Nuclear physics at SLAC

Nuclear physics at SLAC

Nuclear Physics A446 (1985) 463~466~ North-HoEand, Amsterdam NUCLEAR PHYSICS AT SLAC Peter BOSTED American University c/o SLAC, P.O. Box 4349, Bin ...

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Nuclear Physics A446 (1985) 463~466~ North-HoEand, Amsterdam



Peter BOSTED American University c/o SLAC, P.O. Box 4349, Bin 43, CA 94305, USA

A short overview of past. present, and possible future nuclear physics experiments at SLAC is presented. Until recently. the facilities for doing electron scattering experiments at SLAC consisted of an End Station with three spectrometers of maximum momentum 1.6. 8.0. and 20.0 GeV. and a beam of maximum energy 20 GeV. with a 1.6 psec long pulse with peak current of 40 ma and a repetition rate of less than 180 pps. With this poor duty cycle. only exclusive channel coincidenceexperiments were feasible, but with the high average current at high beam energies. very small cross sections could be measured. One of the first nuclear physics experiments to be done was to extend the measurement of the forward angle elastic form factor of the deuteron A(Q2) to momentum transfers Q2as high as 6 (GeV/cj2


At these small distances the quark degrees of freedom become important, and the

results were examined both from the point of view of perturbative QCD and traditional nuclear physics. The inelastic scattering at forward angles was also measured and was observed to obey scaling laws 2

at sufficiently high Q2


The next nuclear experiments measured the forward angle elastic and inelastic cross sections from 3.2 ‘He and ‘He . Again, the results were reviewed with a great deal of interest. While not strictly speaking a nuclear physics experiment. the extraction of the neutron magnetic form factor from quasielastic scattering from deuterium up to Q2--10 (GeV/c)2 also provided results which were interpreted 4.2 in the y scaling picture - Following this was an experiment to measure the magnetic form factor of the proton up to Q2=32 (GeV/c)2 with relatively small error bars5.

This purely high energy physics

experiment was divided into two runs spaced a year apart. with a shorter experiment to measure the ratio of deep inelastic scattering cross sections from various nuclei (the ‘EMC effect’) taking place in 6 the interim - The high beam current at SLAC enabled the experimenters to cover a wide range in x and Q2 and established a solid set of data to which theorists could make detailed comparisons. This vein of experimentation will be continued this fall. when we will measure R.the ratio of longitudinal to transverse scattering in the deep inelastic region. for a variety of nuclei, with particular emphasis on deuterium and hydrogen. Many experiments in nuclear physics require a high current electron beam of energy greater than 800 MeV. At the present time. SLAC is the only place that has such a beam. but to run a 1 GeV beam

0375-9474/85/$03.30 OElsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)


P. Bosted /Nuclear physics at SLAC

down a 20 GeV accelerator

is very expensive.

so that in the late 1970’s

it was proposed

to build an

new injector 4/5 of the way down the machine that could provide beams up to 3.5 GeV at a relatively low cost. It would also have the advantage

of providing much higher current below 2 GeV than the full

linac could. After several tries. this proposal was finally approved and the Nuclear Physics Injector was completed

in November

1984. A separate budget was approved for experiments

and the first experiment scattering attempt

took place in January

of electrons


It consisted

to use the new injector,

of measuring

the threshold

from a variety of nuclei using the 8 GeV spectrometer.

to explain the EMC effect make interesting




about the ratio of electron



cross sections from various nuclei in this little explored high x region7. The next experiment of the magnetic

to use the NPI is underway

form factor of the deuteron

at the time of this conference.

uses the NPI to full advantage.

possible beam currents at energies from 800 to 2000 MeV. Since B(Q2) is almost


headed by American University




of 700 MeV.

and a 40 cm long liquid target

events by capturing msr acceptance.


the recoil deuteron.

