19 December 1994 PHYSICS LETTERS A
Physics Letters A 196 (1994) 52-54
Numerical study of waves of topplings in the Abelian sandpile model D.V. Ktitarev a,:, VI.V. P a p o y a n u,2 a Laboratory of Computing Techniques, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region 141980, Russian Federatton b Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint lnstituteflgr Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Regton 141980, Russian Federation
Received 8 April 1994; revised manuscript received 19 September 1994; accepted for publication 12 October 1994 Communicated by A.P. Fordy
We study numerically the asymptotics of size distributions for avalanche waves in the 2D Abelian sandpile model. We find the estimates of exponents for five families of waves, including the first and the last waves in an avalanche. The size distributions of waves of a general form and boundary avalanches are also investigated. The obtained results are in agreement with theoretical predictions and numerical simulations performed by other authors.
The sandpile models introduced by Bak, Tang and Weisenfeld [ 1 ] as simple models o f self-organized criticality ( S O C ) have been intensively investigated in recent years. A class o f such models called the Abelian sandpile models ( A S M ) [2 ] attracted special interest since essential properties were analytically det e r m i n e d and some characteristics were exactly evaluated for these models in two dimensions [ 3 - 6 ]. Nevertheless, the p r o b l e m of the consistent theoretical description o f the dynamics o f avalanches for nontrivial lattices remains unsolved even in this simplest case. Recently, Ivashkevich, Ktitarev and Priezzhev [7] have introduced the concept o f waves in ASM avalanches. They represented each avalanche as a sequence o f waves and evaluated the critical exponent o f the size distribution o f a general wave. They established the equivalence between waves and inverse avalanches defined by D h a r and M a n n a [ 8 ] and re1 E-main:
[email protected], z E-mail:
[email protected].
Elsevier Science B.V. SSDI 0375-9601 ( 94 )00818-3
produced their result for the critical exponent o f the size distribution o f the first inverse avalanche. Using special properties o f avalanches starting at the b o u n d a r y they found also the critical exponent for b o u n d a r y avalanches. In this Letter we investigate the power-law behavior o f wave distributions depending on the "age" o f the wave in a given avalanche. Besides, we obtain numerical estimates for the critical exponents found exactly in Ref. [7]. The results o f our compute simulations are in agreement with the theoretical predictions [ 7,8 ]. We consider the ASM on a square NX N lattice with open b o u n d a r y conditions [2]. The d y n a m i c s o f the model is defined by the toppling N Z X N 2 matrix A with nonzero elements d , = 4 and d u = - 1 for adjacent sites i a n d j . A sandpile configuration o f heights is stable iff 0 ~
D. V. Ktitarev, VI. V. Papoyan / Physics Letters A 196 (1994) 52-54
also topple and the process proceeds until a stable configuration is reached. The process of topplings of all nonstable sites is called the avalanche. Some sites may not topple, some may topple once or more during a given avalanche. The avalanche may be represented as a sequence of waves in the following way [ 7 ]. We add a particle to the site with the height 4, topple it once and then relax all other unstable sites preserving the initial site from the second toppling. The set of toppled sites is called "the first wave". Then we permit the site to topple a second time creating a second wave and so on, until the avalanche stops. It is shown [ 7 ] that the last wave coincides with the first inverse avalanche
[81. There are several spatial characteristics of an avalanche which have a power-law behavior. Let s be the total number of topplings and sa be the number of distinct sites where at least one toppling occurs during a given avalanche. The exponents zs and Zd are defined by the following relations for large x, P r o b ( s = x ) ~ x -T* ,
P r o b ( S d = X ) ~ x --Td .
