Dr. OSLER concludes that " on the remedy for a desperate disease the
principle of a desperate and yet in spite of this they make the best colonists. To operation seems justifi- the Celtic-Anglo-Saxon the word "Home" is full of the tenable in certain severe cases." The cases now met with, derest and sweetest meaning ; in no other language is there a term that fully corresponds with it in breadth and depth however, are so few that considerable time must elapse of signification. Take the French clwz-soi for example : how before anyone is able to speak with certainty on this narrow in comparison, how unutterably selfish 1-centherapeutic procedure. the whole interest in the individual, whereas home tering the implies importance of others as well. The expression "a solitary home" is sometimes used, but the user must be either thoughtless or an ignoramus, if not both. Such an anomaly as a solitary home is impossible; it becomes a den, if not a prison. "Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home," and assuredly °‘1T9 quid nimis." whoever breaks one up wilfully is guilty of an unpardonable sin. There is no human being in existence who can NOSTALGIA. appreciate the charm of a home more exquisitely than the THERE is a malady which boasts of a learned appellation Celtic-Anglo-Saxon, and yet he is to be met with in every compounded of two Greek words but which is better corner of the world. He loves his own native place nown by a homelier and far more expressive name in beyond words, but he can endure enforced expatriation withthe vernacular, and yet although this binomial disorder out giving in to nostalgia. The fact is, he recognises the is described in the dictionaries as " A vehement desire ...... futility of kicking against the pricks and so makes his affecting the physical health," it has not been assigned mind up to sacrifice a portion of his life or even, if the a place in the Nomenclature of Diseases for which the worst come to the worst, the whole of it. He looks upon Royal College of Physicians of London is responsible. querulous repining as a weakness unworthy of a man, and The fact, too, that home-sickness, if impervious to drugs having been denied a home at home by fate he is strong is nevertheless in the highest degree amenable to treatenough to accept the inevitable with a good grace. For ment, might credibly seem to still further justify its nostalgics we must turn to some other tribe. When all is inclusion in the official glossary of the 1053 natural said they remain a narrow-minded crew whose mental shocks that flesh is heir to. With regard to the etiology processes run in grooves. They may call their failing by of this unqualified complaint there still remain several the high-sounding name of patriotism but such it is not. points requiring elucidation, albeit in its genesis no Nostalgia is a cat’s complaint, a purely selfish disorder, bacillus is concerned, nor for its adequate diagnosis whereas love of country can ffourish anywhere and takes is there any need of either microscope or test-tube. no account of self. And so after all our masters in Shortly stated the essential factor in the production of medicine are perfectly right. Nostalgia is righteously nostalgia is an environment differing from that amidst excluded from a list of the shocks that Anglo-Saxon flesh which the affected person passed his or her early days. is heir to. When this is the case some intangible influence is generated which reacts upon the victim, but just as happens in many POISONING DURING CHLOROFORM ADMINISTRAofficial maladies there must first be innate receptivity or TION FROM DECOMPOSITION IN THE preparedness of soil on the part of the individual who PRESENCE OF A FLAME. succumbs. This receptive state is favoured by at least three SEVERAL cases of this serious accident have during the separate things-race, education, and temperament, but of last few years been placed on record. In the Boston Medical these predisposing causes the last possesses less power than and Surgical Journal of May 11th Dr. K. Wilson has added either of the others. Oaeteris paribus, phlegmatic subjects case to the list. Chloroform was administered to a another are more likely to experience home-sickness than their in labour in a small room (12 feet x 13 feet x 8-2L feet) patient sanguine compeers. A tendency to despond without sufficient where three gas flames were burning. In a short time those cause undoubtedly subserves towards nostalgia, but ardent, enthusiastic people who continually look forward-who present felt an irritating sensation in the throat and chest resulting in incessant coughing and gasping for breath never are, but always to be, blessed--have the advantage, if the operation-the applicaadvantage it be, of remaining immune. Education, or which became so violent that not tion of the be proceeded with. The forceps-could rather the want of it, is more potent than temperament, the was not recognised. of the An escape of cause symptoms trend of civilisation, which is equivalent to education, being was sought for and all the windows and illuminating gas distinctly in the direction of cosmopolitanism. The deeper The operation was concluded under the ignorance, the ruder the conditions of life under which doors were opened. because chloroform was suspected to be the cause not ether, a human being exists, the greater the probability when the but because anaesthesia was necesof trouble, prolonged exposed to its influence of his acquiring nostalgia. If a Dr. after Wilson the following Not noticed sary. long Gilbert Islander from Tierra del Fuego, for instance, were Emil Aronson: "It best statement is not to use 1 by the to be transported to comparative paradise of the Gilbert the free chlorine has chloroform not only by gas-light ; islands in the Pacific Ocean which have been described as but in a recent case also the physician, killed the patient, " a cluster of pearls hung upon the equator," he would very likely bewail his hard lot and pine for his own inclement and and made two nurses sick for some time." Dr. Wilson inhospitable wilderness, and if in like manner a Pacific then investigated the literature of the subject. Professor Gilbertian were to be promoted to, say, Pall Mall-which, Z weifelperformed a number of laparotomies under chlorowithout wishing to speak disrespectfully of the equator, form in a room and in the presence of three gas flames. In seven out of nine cases catarrhal pneumonia developed we maintain to be the more desirable abode of the two-he and one ended fatally. The symptoms were intense coughalso would no doubt soon break his heart longing for the and in the wounds from the exertion. ing, dyspnoea, pain delights of his sweltering hut in Micronesia. But of the Dr. of Herne, reported an operation for Mey Westphalia, three predisponents race it is which is the strangest and most inconsequential. Anglo-Saxons and their Celtic 1
brethren vary their
less extent
and customs while abroad
probably than people of
any other
f (1
nationalt ,
New York Medi cal Reco rd, Feb 18th, 1899, p. 237. Berline Klinisc he Woche nschrift, 18 J, No. 15, p. 318. 3 THE LANCET, Feb 26th, 1898 p. 611.