Notifying workplace accidents
A small field study to evaluate the deck of punched cards, representing use of a single form as now recommended braille, can be produced. The law on notification of accidents was carried out in February 1976 with and dangerous occurrences at work The present card-based system is at encouraging results, the document should be simplified and extended to 224 Great Portland Street. From about adds. cover everyone at work, the Health and April 1978 the whole of the braille Safety Commission propose in a revised production and printing departments consultative document published in will move to premises presently being July. For the first time, it is proposed fitted out in Goswell Road, London EC1 Computer system for braille that serious and fatal accidents to (Islington) together with the music The Royal National Institute for members of the public caused by work department and the students' tape the Blind has placed an order with library. activity should be notified, so that the GEC Computers Ltd valued in the Health and Safety Executive, (the region of £175,000 for the supply and Commission's operational arm), can maintenance of GEC 4070 computer have an overall picture of the hazards The Ergonomics Society: equipment to be used in the production arising from work in order to take of braille literature. The scheme will action against them. The document is Division of ergonomics become effective when the RNIB Proposals for the notification of practitioners moves some of its departments into accidents and dangerous occurrences, The Practitioner Division of the new premises during the early part of (HMSO, 50p). Ergonomics Society came into being 1978. The computer equipment will be New regulations should be made, on 1 January, 1978. The Society, used in the RNIB's new printing centre the Commission says, to include the formed in 1949 for the advancement and will speed publication of an following main proposals: of the study of the relation between increased range of braille books and people and their occupation, equipment periodicals for eductional, vocational • all fatal accidents to people at work, and recreational purposes. and environment, says that the aims of serious injuries and dangerous the Practitioner Division are: occurrences with potential for Operators at 16 text-entry visual serious injury, should be notified a) To promote the development of display terminals will key in text from immediately, preferably by telephone, ergonomics, especially its English originals. The computer system to the Health and Safety Executive, practical applications will directly accept these inputs and or to the local authority, if they translate the data into braille output b) To promote and ensure high happen in workplaces where the coded onto magnetic tape cassettes. standards of professional local authority enforces the Health These are used to control embossing competence and behaviour among and Safety at Work Act; machines which automatically punch ergonomics practitioners • written confirmation of all such the braille characters (called cells) c) To promote public awareness of accidents and dangerous occurrences onto zinc plates suitable for use on a the Division and its of concern, should be sent to the enforcing printing press. Alternatively, for single in ergonomics practice, for the authority within three days; copies of a document, the computer advantage of individuals and can itself drive a paper embosser thus • serious accidents to the public which organisations. eliminating .the need to manufacture happen as a result of work activity, a metal printing plate. The use of visual These aims are being partly met by other than transport accidents (which display units as input terminals gives the compilance of a Register of are already notified to other the operators the facility to edit text Qualified Practitioners. Ergonomists enforcement authorities such as the on entry. Separate purpose-built refresh with a minimum of three years fulltime police), should also be notified; graphics display terminals are used to recognised ergonomics practice can • employers should keep records of edit the braille cells prior to committing apply to be listed. (Successful all such notified accidents and the output to embossed paper or zinc. applicants agree to observe an ethical dangerous occurrences; Code of Conduct in their professional The new GEC system will replace an • records must also be kept of minor work). The Register will be available existing system which uses punched accidents - those which result in to enquirers from industry, commerce cards as the text input medium. At more than three days off work, but and government, or a n y b o d y who wishes present if edits are necessary which to refer to a source list of professional do not cause serious injury; cannot be contained on one single ergonomists. • the employer would have to complete source card - and this really means one form only with regard to minor In setting up the Practitioners changes of a very minor nature indeed accidents. This would normally be Division, the Ergonomics Society then repunching and re-translating the return made to the Department of all subsequent cards may be hopes to discourage any growth in of Health and Social Security (DHSS), necessary. Editing, particularly of a amateur ergonomics (while still following an employee's claim for large work, is thus a very laborious encouraging interest in the subject), industrial injury benefit. A copy of procedure, wasteful of time and and to show that ergonomics, above this return would be forwarded to materials. It is only when this stage is all, is practical and is successfully the Executive by DHSS. completely satisfactory that the output applied to many modern problems. -
Applied Ergonomics
March 1978