Novel digital filter implementations using hybrid RNS-binary arithmetic M.K.
Department o[' Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University o! Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK Received 22 July 1993; revised 20 December 1993 and 18 March 1994
Abstract The implementation of a FIR filter using a new hybrid RNS-binary arithmetic is presented for the first time. In the new arithmetic, the data samples are represented using RNS, and hence the carry free advantage of RNS computations is retained. However, the computation performed for each modulo is implemented using conventional binary arithmetic elements which overcome the drawback of ROM-based RNS arithmetic elements that become inefficient for large moduli. The conventional binary arithmetic elements are also faster and require less area than existing memoryless RNS arithmetic elements. It is shown that the filter structures based on the new arithmetic have better performance than those based on either the conventional binary or conventional RNS arithmetic for large moduli.
Zusammenfassung Die Implementierung eines FIR Filters wird erstmals vorgestellt, das eine neue hybride. RNS-bin~ire Arithmetik verwendet. In der neuen Arithmetik werden die Abtastwerte durch RNS dargestellt, und dadurch bleibt der Vorteil iibertragsfreier Berechnungen erhalten. Die Berechnung ffir jeden Modulwert wird jedoch durch konventionelle bin/~re arithmetische Einheiten ausgeffihrt, wodurch der Nachteil yon ROM-gesttitzten RNS arithmetischen Einheiten iiberwunden wird, bei groBen Modulwerten ineffizient zu werden. Die gew6hnlichen bin/iren arithmetischen Einheiten sind auch schneller und erfordern weniger Oberfl~iche als bestehende ged/ichtnislose RNS arithmetische Einheiten. Es wird gezeigt, dab die Filterstrukturen mit der neuen Arithmetik eine gr6Bere Leistungsf~ihigkeit haben als die, die entweder gew6hnliche bin~ire Arithmetik verwenden oder gew6hnliche RNS Arithmetik mit grol3en Modulwerten.
R~sum~ L'implantation d'un filtre FIR utilisant une nouvelle arithm+tique hybride RNS-binaire est pr~sentee pour la premi6re lois. Dans la nouvelle arithm6tique, les 6chantillons sont repr6sent6s en utilisant RNS, d'ofi sont retenus les avantages des calculs sans retenus. N6anmoins, le calcul, r6alis6 pour chaque modulo, est implant+ en utilisant les 616ments conventionels de l'arithm6tique binaire ce qui permet de contourner les d6savantages des 616ments arithm6tique RNS bas6s sur les ROM qui deviennent innefficaces pour de grand modulo. Les 616ments conventionnels de l'arithmetique binaire sont +galement plus rapide et n6cessitent moins de superficie que les 616ments arithm6tiques RNS sans m+moire. I1 est montr6 que les structures de filtres bas~es sur la nouvelle arithm~tique ont de meilleures performances que celles bas6es sur les arithm6tiques conventionnelles binaires ou RNS pour les grand modulo. Keywords: Digital filter implementation; VLSI architectures; RNS
1. Introduction The implementation of digital filters and transform processors using Residue Number System (RNS) has received significant research interest especially in high-speed implementation of many signal processing applications [4]. Filter designs based on RNS have also been reported where they clearly show the advantages over structures based on the conventional binary arithmetic [6]. The filter designed based on RNS arithmetic used about 150 000 gates compared to more than two million gates using conventional binary arithmetic [6]. The main merit of RNS arithmetic is that the complete wordlength computation is divided into computations on independent moduli which are represented with smaller number of bits. Since the computation on each modulo is independent of each other, RNS arithmetic is free from the carry propagation across a large wordlength which is the case in conventional arithmetic. Another advantage of RNS is that it is suitable for the design of fault tolerant signal processors due to its inherent fault detection capability [5]. In applications where high accuracy is needed, or in operations that require a large wordlength, large moduli are required. In the implementation of RNS arithmetic for large moduli, modulo multipliers are the major bottleneck in the implementation of RNS-based digital signal processors in terms of cost and/or speed [3]. Although many multipliers that are based on ROM [9] have been proposed, the major drawback of using ROM is that it becomes inefficient for large moduli [3, 4]. Another common approach has been to design modulo specific RNS multipliers. However, the major drawback of this approach for VLSI implementation is that the resulting structure is not modular since the path of each modulo cannot be realised using a single hardware unit. The only universal modulo multiplier that exists in the literature for large moduli which is not based on ROM is the one proposed in [3]. This structure requires two n-bit multipliers, one 2n-bit multiplier and two (n + 1) bit adders, where n is the number of bits required to represent a modulo. In this paper, a new architecture is proposed which will allow the exploitation of both the carry
free advantage of RNS as well as the use of efficient binary arithmetic elements.
2. Vector inner product implementation using hybrid RNS-binary arithmetic In the new arithmetic the numbers are coded using RNS. However, the processing of each modulo is realised using the conventional binary arithmetic elements. To illustrate the concept of the new arithmetic, we will consider the case of the vector inner product. Many digital signal processing operations including filtering and transforms can be formulated as a vector inner product operation. The vector inner product is given by Y = X o A o + X I A I + ... + X x A r ,