A. Physical Oceanography
results in strong quarter, sixth and eighth diurnal tidal oscillations. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Wellington, New Zealand. (rio) 79:5894 Noble, Marlene and Brad Butman, 1979. Lowfrequency wind-induced sea level oscillations along the east coast of North America. J. geophys. Res., 84(C6): 3227-3236.
The spatial and temporal scales of low-frequency wind stress and sea level oscillations between North Carolina and Nova Scotia during the winter are investigated. Correlations among the asymmetry in longshore current amplitude, sign of the wind stress and sea level data are evaluated. Effects of regional, temporal and spatial sea level variations on coastal circulation patterns are considered. U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, Mass. 02543, U.S.A. (rio) 79:5895 Paschini, E. and E. Salusti, 1979. On the Green's function of Laplace's tidal equation, an application to the northern Adriatic Sea. Tellus, 31(2): 145-149.
Sea level variations in the Adriatic Sea are obtained as the integral of external forces using the Green's function and known sea level data. Successful predictions of sea level variations at Venice are then derived. Istituto di Fisica "G. Marconi", Universita di Roma, Piazzale delle Scienze, 5, Italy. (rio)
Water-wave motions in narrow open channels, wherein the special condition of fixed lines of contact are met, are investigated theoretically and experimentally. A linearized theory involving an unusual eigenvalue problem is presented and tested with analytical methods. Experiments are performed in 'brimful' rectangular channels; theoretical and experimental results are in agreement and point up the unique effects of edge constraints. Mathematical Institute, Oxford OX! 3LB, England. (rio) 79:5898 Craik, A. D. D. and J. A. Adam, 1979.'Explosive' resonant wave interactions in a three-layer fluid flow.J. Fluid Mech., 92(1): 15-33.
The negative wave energy concept developed for the case of plasmas by Cairns (1979) is shown to be applicable to parallel fluid flow instabilities. Threewave resonances are analyzed with step-wise velocity and density profiles, and an 'explosive instability,' involving simultaneous growth of all three waves while total energy is conserved, is discovered. This new nonlinear instability may be a powerful mechanism of internal wave generation in the ocean and the atmosphere. Department of Applied Mathematics, University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland. (rio) 79:5899 Fujinawa, Yukio, 1979. An edge wave trapped along a curved coast. (In Japanese: English abstract.)
Rept natn. Res. Cent. Disaster Prevent., Tokyo, 21: 75-88.
13. Ice 79:5896 Tsurikov, V. L., 1979. The formation and composition of the gas content of sea ice. J. Glaciol., 22(86): 67-8 I.
Mechanisms of gas porosity formation in sea ice are identified and evaluated for relative importance. Available sea ice gas content data are reviewed and slight deviations from air composition are discussed. For low salinity conditions, gas inclusions may be more important than brine contents in determining sea ice strength. Okeanograficheskaya Komissiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., ul. Vavilova 44, Moskva U.S.S.R. (rio)
The effects of arbitrary coastline curvature and slope inclination on the dispersion relations, phase velocities and variations in amplitude and wave number of edge waves are theoretically investigated using variational techniques. Hiratsuka Branch, National Research Center for Disaster Prevention, No. 9-2, Nijigahama, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa-ken 254, Japan. (rio) 79:5900 Hukuda, Hisashi, 1979. Solitary Rossby waves in a two-layer system. Tellus, 31 (2): 161-169.
14. Waves and oscillations
Wave solutions are presented for a two-layer model with a zonal, baroclinic, mean shear flow. The solutions are consistent with those of Rcdekopp (1977) when the mean shear flow is barotropic. Solitary Rossby waves tend to steepen as a result of vertical shear in the mean flow. Geophysical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendal 980, Japan. (rio)
79:5897 Benjamin, T. B. and J. C. Scott, 1979. Gravity-capillary waves with edge constraints. J. Fluid Mech.. 92(2): 241-267.
79:5901 Leonov, A. I., Yu. Z. Miropolsky and R. E. Tamsalu, 1979. Nonlinear stationary internal and surface waves in shallow seas. Tellus, 31 (2): 150-160.
