No Mystery

No Mystery

1937 DISEASES OF THB CHEST DR.•JAY ARTITTTR Mvm;.. . wns r-lected I're-ddent of t lu- :X.I tiona 1 ~\sRoria tion. His election was accla imr-d h~' n...

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DR.•JAY ARTITTTR Mvm;.. . wns r-lected I're-ddent of t lu- :X.I tiona 1 ~\sRoria tion. His election was accla imr-d h~' not only the National, hut hy all ot her organizatiODR interested in the tnherr-nloais pr-ohlern. DR. JAY ARrrTIITR ~IY]

and has helped maintain their h igh standard for mr-urhcrsh i p If e also eontrihuted to the .wor-k of onr RtatiRtlcal Committee. In addition to h is other activities, DR. )IYERS is an author of pulmonary diseases for the CYCLOPEDL\. OF ~IEDI('INE published by F. A. Davis Company. F. w. n TIlE American ..\~RO­ dation for 'I'horacir Rl1T'gpr~' hr-Irl t hr-ir annnal meeting at Raranar Lake, New York. on May 31st, -Inne 1Rt and 2nd. Dr. Stuart lr. Harring-ton, of the Mavo Clini« at Rochester, Mirmesotn, was electI'll as the President of the assor-iat ion for t]w coming Yf'ar. IIf' was the Vice-Presl(lent of the associnfion last ypnr. Other officers elected were, Dr. Harnld Brunn, Ran Francisco. Vice-President ; Dr, Richard H. Meade, .Ir., Philadelphia, Pa., Secretary ~ Dr. Edward D. Churchill, Boston, :Ma~R., 'l'reasurer : and Dr. Evarts .\. Graham, Rt. Louis, Mo., Editor, Dr. Leo R]oPR~pr of Ran Francisco, California, is tho retir inrr President. Hi!"!

Meeting of

Thoracic Surgeons

Presirlential a(]rlrp..,.., conRiRtprl of a Rrientifie paper, entit]erl, "RronrhoRtpTIotir Cavities anrl Other r]oRPfl Fori of Tnhf'r1'1110u8 guppuration in the Lung." Three of the mf'mherR Wf'rp elevated to Honorary ~femherRhip for ollt!"!tanrlingrontrihutionR in thp fiplrl of Thoracic Rllrg'f'r~T. The mpn who l'prpivprl thhl, rp\'og-nition flT'P: 1)T'. TT:ms .Taeohapll", Rtorkhohn, Rwpopn. who waR thp prin('ipal guest RpE'aker at the meflting; Dr.


Edward Archibald of Montr-eal, Canada ; nnrl Dr, Nathan ,Yo Green of New Cn naau. C'onnecticut. Thil;,j elevates tho Iist of Honorary Membership in the ..\ merican Association of Thoracic Sur~pry to 14 chosen during a period of 20 yeat-s. The nu-eting "ill hp held next year at Atlanta, Georgia. F. 'V. B.


THERE is 110 longer anything mvsteriou« about tuberculosis. "~f' havr- known it~ en use sint'f' lFi~~. "~t' know that it is spread in only one \\ ay ; from the lungs of onr suffering f1'01l1 tho disease. 'I'h« pI'P~f'nre of one t ubert-ulon« person in a household foreho(l('~ the infection of other mern hers of flip family, awl throngh them. of their friPIIll:-- awl neighbors. their companions ill :~H" hool, awl their co-wot-kers in the business world. Remove that one person befor-e he has ill fedpfl anyone eIRe and the disease stOPR right thr-re. Moreover, if he is removed to a sanatot-ium where he can he treated with the modern weapons of science. he will probably return to the family within a compru-i tivelv short t irne, no longer a menace to himself and others. T'ulei-culosis is as simple as that. Boiled (10" n , it is a 111<1ttPJ' of dol lars and cents, lJe('all~r it tu kr« a grpat flf'nl of money to build hospitals, and to equip and maintn in them. Hower PI, they arr Inrlispen xa hlr-, and if we wish to prarli('atp tuber 1'11lo...i.., all available lJ~ll,,- in the e. R. HlURt he put to nse. It has been said "'Yc know all we nr-ed to know in orrler to brill g h u.uan tuhercuIos is under control nTHI make it a minor instearl of a major d~~pase. But this knowledge has hf'rn incompletely applied. I' Mystery

• • •

C. M. H.

ERRATA 'VP wi..;h to lannnounce that tIll"), ~en­ trn('c in nr, I . eoni(loff'R paper rrarling: "Oil hr l'Pf'tnm win many timeR answer tIl(' Ramp pnl'po~p,l' shonld rearl "Ether in oil h~' l'petmll ,,'ill lwmy tinwR an~weT' tIl(' ~all)(l Jlll1'pORP " This i1 pl'p:1l'pcI on pagfl 1;) of 1hI' l\ray. 1 HB7 h;:~l1e in nl'. Leonidoff'R papf"!". HO"'" TO H.\NDLE ..\RTHl\fIC