The detectors

It is a QQQDD


of Massachusetts. system


This spectrometer


hut consist of a threshold


The deuteron

hut has several planes of scintillators

but also to separate deuterons

with about 2.5

gas Cherenkov

define the electron time.


is only 2.2

is also needed to tag the elastic

glass shower counter to also separate pions and electrons.

using time-of-flight

and Tel Aviv

with a solid angle of 20

veto pions. a segmented



the collaboration.

Since the binding energy of the deuteron

is used, a 0’

in the electron

is much smaller than A(Q2).


with help from SLAC. The University

decided to build a 180”

msr and a maximum MeV.

to measure with a standard

The measurement

as it requires the highest



and scintillators


to not only measure the

from the much more copious protons

within the hut. Both huts contain several planes of proportional

wire chambers


define the tracks. To date this experiment (GeV/c)2.

and will continue

to find out whether approximation.

has made measurements

of B(Q2)

up to as high a momentum

the form factor has a minimum

at Q2 = 1.2. 1.5. 1.75. 2.0. and 2.5

transfer as possible.

around Q2=2


as predicted

in the impulse

or whether this feature is filled in by meson exchange currents and isobar contributions.

Inelastic spectra extending from threshold to the quasi-elastic to measure Wt(u,Q’)

peak will also be taken at several settings

at the lowest possible values of the scaling variable w’.

I would now like to address the question of what future experiments Due to the high cost involved. so experiments

Of special interest will be

there will probably

of running time available

at SUK.

be very little running with the high energy beam.

will have to use the NPI with a present

current of 80 ma. and a pulse width of 1.6 psec.

could be performed


energy of 3.5 GeV. a maximum

There will probably be between one and three months

each year at the full repetition

rate of 180 pps. with another

month or so

of checkout running at 10 pps avaibbfe. When the new SK

klystrons are instaRed. the energy will

increase to 5 or 6 GeV and the pulse width will be widened by perhaps a factor of two. One of the most obvious experiments that could be dnne is to measure the backward elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons from 3He. This might




existing 180” spectrometer with

minor modifications. Measuring the form factors of tritium is also quite interesting. but obtaining approval for a target may prove difficult. An experiment that has already been approved to run this January wig measure the width and position of the A(1236)

for various nuclei at higher Q2 than can be

done elsewhere. Other experiments may concentrate on transv~~ion~tud~na~

separations in the A

region. Sing&earm inelastic scatter&g torrid also be used to study the deuteron ~t~djsint~at~on


above threshold using the I.6 GeV spectrometer. This was not possible using the 180” spectrometer due to the large contribution from the target endcaps. The photodisintegration of the deuteron is also of great interest, where our present knowledge could be oxtendod to photon energies as high as 2 GaV over a wide angular range using the 1.6 GeV spectrometer. Other photoproduction experiments could include kaon production from a variety of nuclei to study hypemuclear states that are hard to observe with simple kaon scattering. Beyond these relatively straightforward experiments comes the possibility of installing a potarired source at the NPI. This could make possibfe the separation of the charge and quadropoie elastic form factors of the deuteron. A pofarimeter woutd need to be made to measure the~oIa~xati~ recoil dwterons.

of tfte

An even more difficult experiment would be the measurement of the neutron form

factor using quasi-elastic scattering from deuterium and a neutron polarimeter. Detailed studies would be needed to see if such an experiment could be done with the poor duty cycle of the NPI. There is also the possibility nf using gas jet targets in one of the two stnrege rings at SLAC. A wealth nf information about polariration form factors of the proton and deutoron could possibly be obtained using a combination of facilities available nowhere else in the world, but much study is needed to figure out the best approach, ard a fairly large group of physicists would need to be assembfed to perform these very difficult experiments. There is certainty a bright future ahead for nuctear physics and reiated high energy physics experiments at SLAC.

REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

R.G. Arnold et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 35 (1976) 776. P. Basted et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 1380. R.G. Arnold et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 40 (19771 429. S. Rock et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1980) 1139. American University et al., analysis in progress. R.G. Arnold et al., Phys, Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 727. University of Virginia et al., analysis in progress.