BRONCHIAL CARCINOMA. B y B . T . Le ROZLX, Ch.M., F.R.C.S.E. E. Q S. Livingstone, Ltd., Edinburgh and L o n d o n (Williams Q W i l k i n s Co., Baltimore, U S . Agents), 1968. 144 pp., $10.50. Reviewed by John D. Steele, M.D. T h e author suggests in the preface that a n appropriate extended title would be “An Analysis of Presentation and Clinical Behavior in 4,000 Cases of Bronchial Carcinoma with Observations Regarding the Influence of Age, Histological Type, and Surgical Management in Selected Cases, on Prognosis.” These cases were seen in the Thoracic Surgical Unit in the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh between 1949 and 1963. Actually the series does not differ appreciably from other large series as far as operability, resectability, and survival are concerned; however, the book is organized beautifully so that the casual reader can obtain a wealth of information about the series in a very short time. Each chapter is preceded by a n excellent summary. T h e final summary i n the book contains 75 numbered items. Each reader may find observations of particular interest to him personally. For instance, this reviewer was impressed by the reliance on routine thoracoscopy rather than simple needle pleural biopsy in the diagnosis of pleural effusions suspected of being associated with bronchial carcinomas. He was also interested in the survival of the 17 patients having segmental resections for their carcinomas; 5 were alive five to eight years after operation. This book is recommended to all who are obliged to treat the increasing number of patients with bronchial carcinomas. San Fernando, Calif.
NOTICE FROM T H E SOUTHERN THORACIC SURGICAL ASSOCIATION Application for membership in the Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, on forms provided by the Association, should be sent directly to A. Robert Cordell, M.D. (Chairman of the Membership Committee), Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27103, no later than September 1, 1969. Papers that are accepted for the pro,gram and that are to be considered for publication in the Annals should be submitted to the Editor by October 15, 1969.