pending for use of the sweetener in confections. For further information, contact: Karl Gruetherman, Hoechst Celanese at 201-231-2436.
An advanced computer-controlled case storage and retrieval system for the food and dairy industry has been introduced to the North American markets through a licensing agreement between Litton Industrial Automation, Hebron, KY, and Elten Systems, Barneveld, Holland. Litton will design, manufacture and install Elten's automated material handling systems for the United States, Canadian and Mexican markets. Accurate order filling just-in-time production scheduling are two benefits derived from the system's direct order entry link between the dairy and its customer. The flexible LittonlElten material handling system allows both single case and single item picking. The palletless system offers complete air circulation for better storage of perishable food and dairy products. For further information, contact: Litton Industrial Automation, 2300 Litton Lane, Hebron, KY 41048 (or call 606-334-3000).
DELEX CHEMICALS, Inc. introduces LUSAN, a food grade spray lubricant for use in food processing and handling areas. LUSAN is pure USP Mineral Oil authorized for use by the USDA as an H 1 lubricant with incidental food contact for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. LUSAN complies with the FDA regulation, CFR Title 21 on food additives. LUSAN is used in poultry plants, dairies and restaurants to lubricate and prevent rust on saw blades, tenderizers, eviscerating equipment, bearings, pump parts, process line guides, gaskets and other critical components. Odorless and tasteless, LUSAN will not change food flavor or texture. It is a soil release agent, which makes cleaning easier while reducing parts replacelO / IA
ment costs. It is safe for use on all metals and improves the appearance of stainless steel. For further information, contact: DELEX CHEMICAL Marketing Division, 1018 Branch Drive, Alpharetta, GA 30201 (or call 404-4425050).
ApriI2-4, 1990: 7th International Symposium on Microencapsulation. Glasgow, Scotland. For further information contact: Secretariat, Meeting Makers, 50 Richmond St. , Glasgow, G1 1XP, Scotland, U.K. (or call 041-552-7157, FAX 041-553-4149; Telex 77472). .
ApriI23-25, 1990: Third Annual Beverage industry Conference. Chicago, IL. Sponsored by the Beverage Industry Advisory Council (BIAC) of the Food Processing Machinery & Supplies Association (FPM&SA). For further information call 800-331-881 6.
LUSAN food-grade spray lubricant ApriI23-27, 1990: 44th Annual Meeting, R&D Associates. San Antonio, TX. For further information contact: Col. (Ret) Merton Singer, R&D Associates, 103 Biltmore Drive, Suite 106, San Antonio, TX 78213-2202 (or call 512-344-5773).
CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIA APRIL April 1-6, 1990: VII Latin American and Caribbean Food Science and Technology Seminar. San Jose, Costa Rica. For further information contact: VII Latin American and Caribbean Seminar, (CITA), Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica (or call 25-98-85 or 24-80-27 or FAX 506-0533762).
April 2-11, 1990: 2nd International Meeting on Bacterial Epidemiological Markers. For further information, contact Dr. David Mossel, Department of the Science of Food of Animal Origin, University of Utrecht, P.O. Box 80175, 3508 TD Utrecht. The Netherlands.
MAY May 6-10, 1990: Food Microstructure Annual Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland. For further information contact: Food Microstructure, clo Sem Inc., P.O. Box 66507, AMm O'Hare (Chicago), IL 60666 (or call 3123-529-6677).
May 6-10, 1990: Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Food Science and Technology 1990 Convention, "Food Plastics". Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. For further information contact: Food Pacific Convention Secretariat, Pacific Rim Convention Systems Pty. Ltd., GPO Box 853, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia (or call 61-07-220-0231 ). J. {nSf. Can. Sci. Technol. Aliment. Vol. 23. No. I. 1990