672 with to these general attributes of living sub- In the proceedings of the Chemical Society published oo Now there is a vast fund of this kind of ...

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672 with

to these general attributes of living sub- In the proceedings of the Chemical Society published oo Now there is a vast fund of this kind of know- March 2nd a report on the subject appears containing certain which are the outcome of a prolonged conledge at the disposal of anyone who seeks it. Yet what recommendations sideration of the question by a number of chemists and passes under the name of elementary biology in medical physiologists. The original committee, we learn, was called education teaches practically nothing with regard to these into being by the Physiological Society and by the Publicaprimary facts. At some period in his education the student tion Committee of the Chemical Society. Subsequently, a may possibly learn that cells may exhibit the phenomenon number of chemists interested in the subject took the matter of karyokinesis but it is improbable that he will have any into consideration in conjunction with a few representatives of exact knowledge with regard to this or any knowledge at all the Physiological Society and finally a draft report embodythe conclusions arrived at was prepared by Dr. W. D. with regard to many equally important and fundamental ing Halliburton and Dr. F. Gowland Hopkins, which was conprocesses. Indeed, it is quite likely that he will never even sidered and amended at a meeting of the Publication Comfully grasp that all the living substance of the body is com- mittee of the Chemical Society, at which the physiologists posed of cells and that living matter exists in no other form. were present. The chief recommendations are five in If he does realise this important generalisation it will not be number, one of them, however, referring exclusively to subclasses. The word "proteid," which is used in different because any stress will be laid upon the fact in his studies. senses in this country and in Germany, it is suggested should A radical change is suggested, by a consideration of the be abolished, while the word "protein"is recommended foregoing facts, with regard to the so-called "elementary as the general name of the whole group of substances biology"taught to the medical student with so much under consideration. This word is at present in use in difficulty and sometimes at the expense of so much valuable America and Germany. It admits readily of the use What he learns now under the name of biology of such derived words as "protease"and " proteose." time. The term "albuminoid," if used at all, should be can be of no more use to him in his subsequent career as a synonym of protein. We wonder whether regarded than any other form of mental gymnastics. But there is a chemists will be expected to write in future in analytical true elementary biology, a knowledge of which would regard to one item of water analysis "protein ammonia" be of the greatest value to him later in the process in the place of "albuminoid ammonia." The term of education and in the proper understanding of his "caseinogen," it is proposed, should be used for the principal profession. The study of cytology, the form of ele- protein in milk and casein for its derivative which is the rennet. In the opinion of the commentary biology here suggested, though just as neces- result of the action of mittee the two principal proteins of the muscle plasma sary, has hitherto not been included in the education of should be termed paramyosinogen and myosinogen ; the the zoologist or botanist any more than in that of the term soluble myosin should take the place of von Fiirth’s medical student. Cytology is a department of biological soluble myogen-fibrin ; and the term myosin should be reknowledge of which every medical student may learn some- stricted to the final product formed during rigor mortis thing in his physiological studies, but the present teachers Albumins are regarded as the proteins of which egg of zoology and botany are not generally in a position to albumin and serum albumin may be taken as typical The word " albumen," used at one time teach anything but the specialised branches of biology which examples. to signify the white of egg, should disappear in favour they have studied and accordingly at the present time there of egg albumin. Globulins are now described as. promight be difficulty in organising the teaching of what is, teins, which differ from the albumins in solubility; they speaking generally, the true elementary biology. The diffi- are more readily "salted outof solutions than are the culties that might, be encountered in making the change in albumins. Examples occur in serum-globulin and fibrinogen the medical curriculum do not make the change less neces- and the class should also include certain derivatives of globulins such as fibrins and myosin. The committee has sary or desirable, and we have therefore thought it well