XANTHAN GUM IN BATTERS. Gail D. Teague*, Daniel R. Burgum, Kelco Div. of Merck & Co. Inc., 8225 Aero Dr., San Diego, CA 92123. Quantitative data on batters containing gums, such as viscosity stability, gum stability to enzymes, suspension properties, degrees of adhesion, and crispness is limited. Laboratory trials were run to compare batters prepared with xanthan gum, carboxymethycellulose, guar gum and methylcellulose, during application to foods and after frying. Results showed that xanthan gum provided batters with a greater degree of adhesion, stability and resistance to enzyme attack, and improved suspension properties relative to batters containing no gum or the other gums listed above. NUTRITIVE VALUE OF SOYBEAN, RAPESEED AND WHEAT PROTEINS, AND VARIOUS BLENDS OF THESE VEGETABLE PROTEINS AND THEIR FRACTIONS IN RATS. Jocelyne Delisle*, Jean Amiot, GiIles Goulet, Germain-J. Brisson, Centre de recherche en nutrition, Universite Laval, Quebec GIK 7P4 and J .D. Jones, Food Research Institute, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OC6. Soybean flour, rapeseed protein concentrate, whole wheat flour, soybean 2S + 11 S extract, wheat albumin-globulin + glutenin [AG + G] fractions, and some of their blends were prepared in view of measuring their respective PER and ADC. Casein and rapeseed protein concentrate gave the highest weight gains and PER. Other protein sources gave lower values for both PER and weight gain. The digestibility of all vegetable proteins was lower than that of casein. PER of soybean 2S + II S extract was significantly lower than that of soybean flour. Four blends were prepared on the basis of amino acid composition, chromatography of proteolyzates and nutritive value of each fraction. The PER of wheat albumin-globulin and glutenin [AG + G] blend was similar to that of wheat flour and lower than that of all other blends used. Wheat [AG + G] + soybean flour blends gave the highest PER. Wheat AG + G improved the PER of 2S + II S extract and of soybean flour but decreased the PER of rapeseed protein concentrate. Wheat AG + G and wheat [AG + G] + rapeseed protein concentrate blends gave and ADC significantly higher than that of wheat AG + G blend containing soy32 bean flour or 2S+ liS extract. However, blending wheat AG+G with either 2S + II S extract or soybean flour improved ADC. NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF TWO CANADIAN OATS CULTIVARS. G. Goulet*, J. Amiot, D. Lavergne and G.J. Brisson, Centre de recherche en nutrition, Universite Laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec, GIK 7P4. Nutritional quality of Hinoat and Scott cultivars was evaluated by amino acid composition, net protein ratio (NPR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and protein digestibility coefficient (ADC). Experimental materials were oat groats, soluble proteins (SP) at pH 9.5 and protein concentrate (PC) obtained after isoelectric precipitation (pH 5.5) of the alkaline extract. Scott groats were slightly higher than Hinoat groats in most of the essential amino acids (g/16 gN). However, NPRs were not significantly (P<0.05) different between the two varieties of groats while PER of Scott groats (2.31) was higher (P <0.05) than that of Hinoat groats (2.15). PER and NPR of SP for each cultivar were significantly lower than PER of groats (P <0.05). For both cultivars, PER of PC was lower than PER of groats but higher than PER of SP (P < 0.05). Protein ADC of Scott groats was lower (P <0.05) than that of Hinoat groats (78.4010 vs 83.2010); for both cultivars, protein ADCs were in the following order: PC >SP >groats (P <0.05). Scott groats had a higher nutritional value than hinoat groats but protein extracted from groats by alkaline solubilization had a lower nutritional value than groats. SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHOD TO QUANTITATE FOOD LECTINS. Jacqueline E. Gabon* and Lilian U. Thompson. Dept. of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S IA8. A new spectrophotometric method was developed to quantitate lectin or hemagglutinin activity of extracts from purified lectins, raw or cooked foods. This method measures non-agglutinated cells at 540 nm in a multititer-multiscanner and precisely determines the amount of lectin needed to agglutinate 50010 of the rabbit erythroCan. Insl. Food Sci. Technol. J. Vo!. 18, No. 3. 1985
cyte.suspension. Results may be expressed as hemagglutinin units (HU) per mg sample or as HU/mg relative to concanavalin A, a lectin standard concurrently tested to ensure reproducibility of the assay. Advantages of this method over others include requirement for only microgram quantities of samples, rapidity, sensitivity and elimination of subjectivity and variations due to erythrocyte samples.
