5th Internanonal Conference on Boundary Elements 8-11 November 1983 Haroshama, Japan
Japanese members Professor T Futagaml and Professor M. Tanaka of the Hlroshlma Institute of Technology and the Unwerslty of Osaka together wath ISCME Secretary, Dr C A. Brebbla, form the orgamsmg committee of this important conference being staged for the first time m the Far East. The four prewous conferences an this series were held in Southampton and Cahfomm and the new location reflects the increasing interest given to the techmque m this part of the world. Papers are now being received and the main themes of the Conference have now been finahsed. These are mathematical principles, potential problems, electro/magnetic field problems, heat transfer, potential wave problems, stress concrete/fracture mechamcs, plates and shells, elasticity problems, geomechamcs, dynamacs, industrial apphcatlons, optarnisatlon, numerical techniques, couphng. Further details can be obtained from Dr C A. Brebbm, Computational Mechanics, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO4 2AA
Ftmte Elements Systems Handbook, 2nd edition CML Pubhcatlons, ISBN 095451 1 47, 500 pages approx Hardback £39.00. This handbook is an essential reference book for engineers who need up-to-date reformation on fimte element systems and who wish to select the most appropriate fimte element system for thetr work. Ttus handbook contains descriptions of over 30 of the most well known finite element systems available plus some speclahst systems The capabxhtles and facilities of the system are described and examples of their use gwen
Proceedmgs o f the Second, Thtrd, and Fourth Conferences on Boundary Element Methods (sponsored by ISCME) Copies of all these proceedings are still avatlable and together form a valuable body of reference material for engineers both theoretlclans and practitioners Authors who have contributed to any of these volumes are entitled to a 10% discount
New Developments m Boundary Element Methods Proceedings of the Second International Seminar at Southampton Unwersity, March 1980 Twenty-five papers. Topics covered include basic principles, potential problems, hydrodynamics, solid mechanics, elasticity and numerical techniques Hardback £32 00, 400 pages, ISBN 0905451 01 5. Boundary Element Methods Proceedings of the Third International Seminar, July 1981, Irvlne, Cahfornla
Adv. Eng. Software 1983, Vol 5, No 3
Forty papers on basic principles potential problems, elasticity, plasticity, time dependent problems. Hardback £34.00, 750 pages, ISBN 3-540-10 816-5
Boundary Elements m Engmeermg Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Boundary Element Methods, Southampton Umverslty, September 1982 Forty-two papers with special emphasis on new nonhnear apphcatlons, transient problems, sod-structure interaction analysis, plate bending problems and industrial apphcatlons Hardback, £46 50, 800 pages, ISBN 0 90541 11
Preliminary announcement A new international quarterly for innovations m boundary elements, finite elements, and computational techniques. Engm eermg A nalysls Editor C A Brebbla Co-Editors M. Tanaka, R Shaw CML Pubhcatlons are to launch another journal in the spring of 1984 This new quarterly is specifically dedicated to the development of new techniques in engineering analysis stressing their computational aspects and appllcabmhty The mare cnterla for pubhcatmon wall be the originality of the work being reported and its potential usefulness Papers on new techniques such as boundary elements wall be especially welcome Other areas focused on by the new pubhcatlon wall be developments in finite differences and other numerical methods Other features will include news of new software, computer hstlngs and the practical uses of computer codes as well as state-of-the-art papers and other useful information. The main aim of the journal is to provide a channel of commumcat~on between academics as well as industrial researchers workmg with novel engineering analysis techniques. The fields to be covered are Computational Mechanics, Boundary Elements and Integral Equations, Flmte Elements, Numerical Methods; Software Techniques, Computational Techniques in Design Regular features include a calendar of events, book reviews, conference reports, letters to the editor, news A special pre-pubhcatlon offer for subscriptions received before January 1984 of £49 00 ($99 00) is available for the first volume Further detads can be obtained from CML Pubhcatlons, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO4 2AA, UK
BEAS Y Educational Computational Mechanics announce a new discount scheme where its BEASY system is to be used for educational purposes This will be available for academics and students using the system for education, training and research of a non-profit-making nature. The system compnses the two-d~mensional and asymmetnc modules of the BEASY system including the preand post-processor Further detads can be obtained from Computational Mechamcs, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO4 2AA