44 formation of a There cloudy spot cataract was very visible. Psrtlno MORPHINE.—It is but slightly in the eye, and soluble in water, and still le...

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44 formation of



cloudy spot

cataract was very visible. Psrtlno MORPHINE.—It is but slightly in the eye, and soluble in water, and still less so in alcohol the edges of the wound showed a tendency and in ether. Alcohol at 360 R. takes up to unite with the subjacent portion of the a little more; solution of ammonia does not

iris ;



was ordered, to sensibly dissolve it ; the solutions of potass which produced an and soda dissolve it in large quantity, and excellent effect, and after three days the on saturating the alkalies by an acid, it is child was permitted to amuse himself as precipitated; an excess of acid seems to usual. The parents were recommended not slightly favour its solution. Strong sulto employ surgical assistance, for the re- phuric acid turns it to a deep brown and moval of the cataract, in too great a hurry. changes it. Nitric acid acts on it in the Four months had elapsed, when M. Gerson same way as on morphia, and produces an was again called in to see the patient, whose intense red colour, and, finally, converts it parents entreated him to undertake an ope- into oxalic acid. The most remarkable proration. On examining the eye he perty of this substance is the intense blue that absorption of the cataract had already colour which it strikes with the persalts of commenced; there was a small perforation iron, especially the pertnuriate. This coin the centre of the cloudy body. Extract lour disappears when there is an excess of of belladonna was now rubbed over the acid, in the same way as morphia does. The eyebrow, and the dilatation of the pupil per- affinity of this substance for the oxide of mitted this fact to be established beyond any iron is such, that although it resists the doubt. As the pupil gradually dilated, the solvent power of sulphuric acid, and is disabsorption was seen to proceed, and was solved only in small quantity by hydrochloric (muriatic)acid, vet the ultimately completed.—Il Filait. Sebezio. of iron dissolves a considerable quantity of it. This solution is of a fine blue colour, When heated, it becomes of a dirty green ; on adding a little ammonia, there is a slight NEW PRINCIPLES IN OPIUM. precipitation, and the liquor takes the coof Alicant wine, and the organic matter Two new principles have been discovered be removed without complete decomin opium by M. Pelletier, who thus namescannot These phenomena are nearly the position. and describes them in the Journal cle Pharsame as those presented by morphia when mccie for September-.i similarlv treated. When submitted to the action of heat, the pseudo morphine does not scarcely soluble in water, and very soluble volatilize; it does not undergo complete in alcohol and in ether. Even in cold water it is decomposed at the moment it it has a bitter and styptic; taste. By spon- fusion, seems to become soft. Distiiled in a glass taneous evaporation, it crystallizes in neecucurbite, it yiel(1s a little oil, and a little which to the adhere sides of the vesdles, water slightly acid, but from which potass sel. It is slightly soluble in the acids; the ammonia. A large quantity of alkalies precipitate it from its solution, and is condensed when the cucurbite is an excess of alkali does not redissolve it, to the air. unless the alkaline solution is very concen- ) exposed The following is the analysis of the subtrated. The solutions in acids never yield stances compared with morphia, according crystals ; the evaporation only furnishes M. Liebeg:— small yellow plates. It is not volatilized at a high temperature, but it is decomposed in the same manner as the other vegetable alkalies, yielding nitrogen compounds. It differs from morphine in its not being reddened by the action of strong nitric acid, and in its not forming crystallizable salts with the acids ; nor is it changed to a blue colour by the salts of iron. It resembles codeine by its solubility in alcohol and in ANATOMICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS. ether, and by its alkalinity; but it differs from it in not forming large crystals, nor Extracts from the Bulletin of the Society, forming crystallizabic salts, and in its being 2B"o. 1, September, 1835. precipitated from its solutions in acids by ammonia. It has no analogy with narceine or M. CRUVEILHIER announced to the sonicotrine. The only substance which para- ciety " a new canse of shortening of the morphine nearly resembles is narcotinc ; thigh,"—viz. depression of the cotyloid cavity however, the difference of the taste, of the into the pelvis. In the female who prefusibility, and of the solubility in alcohol, sented this disposition, the femurs, meai’1 sufficientto distinguish the one from the sured with care, did not offer the slightest other. difference in lenght. an

astringent collyria

combat the

opake spot,




PARAMORPHINE.—This substance is white,

disengages carbon
