91 known the quantity required. I am well of the limbs.-Mr. MERION, in the case, considered the defalca- aware that I used more than was sufficient tion in the nervous energy to have been de- to decompose the acid, and should I ever pendent on an accumulation in the colon, repeat the experiment, I should rather infrom chronic inflammation, in which state, crease than diminish the quantity, which I although daily evacuations followed, still an know, from experience, it is necessary to accumulation was going on, producing, do. I am sorry that "W. C." has wasted through pressure, the partial paralysis of his time in attempting to decide on what he the nerves supplying the inferior extre- evidently does not understand. And as he mities. The therapeutic action of the medi- has been so bold as to assert that my expericine prescribed, he thought, justified this ment was not based on a scientific principle, view.—Mr. ROBARTS strongly objected to perhaps, after he has taken the trouble (if this supposition. A loaded state of he be able to perform the experiment and colon would have been directly manifested investigate the result), he will have the goodhad it existed. Moreover, no increased ness to state it briefly to the public, and add discharge from the bowels, either before his name to the account. I remain, Sir, or after he was consulted, had occurred.-’ your most obedient servant, HENRY OSBORN. Mr. MOORE related the case of a lady who had experienced excessive cramps in the Southampton, Feb. 29, 1836.
paralysis luding
and who had
taken mercurials and
without medicines, aperients, &c.. benefit, and who, on going into the country, and falling under the hands of a physi-
cian who had kept an eye on the state of To the Editor.—Sir:The medical prothe colon in particular, was ordered three have universally expressed their surgrains of the sulphate of iron, with one drachm of the carbonate of magnesia, twice! prise that Drs. Ritchie and Webster should have been admitted as candidates for a day, when large quantities of scybalac were dislodged, and the cramps and other’ Professorships in King’s College, Strand, in symptoms immediately abated, the ladyconsequence of their being Dissenters. It fully recovering.—Mr. BRYANT, in themay be interesting to many of your numecourse of the evening, remarked, that herous readers to know that this exclusive had invariably found, in post-mortem in-spirit had its wicked operation on a former spections, a ramollissement of the spinal1 memorable occasion. Mr. KEIRNAN, whose marrow to be the consequence of idiopathic; anatomical and pathological knowledge esqualified him to fill the pathological paraplegia. The Society’s Anniversary Dinner is fixed chair in any Univ ersity, was rejected by the for the Sth of March, when Dr. Blicke will1Council of Kirg’s College, on the plea of his deliver the oration. being a Dissenter ! A beautiful collection of Mr. Keirnan’s preparations of the liver was presented by him to the museum of the King’s College, but even these unique speciMR. OSBORN’S EXPERIMENT ON BLOOD. mens of art and science had no influence on the bigots. I am, Sir, your sincere admirer, To the Editor. Sir : Allow me to exand humble servant, A LATE PUPIL OF THE COLLEGE. press my surprise at the manner in which " W. C., of Brompton-square," has criticised my statement on the detection of tar in the blood. Had he repeated the experiment, he would have beeu able to form a much NORTH-LONDON HOSPITAL. correct opinion of the process as well as of the substance obtained. Of chemistry, W. C. OSTEO-SARCOMA OF THE JAW.—REMOVAL OF THE SUPERIOR MAXILLARY AND himself, notwithstanding his strictures, apMALAR BONES. pears to be very ignorant, or he would have known from experience, that in all chemical ANN STRUTHER, aged 21, was admitted, processes, when a strong heat is required, it February 24, under the care of Mr. LISTON. is necessary to use a metallic or an earthen- About four years ago she was very much ware retort, and not glass. I beg to inform annoyed with pain in the left side of the him that I was not analyzing the blood, as head and face, attended occasionally with he appears to have supposed, but experi- swelling, which symptoms at the time were had attributed to cold. Pain in the teeth of the menting on that fluid, and consequently a different object in view. " W. C." appears left superior maxilla supervened, and a anxious to know on what the tar floats after tumour appeared on the outer surface of the the evaporation of the spu’it. Why, on the gum. Three teeth were extracted, with the surface of the water of course. With re- hope of giving relief, but the swelring afterabout the gard to the chalk, which he thinks I was too wards rapidly increased. When liberal with, he could not possibly have size of the end of the thumb, it was removed
. fession not
