death, at the shop of a chemist in this town; was charged not to mention the cir- WESTMINSTER MEDICAL SOCIETY. cnmstance to her husband; and that, if he Saturday, October 19th, 1839. should forget the name of the article, he was to tell the chemist that it was what they MR. HALE THOMSON, President. clean boot-tops with." EXCESSIVE EFFECTS OF 1NTOXICATIOy BY My object in requesting you to insert this1 ALCOHOL. letter is to show that, in processes like that The first meeting of the session was held of testing the contents of the stomach in cases this evening in the Society’s New Rooms, of suspected poisoning, one may occasionally Exeter Hall. The well-founded objections fail to find all the results which he is taught which existed to the Hunterian Museum, as to expect, or all the results furnished by the a of meeting, prevented many of the place same tests on a simple solution of the same old members of the Society from attending poison in water. Your’a obediently, at that place. It was cold and cheerless on a winter’s night, and sufficiently dreary in JOHN DAVIES. that be
appearance to friends of the
prevent any but the staunchest Society from attending. The
meeting-room in Exeter Hall, trary, possesses
To the Editor of TnLANCET. SIR :-As the editor of an influential medical periodical, you appear to be the fittest person to bring before the public the present disgraceful state of the law, by which their worships, of Apothecaries’ Hall, are governed. After having paid the customary premium to a snrgeon.apothecary for my son, I, in due time, entered him at one of the medical schools and hospitals of this
ignorantly supposing,
their by
should he pass the examination of learned worships, they would, at least, their
only qualify
him to act
but protect him from all others not so licensed ; but how was I disappointed to find that any chemist, druggist, or even quack, has the power of taking away the advantages which ought to follow an expensive and scientific education; for such, Mr. Editor, is the course of studies enjoined for a medical student, that a small fortune may, without great care and economy, be expended before all the lectures, &c., are gone through. I would, therefore, take the liberty of suggesting the absotttte necessity of forming a medical students’ association, the plan for which there is no one more capable of concocting than youran
self. I have had opportunities of conversing with many students, and have found a pretty general desire prevailing amongst them, of setting the Court of Examiners, at the Hall, at defiance, and merely passing at the College of Surgeons, unless their worships take steps to enlarge their power by applying to the legislature. PATER.
air of
the con. and is so snch ob. We trust
well warmed and lighted, that no can be raised against it. the present session will be more profitable than has been usual, and that the discussions will be less desultory than they have been during some former sessions. The West. minster Medical Society numbers about 1,200 members, among whom will be found the names of many distinguished men. With a little industry, its proceedings will bear comparison with those of any similar insti. tution. The evening, as is customary on the the first meeting of a new session, was par. tially occupied by the nomination of members to fill the various oflices.
Dn. GuL>amc l3tta> stated the following case :-About five months since a man ap-
plied to patient.
the The
Finsbury Dispensary as a apothecary thinking, from his
symptoms and appearance, that the
man was
gave him an emetic and purgative, and ordered him to attend again. Dr. Bird saw him on the next visiting-day, which was three days after his first appearHe was a fine, healthy-looking man, ance. and, until within the last six weeks, had always enjoyed excellent health. He was employed in a distillery, and was remarkably temperate. He gave the following account of his case. Six weeks before, one day, feeling ery thirsty, he went to drink out of a can, containing, as he supposed, cold water, but which turned out to be strong alcohol 50° above proof ; before he found out his mistake he had drank about eight fluid ounces, and instantly dropped senseless upon the floor. A medical man saw him a few minutes afterwards, and found him deadly cold ; his breathing was calm, his pulse scarcely perceptibte, and his lips blue. He was taken home. His wife refused to allow the medical man to empty the stomach, but gave her husband some purgative pills, which she had great difliculty, however, in getting him to swallow. He continued in this cold insensible state for eleven hours,