not suggested a term specifying proteins coagulable by heat. to put forward the suggestion in the hope that the teachers The term "sclero-proteins"" is suggested to take the place of the present-day student may be led to state what is their of the word" albuminoid"in the limited sense in which opinion as to the necessity for change in the direction which most physiologists have been accustomed to use it. The class includes such substances as gelatin and keratin, we have indicated, and also the best means by which such the prefix indicating the skeletal origin and often insoluble be about. change may brought nature of its members. Similarly the term "phospho" includes such substances as vitellin and proteins caseinogen and the prefix nucleo used in relation to this I class is accounted incorrect and misleading. Nucleoproteins," however, come under the class of conjugated proteins, substances, in fact, in which the protein molecule " No quid nimis." is united to a "prosthetic group." In this category also are the gluco-proteins (e.g., mucin) and the chromoNOMENCLATURE OF THE PROTEINS. proteins (e.g., haemoglobin). In regard to the derivatives IT is time that some understanding was arrived at in of proteins, " protein hydrolysis" is the term to be regard to the meaning of the various names assigned to that preferred to proteolysis. ‘‘Meta-proteins"is the term great class of bodies which comprises the proteins, proteids, suggested in place of albuminate (acid-albumin, alkalialbuminoids, and their derivatives. Uniformity at least in albumin), which is objectionable, because, first, these proregard to the use of terms is desirable, although it must be ducts are obtainable from both albumins and globulins and, admitted that in the present state of our knowledge it is secondly, because the termination " ate " implies a salt. The hardly possible to adopt strictly systematic names. Still, a term "proteose"includes albumose, globulose, and gelatose. great deal of confusion and misunderstanding would be The subdivision of these into proto-, hetero-, and deutero-proremoved by adopting even only a provisional system by which teoses has been considered, without, however, any alteration all might understand what is exactly meant by a given term. being suggested. The term "peptones,"in the opinion of the




673 be restricted to the further products of woman was executed at the same time : "she was dressed differ which from the proteoses inasmuch as they in white ; was of an interesting appearance, and about 26 hydrolysis, cannot be " salted outfrom solution and usually resemble years of age." To add horror to this, a stampede now took them in giving the biuret test. The polypeptides are classi- place among the crowd, owing, it is supposed, to the overfied under "conjugated proteins" and are described as setting of a pieman’s basket, over which some people stumbled. products of cleavage beyond the peptone stage and consist- The stampede resulted in the trampling to death of 27 ing of two or more amino-acids in association. The subject individuals, " chiefly apprentices, and of great respectof nomenclature is always a difficult one and certainly is it ability." These, together with 15 of the injured, were carried within the gates of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, so in regard to chemico-physiological substances, and this committee may be congratulated, we think, on its scheme which were shut to keep out the crowd. ’’ A great number which seems to us to present a very convenient classification of the pupils in attendance happened to be collected there and to provide terms about the meaning of which there at the time and afforded prompt assistance ; and Dr. Powell and a surgeon, who were both upon the spot, directed their should be no misunderstanding. humane exertions. After all efforts for the recovery of the 27 dead bodies had proved fruitless they were removed to an NATIVE HOSPITAL ASSISTANTS IN INDIA. empty ward, and there the blackened and disfigured dead WE have received an appeal issuedto the members I were arranged’ with every regard to decency." of the Indian Medical Service on behalf of Hospital Assistants " and signed by the editor of the journal RUSSIAN HOSPITAL IN CONSTANTINOPLE. Hospital Assistant, which is an organ devoted to the A CORRESPONDENT in Constantinople sends us an interestThe appeal states interests of the class in question. that hospital assistants now have to spend at least four ing account of the Russian Hospital in the Turkish capital, which in all the efficiency of its working order and equipyears in a medical school and have to undergo a course is entirely the work of its chief, Dr. Vladimir ment of both practical and theoretical training. They are, " The hospital stands," he writes, " in a when they have finished their course of training, often Stchepotiew. salubrious suburb at a considerable distance from the very placed in entire charge of dispensaries, and the highest Pera, and is at an elevation of 300 feet