New BSI publications

New BSI publications

Books and Publications The skills of the Editor are evident from the consistency in style of the 51 chapters and by the ease with which information ca...

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Books and Publications The skills of the Editor are evident from the consistency in style of the 51 chapters and by the ease with which information can be located, despite having been written by 56 contributors. Environmental effects are incorporated, either by stating known facts or by speculating on the degree of hazard presented by the use of some materials. The book offers an easy-to-use, informative, up-to-date and factual guide to a comprehensive range of construction materials. It has been my starting point on numerous occasions and I should hate to be without it! Helen B Dunne

New BSI publications DD ENV 1992. Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. Price £168 (£84 members) PD 6532: Part 2, 1992: Guide to contents of certificates of reference materials, £28 (£14 members); Part 3, 1992: Guide to uses of certified reference materials, £40 (£20 members); Part 4, 1992: Guide to general and statistical principles for certification of reference materials, £52 (£26 members) BS 1881: Part 129, 1992: Method for determination of density of concrete of very low workability compactible only by tamping. £23 (£11.50 members) BS 3412: 1992: Methods of specifying general purpose polyethylene materials for moulding and extrusion. £40 (£20 members) BS 7561: 1992: Method for corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres at very low concentrations of polluting gas/es. £28 (£ 14 members) BS 8118: Part 1, 1992: Structural use of aluminium, Code of Practice for design. Part 1 £98 (£49 members), Part 2 £40 (£20 members) BS 5950: Part 1 & Part 7, 1992: Structural use of steelwork in building; Part 2, 1992: Specification for materials, fabrication and erection, hot rolled sections, £40 (£20 members); Part 7, 1992: Specification of materials and workmanship, cold formed" sections, £40 (£20 members)


BS 2499: Part 2, 1992: Hot applied joint sealing systems for concrete pavements. £28 (£14 members) BS EN 10002-5: 1992: Tensile testing of metallic materials. £40 (£20 members) BS 6699: 1992: Specification for ground granulated blastfurnace slag for use with Portland cement. £23 (£11.50 members) BS 7543: 1992: Guide to durability of building elements, products and components. £52 (£26 members)

Fire saJbty of building and construction Leading American specialists met at the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association Spring 1992 Conference to discuss innovations in fire safety for the building and construction and home furnishings industries. The complete proceedings of this conference are now available in a new book, Technical and Marketing Issues Impacting the Fire Safety of Building and Construction and Home Furnishings Applications. The 25 reports present in-depth information on developments in the field of fire safety and cover the use of such chemicals as molybdenum, boron, alumina trihydrate and magnesium hydroxide, phosphorus, melamine, the halogens, antimony and tin, organohalogens, and others. Over 100 tables and figures supplement the text with useful data. Proceedings from the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, ISBN 0-87762-9544, 1992, 258 pp., softcover, SFr. 319. Available from Techomic Publishing AG, Missionsstrasse 44, CH-4055 BASEL, Switzerland. A detailed leaflet describing this book is available from the publisher upon request.

Fire engineering in sports stands Insights into the scientific approach to the specification of structural fire precautions for sports stadia are provided

Construction and Building Materials 1993 Volume 7 Number 1

by a new publication Fire Engineering in Sports Stands. Published by British Steel General Steels, the booklet describes six major projects in which fire engineering has been used to assess and make recommendations on structural fire precautions and, where appropriate, suitable protection and prevention methods. Aspects of design and specification of materials and fittings are outlined in the text. Copies of the publication, which is illustrated throughout in full colour, are free from British Steel General Steels, Commercial Office - Sections, PO Box 24, Steel House, Redcar, Cleveland TS10

5QL. Durability studies on blastfurnace slag cement concretes Studies carried out by BRE have quantified some of the benefits for concrete durability gained by the addition of ground glassy blastfurnace slag. BRE Information Paper 'Durability of blastfurnace slag cement concretes' summarizes the results of studies carried out on the performance and long-term durability of concrete where ground glassy blastfurnace slag has been used as a cementitious material. The Paper reports on the following areas:

1 Studies of site structures including carbonation and permeability; 2 Laboratory and exposure site studies of concrete durability, including sulphate resistance, acid resistance, resistance to marine environments; 3 BRE recommendations with respect to alkali silica reaction; 4 Recommendations for the use of slag in concrete. IP 6/92 provides guidance for those concerned with the design specification, application and performance of concrete in practice. Copies of 'Durability of blastfurnace slag cement concretes' by Geoff Osborne are available from the BRE Bookshop, Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford WD2 7JR, price £2.50 (post free).