918 by the knife. This Was about six months the internal maxillary), was immediately after the first complaint of pain. The tu- tied, and the edges of the flap were brought mour, however, soon showed itself again, together by three hare-lip sutures, and one and continued to’ grow for about eighteen point of interrupted suture. The whole promonths; at the end of which time she once ceeding occupied about six minutes. Themore submitted to a very severe operation, tumour is of a firm cartilaginous nature, by which the alveolar process of the su- interspersed with spiculæ of bone; it isperior maxillary bone, and a portion of the perfectly entire ; not the least particle of tumour, were removed; she stated that there diseased structure can possibly have been was Hemorrhage for three days after the left behind. Mr. LISTON preferred- using the forceps operation, but that,- nevertheless, she was out of bed, and the wourid healed at the in this case, as he thought the employment end of a week. Two or three weeks after of the saw, or the mallet and chisel, would this operation the tumour again appeared, have jarred the parts, and been productive and it has continued to increase in size up of much more suffering to the patient. The to the’present time. When it was last re- operation might have been as quickly per-’ moved, it was of about the size of a hen’s formed with those instruments as with the’ egg. It is now as large as a moderate- forceps. sized cocoa-nut, causing great- deformity. March 2. The patient is doing exceedingly The mouth is drawn on one side, and the well; the sutures were removed on Monday. vision of the left eye is partly impeded. She This operation is worthy of record, both complains of very little pain, and her from the facility and the celerity with which’ general health is very good; the swelling is it was performed. The case altogether posof a very firm consistence, and appears to sesses much interest for medical men, and involve the whole of the superior maxilla; any gentleman who wishes to inspect it willinternally it occupies the whole of the palate, find every facility afforded him for that’ but is unattached on the right side; a probe purpose, should he pay a visit to the hospital. can be passed under it for some distance. It extends backwards as far as the finger PSORIASIS. can reach, and projects over the velum, so to conceal a it. of The William great part patient as Snook, setat. 22, a footman in came- up to town with the intention of hav- a gentleman’s family, admitted December ing the tumour removed by Mr. LISTON, 30, 1835, under the care of Dr. ELLIoTSoN. who accordingly, on Saturday the 27th of He has, until within the last six or eight Feb., performed the operation. months, enjoyed good health, when (May) After removing the central incisor of the he became slightly indisposed, and there right side, the surgeon commenced an in- appeared a redness of the skin, affecting cision a little below the inner angle of the the thighs and posterior portion of the knee eye. and carried it obliquely under the cor- joints, filling np the popliteal spaces. This’ responding ala of the nose, so as to detach continued for two or three days, when a seaits cartilage from the hone, then through liness was first perceived, to which there was the lip, into the mouth, in the mesial line’: quickly snperadded painful fissures or rha.He next made an incision from the promi- gades, from which a serous fluid of an nence of the cheelc to the angle of the lip. aci ici nature was continually exhaled. The flap thus formed was then reflected He was treated for some time by a geneupwards. The tumour was now so far ral practitioner, who prescribed the decocexposed as to be ascertained to extend con- tion of dulcamara and blue pill twice a day. siderahly backwards, and the operator found Copios ptyalism was by this means init necessary to make another incision in the duced, but the disease nevertheless increased line of the zygorriatic arch, so as to fall in severity, and about a fortnight or three nearly at angles on the outer perpen- weeks since he gradually lost all sensation dicular one; this exposed the whole extent and motion in the inferior extremities, and of the tumour. With the well-adapted for some numbness in the arms and ceps introduced by Mr. LISTON, the nasal hands, without, however, affecting volition. process of the superior maxilia was divided. Speech became affected, and he hesitated The operator next cut through the zygo- considerably; the mouth being also drawn .T,iOatic arch, near the auricle, and then upwards and to the left side. These symp.; through the malar bone, at the transverse toms, however, gradually diminished in sefacial suture, into the spheno-maxillary verity up to the period of his admission into fissure; the diseased maxilla was separated the hospital. with great facility from its fellow of the opAt the present period he hesitates consi.; posite siile, by strong scissors, leaving the derably in speaking, is rather deat, and palate entire, anduntouched. The diseased walks with considerable difficulty, the legs mass was now readily removed, involving still continuing stiff and painful, and the the whole of the superior maxillary bone, hands remaining dull and heavy. There and the whole of the malar. A large artery, exists, also, pain and heaviness of head, which was bleeding very freely (probably with occasional dimness of sight and giddil,
