into the preputia1 cavity. (Fig. 3.) The prepuce is then spread everdy around the be11 and the cIamp is locked tight. The
a great majority of practitioners still prefer to use the time honored dorsal sht-trim-suture tech-
FIG. 4. FIG. 3. FIG. 2. FIGS. I TO4. I, Circumcision cIamp. z, Cross-section of the tip of the clamp showing the heI1 and the ring. 3, IIIustration showing the be11 introduced into the preputia1 cavity. 4, CIamp Iocked and prepuce excised.
cIamp is left in place for a minute or two over the patient’s coagulation time, while _ _ the prepuce is trimmed otf with a scalpel over the ring and against the beI1. (Fig. 4.) The cIamp is then unIocked and removed. The advantage of this over cIamps currentIy in use Iies in the folIowing: The clamp is in one piece and can be handIed with one hand while the others are made of three separate pieces, and their use entaiIs quite a bit of fumbling particuIarIy in the hands of the occasional operator. The withdrawa of this clamp after the completion of the operation, does not open up the freshIy cut edge of the prepuce as do other cIamps, and is, therefore, Iess prone to start bIeeding.
nit of circumcision, the popuIarity of the cIamp method, be it a pIain cIamp, the Gomco, Lindsay cIamp, or other modifications, warrants the attempt to devise an instrument which is simpIer in construction and easier to manipulate. The construction of this cIamp is basicaIIy that of any ordinary hemostatic forceps. (Fig. I .) The tip of the upper blade ends in a beIL tunded for the escape of urine, whiIe the lower bIade supports a ring in which the be11 rests when the cIamp is cIosed, as iIIustrated by cross-section in Figure 2. Once the adhesions between the prepuce and the gIans are separated, and in cases of extreme phimosis, the prepuce sIit dorsahy, the organ is passed through the ring at the Iower bIade of the clamp. The rim of the prepuce is then held with two mosquito cIamps and the be11 is introduced