Newspaper Comment.

Newspaper Comment.

OFFICIAL B U L L E T IN table dentist in each city and arrange with him for a special course in crown and brldgework, or other specialty and through t...

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OFFICIAL B U L L E T IN table dentist in each city and arrange with him for a special course in crown and brldgework, or other specialty and through this dentist secure introduction to the dental depots. ^



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trade. W e are of the opinion that a warning to the dental profession, such as this one, against similar schemes, may prove

H e is described as being a tall man, over six feet, with a decided English ac­ cent, smooth face, and has a silicate filling in superior left cuspid.

beneficial. It belmoves the dental pro­ fession to eradicate from itself the odi­ um of “easy m arks.”

This man Fletcher was arrested in In­ dianapolis on September 1st, where he was attempting to obtain goods. It has now been ascertained that he has operated in Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, . Philadelphia and probably in other places still unreported.


H e is to be tried in Buffalo and in or­ der to prove that his operations are criminal it will be necessary to show that he has obtained goods under false pretense in various cities. The charge against him in Buffalo alone will not hold him unless it is shown to the court that the Buffalo dealer concerned is but one of numerous victims of the very clever criminal. Therefore, it is desired that every dealer or dentist who has been ap­ proached by this man, who is known to have operated under the names of Fletcher, Anderson and Harper, shall send a sworn statement of the circum­ stances. to the W ebster Dental Company, 700 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. It does not make any difference wheth­ er or not goods were actually obtained from you by this individual, but what the American Dental Trade Association wishes to establish is the fact that he has attempted to obtain goods in various cities and has succeeded in some in­ stances through the operation of the plan outlined. Delay may cause his release and he

The following article appeared as an editorial in the Asbury Park Press. A few more such articles in the newspa­ pers throughout the State might aid in bringing about the desired result: “ The N ew Jersey dentists want the State to appoint a member of the State Dental Society to the State Board of Health. The fact that dentistry has no repre­ sentation on the State Board of Health is taken to be unfair to the science that so nearly concerns the public health. A well posted dentist on the State Health Board, we imagine, might do a great deal for the public health. The science of dentistry has proven that many dis­ eases to which the people are subject are attributable to neglected and decay­ ed teeth. There are health situations that make it desirable that inspections include an examination o f the teeth, that methods desirable for the preservation of the teeth and the correction of latent disorders due to their neglected condi­ tion be either adopted or be made part of the oversight and official work of the State Board of Health. If a dentist is to be added to the State Board it is emi­ nently proper he be appointed from the State Dental Society, whose members may be counted on to commend the best man for the place.” — August New Jersey Dental Journal.

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