i perceived
919 first used was the diluted sublead, then the carrot poultice, and surrounding parts, afterwards a solution of sulphate of copper interspersed by deep rhagades, which occa- and spirit of turpentine. He has not taken sionally bleed, and attended with consider- mercury for the last ten months, when his ahle inflammation; bowels open; tongue mouth was tnade sore for some acute inflam. clean and moist; urine natural ; pulse 92, mation. Hemorrhage from the ulcer com full, and rather labouring. Mittantur san- menced a fortnight ago, and has recurred guinis x. D. M. daily since, increasing in its amount and, Jan. 1. 1836. Symptoms not relieved ; duration so as to blanch him in appearance. pain of right side ; bowels confined ; pulse Bowels open; pulse 132, small; rests ill. 90, with the same characters as yesterday. He came to the hospital on account of heMittantur sanguis ad 3x. Haustus Sennse morrhage ; he has not suffered from that: Corripos. statim. symptom since his admission. A drachm of 5. Continues much the same ; the pain of the solution of muriate of morphia was given chest, however, being much increased on him. The next dav the sore was touched coughing or taking a deep inspiration. freely with nitric acid. Hirudines decem later, dext. applicatur. 15. The nitric acid has been three times. 9. Somewhat better, a vesicular erup- applied since the last report; warm-bath tion-of an eczematous character appearing and full diet; nitric acid again applied. on the lips and chin ; pulse 90, soft. Pilul. Parapbymosis, which had existed, was divided. A pint of decoction of sarsaparilla Hydrargyri grana quinque bis die. 13. Eczematous eruption desquamating;, to daily. acid again applied. The sore mouth not yet affected; pulse 96, and full;; tongue furred. Detrahetur sanguis ad xij looks much healthier. 26. A lotion with four grains of the nitrate Auge pilulam Hydrargyri ad grana decem,, of silver to j of water applied. bis in die. 22. Pain of head, and other symptoms 3. Solution of the sulphate of zinc to be somewhat increased; mouth not affected;; applied. 19. Ulceration of the prepuce much pulse 96, full, and hard; psoriasis hot, red,, and very irritable ; tongue dry and furred ;; better. Great oedema of the prepuce. To urine high-coloured and scanty. Venesectiofoment it. ad xij. Pilulœ Hydrargyri gr. x, ter quo21. Made an out patient, being nearly well. tidie sumat. 28. Pain of head; giddiness and stupidity CORRESPONDENTS. increased; eruption at the bend of knee, hot, red, and exceedingly painful, and dividing, forming rhagades whenever the foot THEsession of Parliament having com is extended ; an abundant secretion of acrid it is earnestly requested that all menced, serum excoriating the parts on which it runs. Asperguntur partes affectæ pulvere communications to Mr. WAKLEY may be calaminæ; fiatque venesectio e brachio ad addressed to him at his residence, 35, BEnxij. Sumat pilulam Hydrargyri 6tis horis. FORD SQUARE. Feb. 1. Mouth still unaffected ; eruption MR. FERRALL.—With reference to those around the mouth nearly gone; psoriatic remarks of " OBSERVATOR " itt concluding eruption less painful and inflamed ; pain of head, giddiness, &c., entirely gone; the his communication in THE LANCET of Feb.’ blood slightly buffed, not cupped. 20th, which relate to Mr. Ferrall, we feel 8. Gradually improving ; some tightness bound to say that their tendency escaped across the chest, and cough, he having conIn our previous number we did our notice. tracted a slight cold. not state that, the authenticity of merely 13. Pain in the chest continues, together with the cough, with little irritability ofthe petition from theSisters of Charity’stomach ; bowels open ; pulse full. Vene- had been denied," as the impression on our sectio ad xij. Sumatur Acidi Hydrocyanici mind was, that no such petition had been adformulam Scheeli j, ex Aquœ Mentlace’ presented at all. We are now authorized Piperitce, f. iss ter quotidie. to say that no petition was presented on beFrom this period he gradually improved, the general and local symptoms diminishing, half of Mr. Ferrall from that or any other and that his only communication and he was presented cured on Tuesday the 23rd. with Government on the subject, was his own letter to the Chief Secretary, stating PRAGEDENA ON THE PENIS.—E. F., agedhis having nlled the omce of bouse-surgeon 27, was admitted on the 8th, under the care the Richmond Hospital for nearly five to a sore Mr. Five back of LiSTON. weeks and -this communication was appeared near the orifice of the urethra. ItJears, &c.; forwarded member of the Government. by ta, continued to The ap-
The whole
popliteal regions covered pliéation
of not elevated above the a
scaly eruption
irregular figure,
aretate of
be taken 21. Nitric
; quarter,