New generation vaccines

New generation vaccines

1056 Book Reviews tory process and pain. It is a comprehensive approach that brings much important information together in one volume and will be ve...

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Book Reviews

tory process and pain. It is a comprehensive approach that brings much important information together in one volume and will be very useful to all those doing clinical trials or interested in drug evaluation.

Drug Use and Misuse-By S. MAISTO, M. GALIZIO and G. J. CONNORS. 476 pp. 1991. Holt. Rinehart and Winston, Texas. This is a text for undergraduate courses that involve study of the biological and social effects of psychoactive drugs. After background chapters on drug use and abuse. drugs and the nervous system, principles of pharmacology; the compounds dealt with are cocaine and amphetamines; minor stimulants (tobacco. caffeine); alcohol: depressants; psychiatric drugs; opiates; mariJuana; hallucmogens; prescription and over the counter drugs; social and personality factors in drug abuse; treatment: prevention. The book is well written and has summaries and references at the end of each chapter. Students should find it interesting and informative.

New Generation Vaccines--Edited by G. C. WOODROW and M. M. LEVINE. 979 pp. 1990. Marcel Dekker. New York. $165 (U.S.A. and Canada) $198 elsewhere. The application of molecular biological techniques has opened up a new era in the development of vaccines. The new vaccines are more selective and safer. The techniques also have led to the improvement of already established vaccines. This book deals with; the background to presentday vaccines; molecular immunology; potentiation by adjuvents and alternative presentation of antigens; new and improved vaccines (pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, cholera, vibrio, meningococcus, Haemophilus injluenzae, Rickettsia, influenza, Polio, rabies, Hepatitis B, Yellow fever, encephalitis. Dengue); vaccines against diseases for which vaccines are not already available [Plasmodiumfalciparum--sporozoite-asexual blood stage-sexual stages, Vivax malaria, Leishmania, gonococcus, Streptococcus pyogenes, leprosy, E. coli, Shigella sp., Kiebsiella sp., Pseudomonas sp., AIDS, rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Varicella, Lassa fever, Herpes simplex, antitumor vaccines; prevention of pregnancy vaccines; cattle ticks. The final section is on commercial and regulatory aspects of vaccine production. The book is comprehensive and is an excellent guide to an important and rapidly developing subject.