of plague, yellow fever, or small-pox, and the death-rate having been 31’7 per 1000, compared with 34’4 per 1000 in the previous year. The birthrate was 27’5 per 1000. Malarial fevers are prevalent, but great improvement has been effected in recent years. In 1906-07 the cases treated in the estates hospitals numbered 33,748; in 1910-11 they were 21,063 ; in 1911-12 they had fallen to 15,169. This diminution has been due to the adoption of vigorous anti-malarial measures, the chief of which have been the abolition of mosquito breeding grounds and free distribution of quinine. Ankylostomiasis has been extremely prevalent on the sugar estates in the colony, and the introduction every year of a large number of infected East Indian immigrants renders the eradication of the disease a matter of great difficulty. The measures adopted are : (1) erection of latrines; (2) systematic examinatiou of all newly arrived immigrants and of all persons suffering from anæmia or showing the least signs of being infected with the parasite; and (3) treatment and constant observation of all known infected cases. Dr. J. E. A. Ferguson, of the Peter’s Ban medical district, states that in 1904 the great majority of the coolies harboured the parasite, their efficacy for work being very much impaired, women being rendered sterile by the accompanying anfpmia, and deaths being frequent; by the use of 10 grains of thymol, either in a cachet or preferably coated with chocolate in a "pulverette," given nightly except on Saturdays, the ova gradually diminish in the dejecta, and after four months entirely disapper; no ill-effects whatever are produced. The same medical officer has been successful in combating malaria by the regular administration of quite small doses of quinine. A spleen census is taken, and to the coolies with noimal spleens a weekly dose of 5 grains is given; to those with the spleen enlarged a similar dose is given daily, with an additional 5 grains if the enlargement is very great. This very simple treatment is said to have caused marked reduction in malaria, both in attacks and deaths. The birthand death-rates on the Diamond Estates had averaged 29’7 and 24-7 per 1000 respectively for the years 1908-11 ; since the adoption of this treatment at Providence these ratios have been (1911-12) 35’3 and 16’9 respectively. The bacteriological department reports unfavourably on the use of nastin in the treatment of leprosy, but states that benzoylchloride in petroleum oil is extremely valuable as a nasal spray or paint for ulcerating surfaces; it quickly renders the discharge free from bacilli. The report of the Surgeon-General, Dr. J. E. Godfrey, with accompanying subsidiary reports, states the present condition of medical matters in British Guiana ; but as no ratios of disease prevalence or mortality are mentioned, and but few references made to previous statistical reports, it is not possible to compare the condition of this colony as regards its public health either with that of other colonies or with its own record in previous years or decennial periods. The interest and value of the report are therefore, we think, considerably diminished.


2s. 6d. is

the insertion of lotices which must not exceed two lines.

charged foi-


OLD AGE AND RECUPERATIVE POWER. To the Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,-I think I can match Dr. W. Vernon Shaw’s case published ia THE LANCET of Feb. 8th, p. 431. Some few years ago during one of the influenza epidemics I was called to see an old lady nearer 100 than 90. Her complaint took the form of bronchitis, and instead of trained nurses we had the kindly ministrations of her two daughters, middleaged ladies. She said that she hated doctors and medicine. She read her daily paper and was very active mentally and otherwise. At the time I happened to have an accumulation of sample bottles of a medicinal wine. This was the only physic given. She was comatose for two whole days, her mouth was full of "thrush," and we were naturally waiting for the end. But she persisted in recovering. They eventually went to live at Ventnor, and a notice of her death, aged 102, appeared in THE LANCET. Nowadays our old friend "Vis medicatrix Naturar," I am afraid, is not so much trusted and relied upon as I am, Sir, yours faithfully, formerly. Crouch End, March 2nd, 1913. F. ORTON, M.D. Dub.

of Change of


Births, Marriages, and Deaths. BIRTHS. BROOKS.—On Feb. 28th, at Old Court, Hanger Hill, to Dr. and Mrs. Ralph St. John Brooks, a daughter (Kathleen Marion St. John).

MARRIAGES. KENNARD—HOFFMANN.—On Feb. 26th, Dudley Kennard, F.R.C.S., to Frieda, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoffmann, of Brandfort,

O.F.S., and London.


DEATHS. COLVIN—SMITH.—On March 1st. at Cresswell-gardens, South Kensington, S.W., Sir C. Colvin-Sinith , K.C.B., K.H.S., M.D., in his





Feb. 27th, at Barkston-gardens, S.W., Edwardl Henderson, M.D., aged 72 years. POIGNAND.—On March 2nd, at a nursing home, Malcolm Poignand,, M.D., of The Beeches, Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk, in his 63rdL year. -------

N.B.—A fee

of 5s. is

charged for the insertion of Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.


THE fifth annual report of this association has been issued. The object of the association is to organise and utilise in civil employment the fully qualified male nurses who have received a costly training in the army and navy which is likely to be wasted on their leaving the service, since they often drift into unsuitable employment where their skilled training finds no market value. Bytheiremployment in civil life a double public need is subserved, for not only are