EFFECT OF PHYTIC ACID ON IN-VITRO DIGESTIBILITY OF PROTEINS AND AMINO ACIDS. Maria R. Serraino*, Lilian U. Thompson, Laurent Savoie and Guy Parent. Dept. of Nutritional Sciences, Univ. of Toronto, Ontario M5S IA8 and Centre de Rech. Nutr., Univ. Laval, Quebec GIK 7P4. Phytic acid in rapeseed flour was reduced by pH adjustment to 5.15 with subsequent dialysis or by phytase treatment at pH 5.15 with subsequent dialysis. The effect of phytate reduction on the invitro rate and extent of protein and amino acid digestibilities was determined using an in-vitro pepsin-pancreatin proteolysis method with sumultaneous dialysis of reaction products. A 50010 reduction in phytic acid improved the rate of release of many essential amino acids but a further 89010 reduction in phytic acid did not enhance this effect. Lower extent of protein and amino acid digestibilities resulted with both low phytate flours as compared to the untreated control. MUNGBEAN PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY FOR BETTER NUTRITION IN THE PHILIPPINES. E.M. Payumo, Food and Nutrition Research Institute, National Science and Technology Authority, Manila, Philippines. Among the field legumes, mungbeans (Vigna radiata L. Wilzeck) are the most widely available and commonly consumed in the Philippines. Compared to cereals, mungbeans yield more protein per hectare at lower costs. Their high lysine content make them a useful compliment to cereal grain proteins low in lysine. Processing procedures for an efficient utilization of mungbeans and their use in the development of new food products will be presented.
DETERMINATION OF FREE AMINO ACIDS BY CAPIllARY GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY IN AGED AND lATE GASING CHEDDAR CHEESE. Laleye* c.L., Simard R.E. and C. Gosselin. Departement de Sciences et Technologie des Aliments, et Centre de recherche en nutrition. Universite Laval, Quebec. The free amino acids of cheddar cheese extracts from high quality old cheddar cheese and late gasing cheddar cheese were studied using heptafluorobutyl isopropyl ester derivates. Crude extracts of trichloro-acetic acid were purified on a strongly acidic cation exchanger and the amino acids quantified by Capillary Gas liquid chromatography. Twenty amino acids were definitely identified and the presence of others was suspected. The proportion of glutamic acid in late gasing cheddar cheese can be used as a basis for a "poorly aged" cheddar cheese. Total analysis time was in the order of 16-18 minutes for the GlC method. Traces of free amino (0.01010) have also been identified.
DOSAGE DE L'ACIDE PHYTIQUE DANS UNE FARINE ET UN CONCENTRE PROTEIQUE DE COLZA SUIVANT DIFFERENTES METHODES. L. Lemieux*, 1. Amiot et G.J. Brisson, Centre de recherche en nutrition, Dep. de sciences et technologie des aliments et Dep. de zootechnie, Universite laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec G IK 7P4, Canada. Differentes methodes de dosage de l'acide phytique dans des concentres proteiques et farines de colza ont ete comparees sur la base de leur reproductibilite et de leur rapidite: celle de la precipitation par le chlorure ferrique suivant Wheeler et Ferrel, ceIle de Latta et Eskin, par la retention sur resine echangeuse d'ions, et I'hydrolyse enzymatique par Uppstrom et Svensson. Les teneurs en acide phytique mesurees par la methode de Wheeler et Ferrel sont plus elevees par les valeurs obtenues par la methode enzymatique de Uppstrom et Svensson. La methode de Latta et Eskin donne des resultats comparables 11 ceux de la methode enzymatique. Les resultats montrent cependant que la methode de Latta et Eskin est reproductible, en plus d'etre plus rapide et moins coGteuse que les deux autres.
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