New stratigraphic names in the southern Taroom Trough, Queensland

New stratigraphic names in the southern Taroom Trough, Queensland

01 Solidfuels(sources,winning,PrOPtWieS) 95102277 Minerals of the upper Arno River Valley, Tuscany, Italy Corazza, M. et al., Mineral. Rec., 1994...

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Minerals of the upper Arno River Valley, Tuscany,

Italy Corazza,

M. et al., Mineral. Rec., 1994, 25, (4), 293-299.

Describes the mineralogy of two distinct areas in the vicinity of Florence, Italy. One refers to the Santa Barbara lignite mining area and the other covers the Levane area.

A new model for the swelling of coal


Painter, P. and Shenoy, 364-371.


Energy & Fuels, Mar.-Apr.

1995, 9, (Z),

The Flory-Rehner approach to the swelling of polymer networks is modified so as to abandon the affine deformation assumption, instead using the assumptions of the c model of de Gennes. The resulting model, in which the mixing term is also modified to account for hydrogen bonding, is applied to coal networks. The results indicate that the number of statistical segments between junction points is small and in treatin the swelling of coal networks energetic terms will probably have to be ta‘I;en into account.

New stratlgraphlc names In the southern Taroom 95102279 Trough, Queensland Beeston, J. W. and Green, P. M. Queensland Government Mining J., Mar. 1995, 96, 23-28. A revision of the lithostratigraphy of the Permian succession of the southern Taroom Trough has resulted in the recognition of a new formation, the Burunga Formation including the Scotia Member. The unit reflects the youngest marine sedimentation in the basin and the onset of major coal measure deposition in the southern Taroom Trough. The formation exhibits regional facies variations with marine sedimentation dominant in the north and coal measure deposition in the south. A regional transgression in the unit forms a key horizon for establishing the relationship between units in the southern Taroom Trough.

Predlctlng the devolatlllzatlon behavior of any coal 95102204 from Its ultimate analysis Niksa, S. Combustion & Flame, Feb. 1995, 100, (3), 384-394. FLASHCHAIN has been developed to predict yields and product characteristics from any coal for any operating conditions. This evaluation demonstrates the model’s utility for the usual situation where the ultimate analysis is the only sample-specific information available. It also identifies the key reaction centres in coal as its structured components called labile bridpes. Their elemental comoositions are nrosslv different than the analogoucwhole-coal properties, showing much-stronier rank dependences and a much higher degree of sample-to-sample vanability. In light of these findings, it is inconceiveable that bridge conversion rates are rankindependent.

Smectlte and llllte/smectlte mlxad-layer clay mlnarals In the Ashlbetsu coals


Kimura, T. et al., Int. J. Coal GeoZ., 1994, 26, (3), 215-231. Smectite, K-smectite and illite/smectite mixed-layer minerals are found as expandable clay minerals in the Paleogene coal seams of the Ashibetsu coal mine in the Ishikari coal field, Hokkaido, Japan. As K-smectite often exists in tuff, tuffaceous shale and coal near tuff, and only occasionally in shale, the K-smectite is simulv thought to renresent detrital irmut from tuff. Smectite often exists in the’coals ne% interialated tuff, roof iuff and tuffaceousshale beds, but is not found in these sediments. Although many tuffs contain both K-smectite and illite/smectite mixed-layer clay minerals, the smectite coexists with only K-smectite in many coals and the coal in which smectite occurs never has both of the other minerals.

Sorptlon of Iodine by coals of dlfferent metamorphlsm stages


Rus’yanova, N. D. and Derbina, T. M. Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (4), 9-13. (In Russian) Describes the correlations among I sorption by coals of various rank and coal petrographic composition and structural characteristics used for coal classification. Electron spectroscopy indicates the formation of an I donoracceptor conplex with vitrinite.

Speclatlon of the Inorganic components In brown


Observation of first- and second-order transltlona during the heating of Argonne Premium coals gfannon, A. J. and Hall, P. J. Energy & Fuels, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (I), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been used to investigate the thermal transitions occurring for a series of Argonne Premium coals. Two sets of experiments were conducted using different heating profiles to further examine a second-order transition which had previous1 been observed for Illinois No. 6 coal. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA r was also conducted on the samples to support the DSC data. The DSC results show that on initial heating a first-order transition is observed which is a function of the cooling cycle and that subsequent scanning shows a clear and reproducible second-order process with the characteristics of a glass transition process. TGA shows that no mass loss is associated with either of these transitions.