Manna has performed computer simulations [ 9 ] and obtained the same values for these exponents: Zs=Zd= 1.22. In a later paper [ 10], he has suggested a more accurate estimation, zs= 1.20. Based on theoretical considerations and known numerical results, Majumbar and Dhar [6] have predicted the following values for these exponents: z ~ = ~ l . 1 4 and Zd= 7 ~ 1.17. Christensen and Olami [ 11 ], however, suggested other theoretical values: z~= ~ ~ 1.09 and ,/.d= ~ 23l . 1 0 . Dhar and Manna [8] have found that the probability distribution of the first inverse avalanche that coincides with the last wave in our interpretation has the critical exponent rs= _ ~-.11.
this collection is called the wave of a general form. It was shown [ 7 ] that the average number of waves of a general form of size s varies as 1/s for large s. Ivashkevich, Ktitarev and Priezzhev [7] also proved that the avalanches starting at the boundary consist of only one wave and the corresponding probability distribution of size s varies as s -3/2 for large S.
Our computer simulations give close estimates of the three exponents found exactly in Refs. [8,7]: Z~ast= 1.37, Zge.... 1= 0.99, Zbound~ry= 1.51. In calculating the critical exponents we use the algorithm described by Manna [ 9 ]. We produce one million avalanches for square lattices with N-- 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, constructing the size distributions for each value of N. In the case of general waves we take into account all waves appearing in each avalanche. Open boundary conditions are considered except for the investigation of the avalanches starting at the boundary. In the latter case we define two opposite sides of the square as open boundaries and apply to the two other sides by periodic boundary conditions. Every 10 avalanches we add at random the particle into one of the sites at the open boundary and collect data on the sizes of these particular avalanches. We construct the size distributions by measuring the number of waves or boundary avalanches of a particular size s. Then we take a double logarithmic plot of this distribution (see, for example, Fig. 1 ) and evaluate the slope of the straight part of the curve. In this way we find numerical values z (m for different sizes N of the 2.0
Prob(sf=x) ~x-ll/S
for large x ,
where ss is the size of the last wave. They have also argued that the size of the cluster of maximum topplings (the set of sites which toppled more than other sites during the given avalanche) has the same powerlaw distribution. Ivashkevich, Ktitarev and Priezzhev [7 ] considered the dynamics of the sandpile as a sequence of waves without reference to particular avalanches which every wave belongs to. An arbitrary wave of
),: qP~ 0
Fig. 1. D o u b l e l o g a r i t h m i c plot o f the size p r o b a b i l i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n D(s) of boundary avalanches for lattice size N= 500 inte-
grated over bins of lengths increasingexponentially.
D. V. Ktitarev, VI. V. Papoyan /Physics Letters A 196 (1994) 52-54
lattice. Then we estimate the exponent 2-=limu.... 2-(N) (Fig. 2). We also study other power-law distributions arising in the wave structure of the avalanches. We consider the distributions of waves depending not on their n u m b e r m in an avalanche, but on their index c~ which we define as the ratio of their n u m b e r in a given avalanche and the total n u m b e r of waves in this avalanche, c~-
if k > 1 ,
if k = 1.
We choose those five families of waves whose indices are the closest to the values 0, ~, -~, ], 1 and find their power-law distributions with the following exponents: 2-nrst=t~= 1.1 1, z'2= 1.10, 2"3-- 1.22, 2-4-- 1.26, 2-5 : 2-last : 1.37. In conclusion, we summarize the results of our simulations. We have investigated the wave structure of sandpile avalanches and observed the power-law
behavior of sizes of the waves at different stages of the avalanche evolution. Our numerical experiments confirm the theoretical estimates of critical exponents for sizes of waves of a general form, sizes of the last waves in an avalanche and sizes of avalanches starting at the open bounda~'. We have to point out that all the known estimates of r, and r j are quite close to the approximate value of mrs, ~ 1.11 obtained in this Letter. One of the interesting questions is to derive the relationship between these exponents. Recent investigations by Dhar and M a n n a [8] have shown that the values of the exponent of the first inverse avalanche (i.e. the last wave) and the exponent of the cluster of m a x i m u m topplings probably coincide. We believe that wider and more elaborate computer experiments and theoretical considerations could clarify the connection between critical properties of sandpile avalanches and the waves they consist of. We would like to thank V.B. Priezzhev and E.V. lvashkevich for fruitful discussions and A.J. Ketikian for help in data processing.
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Fig. 2. Plot of estimations of critical exponents rge,efa~,rn~,, ha~,rbouna~ryfor different lattice sizes with 1/log N.
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