Notes on Contributors Mogens Bencard, after graduating in art history at Copenhagen University in 1961, became Director of the Town Museum in Ribe. There he worked as a local historian, with medieval archaeolog! as his speciality, and in 1980 he was appointed Keeper of the Royal Collections at Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen. (De Danske Kongers Kronologiske Samling PI Rosenborg, Bster Voldgade -la, 1350 Kobenhavn K. Denmark).
Lisbet Balslev Jorgensen is Curator of Architectural Drawings Arts in Copenhagen. Mrs Balslcv Jorgensen has made a particular (Vestre Stejlebakke 28, 3100 I Iornbaek, Denmark).
in the Library stud!- ofBcrte1
of the Royal Thorvaldsen
Academy of Fine and his museum.
Jergen Nordqvist is Chief Curator at the Conservation Department for Archaeological Finds at the National Museum in Copenhagen. He has been much involved in the transportation of M-orks of art (including the Vibin~ry Exhibition) and in the scientific programme of investigation of the Greenland Mummies. (Nationalmuseet, Konserveringsafdelingen for Jordfund, Ny L’estergade 11, DE;-1471 Kobenhavn K, Denmark).
Knud Jensen, a businessman until the age of -lo, retired with the intention of devoting the rest of his life to the creation of a museum of modern art. He founded the Iouisiana Museum and the Louisiana Foundation, and has recently received a special personal award from the International Museum ofthe Year panel. (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, DK-3050 Humlebaek, Denmark).
Borge Hansen is Administrator and Finance Director of the I.ouisiana Museum of Modern Art. Vice-Chairman of the National Council of Museums and Chairman of the NC&l Committee for Conservation; he is also Chairman of the Board of the Art Museum’ Cooperative Restoration Workshop and a member of the ICOM Committee for Museum Security. (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, DK-3050 Humlebaek, Denmark).
Niels Frithiof Truelsen, a practising architect, undertook the preliminary planning and took part in the restoration ofthe Faaborg Art !vluseum, 198lll983. He is a Consultant to the Ylinisty ofCultural AIfairs and has worked on a variety of museums in I Ijorring, Sorn, Esbjerg, Vejle, Skagen and I lorsens, and drew- up the plans for Brjggergaarden 6, DK-5600 Faaborg, the Silkeborg Art Museum (1978-1982). (c/o Faaborg Museum, Denmark).
Susanne Thestrup Andersen became Curator of the Faaborg Museum of Applied Arts, Copenhagen, 197Ol974, and experience same year she received her PhD in Art History from the University Malerkunst, Brpggergaarden 6, DK-5600 Faaborg. Denmark).
.Art hluseum in 1981 after working in the as a freelance in a number ofmuseums. In the of Copenhagen. (1:aaborg Museum for Fynsk
Janine Schotsmans was in charge of the Indian and South-east Asian Department at the Mu&es Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels (196771977). She has taught Asian Art at the lnstitut Superieur d’llistoire de 1’Art et d’Archeologie since 1968 and also lectures at Brussels University. In 1978-1981 she was Head of the ICORI Regional Agency for Asia. (18 rue de Praeter, Brussels, Nelgium).
Om Prakash Agrawal is Head of the National Research Laborator!for Conserv-ation I,uckhou-, In 1983 he published Progress in Consewa~ion -.Sezwz Y~uu.s ofh’RLC. (National of Cultural Property, C-257, Nirala Nagar, I,ucknow-226007, India).
of Cultural Property, Research Laborator!
Franz Mairinger received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of \‘ienna, and in 1968 became full Professor of Colour Chemistry, Colour Science and Paint Technology at the Academy of Fine L%rts. Since 1976 he has been Rector of the Academy and is in charge of the scientific training of restorers. (lnstitut fur Farbenlehre und Farbenchemie, Akademie de bildenden Kunste, Schillerplatz 3, A 1010 Wien, Austria).