places, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Halifax, and Belfast. A visitor to the estate at this period of the year could see a discharged service man ploughing up the land, and able to perform eight hours' work a day, who nine months ago on admittance could not labour for more than one hour. The female colonists might be seen pruning the branches in the vinery, cleaning the pathways, attending to the poultry, etc. ; and cheerfulness is displayed by everyone in residence. The colony, having been approved by the Local Government Board, is open for the reception of persons at the cost of Local Authorities and Insurance Committees. The charge for persons residing within the area of the City of Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire is 28s. per week ; and for those from other areas, 35 s. per week. The colonists receive a pecuniary acknowledgment for services rendered. Deputations from important cities like Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield have recently visited the colony with the object of sending persons. Further particulars may be obtained on application to the Secretary, Mr. John Lewenstein, 6, Wright Street, Hull.
THE Secretary of the above Society, Dr. W. H. Dickinson, Tuberculosis Medical Officer for the City and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, announces that at a special meeting of the Society held on March 20 to discuss the formation of a Tuberculosis Service on the lines suggested at the Special Conference held by the Tuberculosis Society in London on February I5 the following resolutions were approved: (I) T h a t in the opinion of the Society the formation of a separate tuberculosis service is not advisable. (2) T h a t the whole question of the status and conditions of service of those members of the Public Health Service who are at present engaged in tuberculosis work be referred to the Society of Medical Officers of Health for early consideration and necessary action. (3) That the Society take steps to bring the above resolutions to the notice of those concerned.