902 from twenty to thirty hours, not many ill which he has conducted him_effects on the constitution being apparent self in thistransaction. 2. That...

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from twenty to thirty hours, not many ill

which he has conducted him_effects on the constitution being apparent self in thistransaction. 2. That Dr. White was in error when h ... afterwards. I think the subject of" hocussing" de- consented to inquire of the patient under" serves your inquiry as a legislator," the care of which surgeon she wished to having no doubt that many lives have been remain. 3. That the conduct of Mr. Annandale, in wantonly sacrificed with impunity. I am, obedient removing the splints and bandages from a Sir, your servant, broken limb, which had been reduced by E. HULL. another surgeon (more especially when th. Uxbridge, March 20, 1842. immediate attendance of that surgeon was expected), was improper, and that his apTHE INCOME-TAX. propriation of the patient of another prac. titioner was contrary to the rules of etiquette, To the Editor of THE LANCET. which by gentlemen should be SIR,—From the commencement of THE guided in professional towards each their deportment LANCET I have been its reader. At no time

bearance with


during the existence of that work has a mea4. That the Council sincerely regret that sure more fraught with injustice to the medithe conduct of any of their professional brecal profession been broached as the proposed thren should have given occasion for the pretax on income. I have been asked, Why resolutions : they earnestly hope ceding should not two persons having equal incomes in future that a better feeling will exist be equally taxed ? I answer, Why should a medical men, and that similar cases person without capital be taxed as highly as amongst not recur. will one having 20,000l ? Is a practitioner ob5. That copies of these resolutions be sent taining by his profession 10001. per annum, to the journals in which Mr. Maughan’sletter in as good circumstances as. a fundholder was published. with the interest of 20,000l. ? Take two men, one with 20,000l., the other without money, in all other respects equal, MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS. having the same capital in head, hands, legs, and body, both with the same power of using the benefits which are equally distriTo the Editor of THE LANCET. buted. One uses all, the other none. They SIR,—In your valuable Publication of ought to be equally taxed. If the lazy capital be untaxed, so ought the industrious. A Feb. 19, I observe the announcement of the of an association of medical men professional income has a marketable value; formation in the neighbourhood of St. George’s in the and if industry must be taxed, the impost should be on the income which the amount East, ostensibly for the 41 suppression of illegal practitioners, and for the promotion of of valuation may bring. the general interests of the profession." I Surely the profession will not remain do not know any method more likely to obsupine while the measure is under the coilthe object in view, and I trust it will be tain sideration of Government. Every member should speak aloud, both publicly and pri- extensively followed in all parts of the It is true that the convately, against its flagrant injustice. I am, United Kingdom. Bill of Sir James Graham, should templated Sir, yours, &c. it become has law, placed the well-founded M.R.C.S. the of hopes general practitioner at zero, if March 17, 1842. not below. Still, the congregating of medical men in their several districts will produce NORTH OF ENGLAND MEDICAL a more general acquaintance with each ASSOCIATION. other, and enable them (if it effect nothing MEDICAL ETIQUETTE. more) to expose the insidious contrivances adopted by very many chemists and drugAT a meeting of the Council of the North gists for worming themselves into the houses of England Medical Association, held at of the rich as medical practitioners. I am, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, March 16, 1842, Dr. Sir, yours respectfully, SENEX. HEADLAM, President, in the chair, The letter of Mr. J. B. MAUGHAN, relaMarch 16, 1842. tive to an alleged breach of professional ** It should be recollected that Bethnaletiquette, which appeared in the 11 Medical Gazette" of Jan. 7, THE LANCET of Jan. 15, green was freed from certain of its unqualiand the " Provincial Medical and Surgical fied medical practitioners by advertising the Journal" of Jan. 15, 1842, was taken into lames of all those persons who were visiting consideration, and the following resolutions ind prescribing for patients without pos. were adopted :1. That Mr. Maughan merits the approba- ,essing any medical licence, diploma, or -

tion of the Council for the

gentlemanly for- legree.