Metropolitan Asylums Board. He especially emphasised the necessity of regular examination of the throats of nurses and attendants in diphtheria wards, and the advantage of retaining the throat in as healthy a condition as possible so as to render the various micro-organisms as little assistance as possible in the matter of infection. Dr. D. S. DAVIES spoke of the advantages of systematic examination of cases of diphtheria from the point of view of public health, and stated that the authorities in Bristol had made arrangements for the bacteriological examination of cases by the public health department of that city. Dr. GLOVER, after a few remarks by Dr. BAILEY, concluded the discussion, remarking on the increase of the disease, during his experience in North London, in frequency of cases and in severity of manifestations.
port wine marks he thought might also be treated by electrolysis.-Dr. Cagney, Mr. Collier, and Mr. Brodie joined in the discussion. Dr. GUTHRIE
showed a case of Progressive Muscular he believed, also exhibited signs of tabes. Three years ago the patient had broken his right arm. Shortly after there were weakness and wasting in the muscles of the right hand and forearm, and later the left limb was similarly affected. The patient had had syphilis. The tabetic signs were Argyll-Robertson pupils, lightning pains, girdle sensation, and a loss of knee-jerks. The condition was probably syphilitic disease of the anterior and posterior external columns in the upper part of the cord.
Atrophy, which,
LIVERPOOL MEDICAL INSTITUTION. Removal of -Large Sarcoma.-Amputation at the Hip-joint for Sarcoma.-Lead Poisoning.-Anæmia associated with Flagellated Protozoa in the Blood.-Or’oital Neuralgia.-Radieal Cure of Hydrocele. Unusual Pigmentation.-.Acromegaly.-Nasal Disease.-Conyenital SyphiZitic Ulceration of the Tongue.-A Nœvus A MEETING of this society was held on Dec. 6th, Mr. treated by Electrolysis.-Progressive Muscular Atrophy. CHAUNCY PUzEY, President, being in the chair. A MEETING of this society was held on Dec. 12th, at the Dr. ALEXANDER showed a Large Mixed-celled Sarcoma North-West London Hospital,iDr. MnsoN being in the chair. removed from the neck of a patient seventy-six years of age;5 Dr. SIBLEY showed two cases of Unusual Pigmentation. it weighed five pounds. A small nodule, situated midway The first case was that of a widow, the mother of eight between the angle of the jaw and the sympbysis and close to children, forty-two years of age. She had ovaritis six years the bone, was first noticed thirty-five years ago. It was only ago, and peritonitis one year and a half ago. She had been within the last few years that it had grown to the present enormous size. Its pressure effects necessitated its removal, nervous and losing strength for three :years, and blood spots began to appear on her lips. She had at the present time which was done quickly and without much loss of blood by pigmentation spots on the lips and hard palate. Her pulse was the use of numerous clamp forceps. The internal jugular rapid, but there was no cardiac disease. Dr. Sibley thought vein had to be sacrificed. the pigmertation had to do with pelvic conditions, and comDr. ALEXANDER then showed a case of Amputation at the pared the case to some lately reported by Dr. Champneys. Hip-joint for Sarcoma. The patient was a man forty-eight years The second case was that of a woman twenty years of of age. Twenty months ago he sprained his knee on board ship;;. age. She had pigmentation of the face. axillæ, hands, and eight months ago he injured the same knee and a swelling areolse. She, too, su:Eered from dyspepsia, nervousness, and formed in the popliteal space. At a hospital in Calcutta some prostration, and had a very rapid pulse. There were some arteries were tied, the swelling was stated to have been injected. spots of pigmentation on the buccal mucous membrane. with "some black stuff," and finally the leg was amputated Dr. Harry Campbell, Dr. Gill, Dr. Guthrie, and Dr. Milson just above the knee. He was admitted six months ago under joined in the discussion.