901 POISONING WITH ARSENIC—SUCAction of the Remedy. CESSFUL ANTIDOTE. When the digestive organs are in a healthy state, M. Poyla administers the remedy in
THE following may be added to the cases which we have already published, and which Anthrakokali, 10 centigram. ; powdered liquorice-root, 25 ditto. Three demonstrate the efficacy of the hydrated or four of the powders, for a dose, peroxide of iron in poisoning with arsenic :— during the day. On the 4th of October last, MM. S—, The most ordinary effect of the medicine father and son, were seized with violent is to produce some heat of skin, with acce- vomiting immediately after supper. It was leration of the pulse, which is followed by discovered that some substance was congeneral perspiration. Most patients are tained in the wine-bottle from which they thus affected on the fourth or fifth day; had drunk. The bottle was at once carried others as late as the fifteenth. When the to a medical man, who tested the contents nocturnal sweats appear, the patches of with the blow-pipe, and discovered arsenic. cutaneous disease become more red, and Three hours after the presumed poisoning secrete an increased quantity of matter. the iron was administered, and after the Those symptoms, however, soon go off, and third or fourth dose the vomiting had ceased ;
manner :—
the original malady begins to improve ; but the remedy was, however, continued for the it is commonly necessary to carry the medi- sake of precaution, and towards 7 o’clock, cine sufficiently far to produce a true febrile A.M., the patients fell asleep. On the fol. reaction. This latter is often moderate, but lowing day they were perfectly recovered. members of the family and servants, occasionally very violent, when the medi- Some who had tasted a small quantity of the wine, cine must be suspended. M. Poyla recites a great number of cases through curiosity, were all seized with as evidence of the efficacy of this remedy in vomiting. A considerable quantity of the dartrous affections, scrofula, and other re- poison was found in the bottom of the bottle, and that taken by the two men must have bellious cutaneous diseases.—.4&rtdgd./rom been much more than sufficient to occasion French Gazette, Feb. 29, 1840. death.— Journal de Chimie, Jan.1840.
M. TROUSSEAU speaks highly of a form of blister which he has recently invented, or rather modified from the English preparation. An aethereal extract of cantharides is THE following method is given by M. obtained from tlae action of sulphuric oether the powder of Spanish flies. Portiona Desfontenelles, in a recent number of the on of blotting-paper of various sizes are im" Journal de Chimie :"— bibed with this extract, and form so many Take the swimming-bag of a tench, or blisters. From numerous experiments, M. Trousseau found that this preparation proany fish about five to seven inches in length ; fix the bag to the end of a copper tube by duced vesication in about eight hours and a means of a ligature, and cover the ligature half, a time much shorter than any other with another tube, which contains at its blister will act in. The new blistering paper middle part a small valve; below the latter is more readily prepared than the common is a small opening, closed by a key. On blisters; is much more clean, is portative, blowing through the extremity of the tube and does not cost more. Papers may also the bladder is inflated, and the air retained be prepared with the extract of cantharides, of keeping blistered surfaces by the valve ; a solution of gelatine is then for the purpose Thus th, th, th, or th parts of prepared after M. Garot’s formula (" Journal open. de Chimie," March, 1838). The bladder is the extract may be mixed with one of yelgreased with some lard, and then dipped in low wax, and spread upon paper.—Abridged the gelatine; on being withdrawn, the tube from MedicoChirurgical Journal, No. 4, is rolled by the fingers, in order to diffuse 1839. the gelatine equally over the bladder, and the mass is allowed to coal. When the PARALYSIS AND NEURALGIA. gelatine is quite cold the capsule is sepaM. MAGENDIE is much in the habit of rated, the little key turned, and the air allowed to escape ; the mould is then easily employing electricity in the treatment of withdrawn, as the grease prevents it from these affections. He has recently cured sticking to the gelatine. With seven or two young persons affected with facial eight such moulds a great number of cap. hemiplegia, by electricity, communicated to sules may be prepared, particularly in cold the nerves through means of platina wires. In experimenting, M. Magendie remarked weather.