quarter, European salary which they can earn is Rs. 70 per mensem. From sea level, immediately adjoining the district Nishanabove information which we have obtained from officers of the Indian Medical Service we know that in many instances Tasb, well known to the diplomatic world as being the seat (Grand Vizir) and many other high State hospital assistants are doing good work and are, as of the Sadrazan From the windows of its upper storey a magnificent officials. stated, in entire charge of branch dispensaries. The view of the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmora, the Princess appeal in question simply states that the hospital assistants and the famous cypress cemetery of Scutari may be desire a rise in pay and prospects. We think that this Islands, The movement for the creation of a hospital for obtained. might be considered. Although many hospital assistants the Slav of population Constantinople was initiated by the come from a class of men to whom Rs.70 per mensem means then Russian Count Ignatiew, in 1873. He Ambassador, a great deal, yet it must be remembered that the depreciation felt that a Russian hospital on the banks of the Bosphorus in the rupee which has taken place of late years coincides with an increase in the cost of living. The appeal does would prove to be a great boon to the many Slavs.. such as Russians, Bulgarians, Albanians, and Servians, not state what increase of pay is wished for. who are either settled in Constantinople or else continually In 1873 the Emperor Alexander II. ordered come and go. THE OLD BAILEY ACCIDENT OF 1807. a grant of 130,000 francs to be made to the hospital. RulesHAD the State opening of the new Old Bailey been fixed drawn up in the same year declared that the hospital was only a day or two earlier than Feb. 27th persons learned in to be accessible to representatives of every nationality withthe history of London might have had cause to shake their out any distinction of religion, preference, however, being heads on a painful centenary occasion, for on Feb. 23rd, given to Slavs. In 1875 the late Grand Duchess Alexandra 1807, occurred a " dreadful catastrophe " at the very gates of Petrowna took the Russian Hospital under her patronage, Newgate which greatly shocked our forbears of the early nine- provided it with necessaries-such as linen, cutlery, and teenth century. The day was the occasion of the execution crockery- and also ordered that a number of sisters of charity of Haggerty and Holloway, who had murdered a Mr. Steel (sestry miloserdia) should remain constantly in its service.. on Hounslow Heath, and the people of Hounslow, Bagshot, in Soon afterwards the Russian Government ordered that a tax Surrey, and that part of Middlesex crowded up in carts and should be levied for the benefit of the hospital from every chaises to witness the hanging. So enormous was the con- commercial steamer and sailing vessel carrying a Russian course of people outside Newgate that, to quote the British flag and passing through the Bosphorus, as well as from all Press newspaper of that date, " Not only the space in front passports held by Russian subjects not actually in indigent of the Old Bailey, but all the windows and tops of the houses circumstances. In 1889 the hospital committee decided to adjoining, were crowded with spectators, and the avenues, to create the post of a chief medical officer who would act indethe remotest point commanding a glimpse of the scene, were pendently as the superintendent of the institution. In 1890 choked up with carts and waggons filled with spectators." the present chief, Dr. Vladimir Stchepotiew, was appointed Our morbid ancestors were thrilled when John Holloway to this post. He was a distinguished pupil of Professor " took ofE his hat, although his arms were closely pinioned Ostroumoff of the University of Moscow and during hisdown at theelbows, and made an obeisance to the populace : tenure of his present office has earned the esteem and his face was at that time turned towards Ludgate-hill and respect of all who know him, as well as the gratitude of the he exclaimed with a loud and terrific voice-’ Gentlemen all ! many hundreds of patients who have been treated under his I am innocentI No verdict. We are innocent, so help me superintendence. He is aided in his work by Dr. L. I. God!’ He then turned round to the mob stationed towards Ignatovitch and there is an efficient staff of nurses. In the Smithfield and repeated the same expressions. He was pro- extensive grounds of the hospital there are two well-kept ceeding to say something more when the executioner stopped gardens, a chapel, a verandah for patients with chest him by putting the cap over his face. Precisely at troubles, a separate infirmary for venereal diseases, the ten minutes past eight they were launched into eternity and residences of the chief and his assistant, and a Turkish, Haggeity only appeared to suffer much pain." A young bath. The hospital proper consists of three storeys.

committee, should