95lO2281 Or anlc geochamlstry characterlzatlon of the denslty fractions o8 a Permlan torbanlte Han, 2.

et aZ., Org. Geochem.,

1995, 22, (1X 39-50.

Discusses how two distinct organic components, the Botryococcus-related alginite (Reinschia) and the amorphous organic matrix, were isolated by high-resolution density gradient centrifugation from the torbanite (New South Wales, Australia) and characterized by fluorescence microscopy, elemental analysis and flash pyrolysis-GUMS of the CH,Cl, extracted density fractions.


Patrographlc composltlon and deposltlonal anvlronments of Crataceous coals and coal measures In the Mlddle Banue Trough of Nlgarla

Obaje, N. G. et al., Int. J. Coal Geol., 1994, 26, (3), 233-260. Cretaceous coals and coal measure seauences in the area around the ObULafia part of the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria were studied petrographically.


Pore structure of the Argonne Premium coals

Larsen, J. W. et al., Energy & Fuels, Mar.-Apr.

1995, 9, (Z), 324-330.

Data are presented that are inconsistent with the accepted model of coal pores existing as an interconnected network of bottlenecked pores. It is proposed that pores in coals are isolated and can be reached only by diffusion through the solid. The fractal dimensionality of the pores in five Argonne Premium coals were measured by small-angle X-ray scattering and vary between 2.35 and 2.87. The adsorption of the following gases has been measured on all of the Argonne coals: N2, CO,, ethane, cyclopropane, cyclobutane, cyclopentane, and cyclohexane.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts May 1995

Vogt, C. Fresenius'J. Anal. Chem., 1994, 350, (2), 89-92. Brown coal samples from different deposits were analysed for the bonding forms of their inorganic components. In addition to the analysis of the dried coals. ashina techniaues think and low-temperature ashine‘, and extraction l&edu&s with differ&t-solvents (e.g., acids, bases, cozplexing agents, and organic solvents) were also investigated in addition to ESCA, PIXE, INAA, ICP-at. emission spectroscopy, NMR and ion

Structural lnvestlgatlon of fulvlc acid from waatherad coal by using caplllary GC-MS


Zhou, X. and Zhang, D. Fuel Sci. Technol. Int., 1994, 12, (9), 1169-1182. Fulvlc acids extracted from a weathered coal (Tulufan? Xinjuan, China) was first methylated with diazomethane, and then fractionated by elution column chrO~atOfSaDhv into two fractions. from which 43 comoounds were structurally ize&?ed from the low-molecular-weight fraction by capillary GC-MS. The naphthalene-type structure has never been found m humic and fulvic acids before. 95102209 Structure analysls of matamorphlc sequence using graphltlzatlon of carbonaceous material In metamorphic rocks

Tagiri, M. et al., Chikyu Kagaku (Chigaku Dan&i Kenkyukai, 1994, 48, (4), 333-340. (In Japanese) The paper discusses the structural change of carbonaceous material from coalification to graphitization based on the X-ray diffraction analysis. As increasing temperature, thickness of carbon-sheets stack increases and those apparent d-spacing decreases. The authors estimated the error of apparent crystal size and d-spacing by the experiments. In the medium grade zone of the Sanbagawa metamo?phic beti of the Kanto Mountains, the error is so small to recognize any discontinuous change of temperature within the studied metamorphic sequence. Also presents two case studies on the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of the Kanto Mountains and of the Tenryu district. 95tO2290


Studlas on Curie-point pyrolysis of coal model

Murata, S. e? al., Energy & Fuefs, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (1), 119-125. Curie-point pyrolysis/GC and /GC/MS analyses were carried out for 14 coal model aromatic compounds with longer alkyl side chains or polymethylene bridges. It was found that (i pyrolytic products reflected quantitatively constituents of original mode r’ compounds (though thermal decomposition in these systems is complicated with several secondary reactions), (ii) a series of I-alkenes was obtained as major aliphatic products from the pyrolysis of the model compounds having longer alkyl side chain, while Curie-point pyrolysis of some coals or their extracts afforded a series of n-alkanes as major products along with minor amounts of lalkenes, and (iii) model compounds such as more condensed aromatic compounds or the aromatic compounds having oxygen functional groups afforded n-alkanes preferentially along with l-alkenes.