A. PhysicalOceanography
Stationary waves in a stratified shallow sea with an absence of external flow are investigated. A detailed, numerical analysis of internal wave propagation in the Arkona Basin (Baltic Sea) is performed; local Richardson numbers are calculated and it is shown that 'Ri < 1/4 can occur for solitary waves which may cause organization of some turbulent regions.' Institute of Mechanical Problems of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, prospect Vernadskogo 101, 117526 Moscow, U.S,S.R. (izs) 79:5902 Lundberg, Peter, 1979. Nonhydrostatic waves in canals of varying depth. Rept oceanogr. Inst. G~teborgs Univ., 32:25 pp. The phenomenon of standing waves in enclosed basins, which do not satisfy the shallow-water criterion and are thus influenced by nonhydrostatic effects, is investigated by inclusion of the effects of vertical accelerations in the analysis. Oceanografiska Institutionen, G6teborgs Universitet, Box 4038, 400 40 G6teborg, Sweden. (izs) 79:5903 Olbers, D. J. and Klaus Herterich, 1979. The spectral energy transfer from surface waves to internal waves. J. Fluid Mech., 92(2): 34%379.
Internal wave generation b~ resonantly interacting surface waves is investigated with a 3-1aver stability frequency model within the framework of spectral scattering theory. Spectral transfer is shown to be negligible for the oceanic main thermocline but ma~ be of significant importance for waves trapped in the seasonal thermocline. Includes appendices on wavewave interaction coupling coefficients and internal wave eigenfunctions, lnstitut ffir Meereskunde, Universitat Kiel, Kiel, F.R.G. (izs) 79:5904 Stiassnie, M. and G. Dagan, 1979. Partial reflexion of water waves by non-uniform adverse currents. J. FluidMech., 92(1): 119-129. Linearized wave propagation on a non-uniform slowly varying current in deep water is investigated via a Schr6dinger ordinary differential equation solved by the WKB method to precisely determine the dependence of the reflexion degree upon current velocity distribution. It is analytically shown that upon encountering an adverse current barrier, part of the wave energy is transmitted and part reflected. Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute, Technion, Haifa, Israel. (izs) 79:5905 Wubber, Chresten, 1979. Die zweidimensionalen Seiches der Ostsee. [The two-dimensional seiches in the Baltic.] Ber. Inst. Meeresk. ChristianAlbrechts-Univ., 64: ca. 100 pp. Includes ca. 40
Baltic Sea oscillation charts, institut fiir Meereskunde Abt. Theoretische Ozeanographie. 23 Kiel Diisternbrooker Weg 20, F.R.G.
15. Internal waves and tides 79:5906 Dore, B. D. and M. A. AI-Zanaidi, 1979. On secondary vorticity in internal waves. Q. appl. Math.. 37(I): 35-50.
The generation of secondary vorticity by internal wave processes is investigated for two semi-infinite. homogeneous, immiscible fluids of different density, for a continuously-stratified fluid of great depth, and for a continuously-stratified fluid of finite depth. University of Reading, England. (rio) 79:5907 Mahanti, N. C., 1979. Small-amplitude internal waves due to an oscillatory pressure. Q, appl. Math., 37( 1): 92-97. The initial-value problem of waves in superposed fluids due to an axisymmetrical oscillatory pressure is solved by the method of integral transforms. The wave integral representing interracial displacement is evaluated in an asymptotic form that remains uniformly valid through the transition zone. I.I.T.. Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110029, India.
17. Underwater acoustics 79:5908 Bannister, R. W., R. N. Denham, K. M. Guthrie, D. G. Browning and A. J. Perrone, 1979. Variability of low-frequency ambient sea noise. J, ac oust. Soc. Am., 65(5): 1156-1163.
Variability of wind- and shipping-generated noise as related to receiver depth, wind speed and frequency was investigated in the South Fiji Basin (northeast of New Zealand). Standard deviation was not receiverdepth dependent; wind noise had low standard deviations (less than 0.1 dB) and was frequency independent; shipping noise depended on the detailed line structure and had variable standard deviations. Defence Scientific Establishment, HMNZ Dockyard, Auckland 9, New Zealand. (izs) 79:5909 Fisher, F. H., 1979. Sound absorption in sea water by a third chemical relaxation. J. acoust. Soc. Am.. 65(5): 1327-1329.
In addition to sound absorption effects caused by boric acid and magnesium sulfate, a chemical relaxation process at 3 kHz has been identified via