675 in which support is required for the lower part of the abdomen. Its construction is so simple, and free from all buckles or laces, that the figures of ladies wearing them can be fitted with the most perfect accuracy, by the person engaged in making them. ______
Hospital Reports.
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE INFIRMARY. Case of Fungus Hœmatodes. (Reported by THOMAS JOSEPH TURNBULL, Dresser.) J. S. aged 34, from the North Riding of Yorkshire, was admitted a patient into the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Infirmary, (under the care of Sir John Fife,) on the 24th April, with a large tumour, extending from the ilium to the lower third of the femur. She says she received a blow from a piece of wood five years ago, on the seat of the tumour. This swelling gradually increased in size, accompanied by frequent lancinating pain. She says she has, in general, enjoyed very good health. On the fifth day after her admittance into the hospital, a consultation was held, and the removal of the tumour decided upon. Being placed under the influence of chloroform, Sir John Fife commenced the operation by two elliptical incisions, beginning a little below the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, and extending down the outside of the thigh about fifteen inches; the integument included was about four inches broad between the centre of the Ineisions. Under the fascia a very thick cyst came into view. The scalpel was passed through at one extremity to confirm the opinion formed of the contents, which were medullary with grumous blood. The cyst was then dissected entire from the sartorius muscle, the vastus externus, and lastly, from the femur. Eight arteries were tied, and the wound brought together by sutures. Since the removal of the tumour, the symptoms of constitutional disturbance have not been more severe than expected from so extensive an operation. The wound is now a healthy, granulating surface; and the patient will shortly be able to leave the hospital. The nature of the disease precluded all hope of success, but from the circumstances of the inguinal glands appearing free from disease, and the tumour being, as it were, confined and circumscribed by a dense cyst, which was dissected out entire.
VACCINATION AND SMALL-POX. To the Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,— The interesting discussion on small-pox at the Medico-Chirurgical Society, and the doubts there expressed of the security afforded by vaccination, induce me to submit the following cases for the consideration of the profession, as any facts, however isolated, which would tend to make vaccination more secure, are, in my opinion, of importance. A young lady, about twenty, the second daughter of a gentleman residing in this neighbourhood, after a country excursion was seized with rigors and other febrile symptoms, which eventuated in a smart attack of small-pox: the pustules
GARDINER’S ALIMENTARY PREPARATION. (Copy of Label on Wrapper.) By ROYAL LETTERS PATENT, GARDINER’S ALIMENTARY PREPARATION. This valuable production, prepared, as it is, after the instruc*tions of the celebrated Professor Liebig, with a due proportion of nitrogenous matter, indispensably requisite for nourishment of which sago, arrowroot, tapioca, and other farinaceous sub. stances introduced to the public, are utterly devoid, will not be the mere fashion of a day, but remain a standard article of food, from its nutritive qualities and remarkable delicacy of flavour. It is especially adapted for children from the earliest period; for invalids and all those who suffer from weak digestion or irritable stomach; while for the healthy it produces many palatable delicacies for the table, as enumerated with the directions. The proprietor has not ventured to bring this diet before the public until he had submitted it to the notice of very many families and to some of the first medical men, who have beeu most urgent to recommend its use. Prepared at the RANELAGH WORKS, THAMES BANK, PIMLICO. Single canister, Is. 6d.; double canister, 2s. 6d. In cases of cholera and diarrhœa, this invaluable preparation has been found to afford immediate relief. None other genuine, unless signed and sealed,
John Gardiner ANALYSIS
(Obtained from the Proprietor.) This preparation consists entirely of RICE, reduced to the state of an extremely fine powder, which crepitates, under pressure, in the same manner as do most of the arrowroots. FIG. 1.
and much lest she should be marked. She occupied large airy apartment in a large mansion, and her mother and I relying on the security of very careful vaccination of the other young ladies, did not altogether prevent the ingress of her sisters; three of them were attacked, and two, the eldest and youngest, escaped, though equally exposed; on inquiry of the ladies’ mother, (a most intelligent woman), inthat she recollected distinctly that her eldest and youngest daughters had been tested by Boyce’s method-i. e., re-vaccinated on the eighth day. I mentioned this case lately to another lady, the mother of a large family, and she told me that her daughters had had small-pox after vaccination, and that one who had been revaccinated on the eighth day, according to Boyce’s plan, had I am, Sir, your obedient servant, escaped. ANDREW NOLAN, Wicklow, June 1851. Surgeon to Wicklow co. Infirmary.
distinct, on the face, chest, &c.,
formed me
Royal College of Surgeons have just
announced that the next examination for this distinction, will take place on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of July, on which occasion the candidates will be examined in Classics, Mathematics, and French. The professional examinations will take place on the 4th and 6th of August next.
were numerous but was entertained a
GARDINER’S ALIMENTARY PREPARATION. corpuscles; b b, masses of corpuscles.
a, loose starch