Since the last Number of this Journal was published, the Editor has been appointed S~q)erinlendent (,)/'the Dalen! office, and has commenced the perfbrmance of his official duties, at the city of Washington. The only change which this event will make in the publication of the Journal, will be highly favourable to it; as a valuable mass of inlbrmatiou is thus placed at the disposal of the Editor~ which will enrich his work, and put into the hands of the public the most important fl'uits of that mechanical genius for which our country is so eminently distinguished. Many useful inventions will thus become generally known, and their authors often be essentially benefitted, by having rescued from obscurity, or oblivion, those productions of their sldli, to which they are frequently without the means of calling the attention of the t)ublic. Upon this subject, some further remarks will appear in our nex~ number, which couhl not be prepared in time tbr this, as it was in the press beibre the Editor was informed of his appointment. Care will be taken, on the commencement of the next volume, to have the numbers issue simultaneously, at Philadelphia, and at the seat of the General Government.
New Mode of R ~ , d n g &t~ar.--When, in our last number~ we proposed to publish the communications of Mr. J. J. Hawkins, on Howard's mode of relining sugar, we resembled those who determine to build without counting the cost. Although we had examined the pro. cess as it appeared ill the successive number of tile Bepertory ofl'atent IJzvcnlio~s, we had [i,'gotte~l its extent. We now lind,that it occupies about li)rty pa;~es of letter press, and would require six octavo plates for its illustration. "I.'hele(ter l)vess might be easily condensed, but the illustrati(ms arc absolutely necessary, to the perfection of the article. The A(h~elwuln, aml other public institutions possess the ]~eperto~'?], and theJ~u~ who are particularly il)terested in mastering the su ; o c:t1, ," ma3," find. ,'m .11o ~ort ~ fity of doin~:~, so, ~lfilst. tim ~reat mass of our subscrtbers might justly cou@ain, were we to devote so large a portion of out' work, to a subject which, although of great importance in itseli; is by no means~ ol~e of general interest.