-Dr. SIBLEY, in reply, said he had the care of Dr. Alexander with what appeared to be an not entertained the idea of scurvy in these cases. inflamed stump, but which on closer investigation turned Dr. HARRY CAMPBELL showed a case of Acromegaly ’, out to be a small round-celled sarcoma. Mr. PAUL showed also a case of Amputation at the which he believed was the best specimen now living. He was about to propound the theory that acromegaly was Hip-joint for Sarcoma. About two years ago the operaDr. tion was performed on a man forty years of age. There essentially a reversion to the anthropoid type. ABRAHAM did not agree with the theory. was no shock from the operation, ard the patient left the Mr. MAYO COLLIER showed a case of Nasal Disease hospital in seven weeks quite recovered. Mr. Paul considered causing severe neuralgia of four or five years’ duration. that the amount of shock following secondary amputation was The patient’s teeth had been removed, the antrum explored, more a question of loss of blood than the number of inches and every effort made to localise a cause. The neuralgia removed. He had performed seven secondary amputations was on the right side and very severe. The anterior nares at the hip joint; five in persons under twenty years old for were occluded, but the probe enabled him to detect dead tuberculous disease and two above that age for sarcoma. All bone. He removed a polypus as large as a Barcelona nut, and made an excellent recovery, which he believed was due to a after this a piece of dead bone covered with granulations. simpie method of retaining the elastic tourniquet round the A simple alkaline lotion was used, and the patient made innominate bone and so absolutely controlling hæmorrhage uninterrupted progress, except for one or two slight relapses during the whole operation. The method was demonstrated.— attributed to the irritation in the healing process.-Dr. Mr. RusFtTOrr PARKER said that the elastic compression of the CAGNEY desired to emphasise the importance of examining pelvis, so as to disarticulate bloodlessly at the hip-joint the nose in cases of infra-orbital neuralgia. He mentioned the without displacement of the lubber tourniquet, was much more easy in children than in adults. He referred to a casa case of a woman who had suffered extreme and uninterrupted pain of this kind for a period of twelve years. She came to which he brought before the institution nearly twenty years him at the Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis for advice ago, where he had successfully used the plan spoken of by as to an operation. In view of the serious character of the Mr. Paul. He agreed in part with Mr. Paul that the danger operation generally advocated, he resorted first to the use of of amputations in the lower limb was probably not increased all the drugs commonly employed in such cases, but without inch by inch the higher up the section was made, but he benefit. He then consulted Mr. Horsley, who thought that thought this applied to amputations for disease. In amputaexcision of the infra-orbital nerve within the orbit afforded a tions for injury the danger increased with each advance prospect of relief, but advised in preference the use of a towards the trunk, even in the absence of severe h2amorconstant current. This was tried, and when applied every rhage.-Dr. Alexander, Dr. Boyce, Mr. Puzey, Mr. Thomas, and twenty-four hours was found to be entirely effective. But Dr. Barendt discussed these cases. such treatment can be only palliative and is not easily Dr. CATON showed a boy aged eleven years who bad obtained. suffered from Vomiting, Colic Constipation, Epileptiform Mr. JACKSON CLARKE showed two children of one family. Attacks, and Great Muscular Wasting of the Arms and The first exhibited the rare condition of Congenital Syphilitic Legs, with Complete Wrist and Ankle Drop. Albumen and Ulceration of the Tongue. Its nature was attested by an lead were present in the urine. There was scarcely any accompanying interstitial keratitis, by the character of the trace of a lead line on the gums. The drinking water he teeth, and by the maternal history. The younger child consumed contained three grains of lead to the gallon. The showed the result of treatment of a Nasvus at the side of the patient recovered under iodides, cod-liver oil, and the conHe regarded electrolysis as useful stant current. nose by electrolysis. The second case, a man aged fortyfor the removal of small nsevi. but chiefly as a preliminary eight years, bad Jost 3 st. in weight in less than three to excision when it reduced hæmorrhage. The ordinary yeais, had suffered from colic for a year, and for three