1992 Oct. 17-21, O rlando. 1993 Nov. 6-11, San F ran cisco . 1994 Oct. 22-27, New O rlea n s. 1995 Oct. 4-8, Las V egas. 1996 Oct. 19-24, M iam i/M iam i B each. 1997 Oct. 18-22, W a sh in g to n , D.C. 1992 CONSTITUENT DENTAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETINGS
D e n t a l S o c ie t y o f t h e S t a te o f N e w Y o rk , 7 E lk S t., A lbany 12207, (518) 4650044 D e c . 3-6, N e w Y ork C ity . A complete listing of 1992 constituent society annual m eetings appeared in the J a n u a ry issue of JADA.
OBITUARIES A lbrigh t, S a m u el W. Allentown, Pa. Born 1907. Died May 1992 U niversity of Pennsylvania 1933 B a c h e lle , C ecil F. P u n ta Gorda, Fla. Born 1912. Died April 1992 Indiana U niversity 1954 B irn b ach , E m a n u el E. Bronx, N.Y.
JADA, Vol. 123, October 1992
Born 1913. Died May 1992 New York U niversity 1938 B loom , A rch ie C. Clinton, Iowa Born 1911. Died April 1992 U niversity of Iowa 1935 B onk, E dw ard L. M ount Prospect,
111 . Born 1925. Died May 1992 Loyola U niversity of Chicago 1952 B oyd, R u ssell C. H untington, W.Va. Born 1900. Died May 1992 Indiana D ental College 1923 C annizzaro, A n th on y B. Lancaster, Pa. Born 1913. Died April 1992 St. Louis U niversity 1937 C u n ningh am , J o h n D. Escondido, Calif. Born 1931. Died May 1992 Ohio S tate U niversity 1955 F rem ed, C lifford D. Lawrence, N.Y. Born 1960. Died Ju n e 1992 Baltim ore College of D ental Surgery 1984 F ried m an , R ob ert D. Philadelphia Born 1935. Died Ju n e 1991 New York U niversity 1960 F rym ark, A.J. Oak P ark, 111. Born 1919. Died May 1992 N orthw estern U niversity 1944 G ooding, C arnie C. Havelock, N.C. Born 1920. Died April 1992 U niversity of N orth Carolina 1954 G reenberg, R obert. Delray Beach, Fla. Born 1911. Died February 1992 U niversity of Illinois 1937 G reenky, L ew is J . Snyder, N.Y. Born 1923. Died May 1992 U niversity of Buffalo 1947 G regory, L ym an J. Asheville, N.C. Born 1929. Died April 1992 Emory U niversity 1965 H artog, B ren t J . S alt Lake City Born 1950. Died May 1992 U niversity of N ebraska 1980 H ow ard, S eym ou r J. Albuquerque, N.M. Born 1917. Died April 1992 New York U niversity 1942 H um phrey, R ob ert W. Fairfax Station, Va. I Born 1932. Died May 1992
Virginia Commonwealth U niversity 1960 J o sep h , D avid T. Cam den, S.C. Born 1925. Died April 1992 Georgetown U niversity 1953 Kem, C harles E. Richmond, Ind. Born 1906. Died M arch 1992 Indiana U niversity 1929 K loos, G arret. Phoenix, Ariz. Born 1954. Died May 1992 N orthw estern U niversity 1980 K rapek, F rank J. Osage, Iowa Born 1920. Died April 1992 University of Iowa 1954 K rauss, S id n ey. Ft. L auderdale, Fla. Born 1914. Died April 1992 New York U niversity 1940 K ronstein, R obert. New York City Born 1948. Died Ju n e 1992 New York University 1974 K rugh, K en n eth R. P ittsburgh Born 19??. Died April 1992 U niversity of P ittsburgh 1928 K uhar, G eorge M. Cleveland Born 1915. Died April 1992 Case W estern Reserve U niversity 1941 K ukor, J o se p h F. Cudahy, Wis. Born 1919. Died April 1992 M arquette U niversity 1943 Latm an, B B. Exton, Pa. Born 1912. Died May 1992 Temple U niversity 1936 M artin, G eo H. Bronxville, N.Y. Born 1915. Died April 1992 Columbia U niversity 1941 M ayers, J o h n J . Bronxville, N.Y. Born 1906. Died April 1992 Columbia U niversity 1932 M cD erm ott, C h arles F. P ittsburgh Born 1911. Died M arch 1992 U niversity of P ittsb u rg h 1934 M iller, B. E. Lakewood, Ohio Born 1942. Died April 1992 U niversity of S outhern California 1969 N elson , J o h n H. E lkhart, Ind. Born 1921. Died April 1992 Temple U niversity 1951 N orw in e, F a y e tte E. Farm ington, Mo. Born 1900. Died May 1992 St. Louis U niversity 1929 Orr, R ich ard L. Indianapolis Born 1914. Died M arch 1992
The ADA recognized toothbrush that goes to great lengths to fight plaque. Introducing the new Plax Toothbmsh-clinically shown to remove plaque from even hardto-reach teeth. It has an extra long neck that makes it easy for patients to brush away plaque. Its head is specially angled to help comple ment the hand’s natural position during brushing for effective plaque removal. And its special thumb rest enhances brush control to help patients get tough with even tenacious plaque. The new Plax Toothbrush is recognized by the American Dental Association. That’s one more reason it’s so easy to recommend.
A new handle on plaque control.
American D en tal
In d iana U niversity 1950 R a ch els, R ob ert G. Hominy, Okla. Born 1928. Died M arch 1992 U niversity of Tennessee 1969 R ich a rd so n , R obert J. Peoria, 111. Born 1924. Died April 1992 M arquette U niversity 1947 R iv iello , J a m e s J . U pper Darby, Pa. Born 1916. Died April 1992 Temple U niversity 1950 R o b in son , W illiam A. Brazil, Ind. Born 1917. Died April 1992 Indiana U niversity 1940 R ollin , T h om as H. M innetonka, Minn. Born 1939. Died May 1992 U niversity of M innesota 1962 R oyer, O tis E. Seattle Born 1914. Died May 1992 N orth Pacific College of Oregon 1939 R u d ik, M ich ael A. Binghamton, N.Y. Born 1926. Died April 1992 U niversity of Pennsylvania 1954 R yan, E d w ard T. Chicopee, Mass. Born 1928. Died M arch 1992 B altim ore College of D ental Surgery 1957 S ch w arz, R ich ard L. Miami Born 1924. Died Ju n e 1992 U niversity of Tennessee 1947 Shrum , C h arles L. Choctaw, Okla. Born 1948. Died April 1992 U niversity of Louisville 1976 S m ith , G eorge E. Scottsdale, Ariz. Born 1929. Died April 1992 U niversity of P ittsb u rg h 1953 S o w ers, W ade A. Lexington, N.C. Born 1899. Died April 1992
V irginia Commonwealth U niversity 1931 S tew a rt, H ugh A. Deridder, La. Born 1928. Died May 1992 U niversity of Tennessee 1954 T ietso rt, M ark E. Cozad, Neb. Born 1935. Died April 1992 U niversity of N ebraska 1975 W axier, K en n eth M. U rbana, 111. Born 1903. Died M arch 1992 St. Louis U niversity 1927 W ehunt, L loyd D. Valdese, N.C. Born 1920. Died April 1992 Emory U niversity 1950 W hite, J.E . Tam pa, Fla. Born 1924. Died May 1992 Emory U niversity 1947 W ilson, J o h n R. Columbus, Ohio Born 1917. Died May 1992 Ohio S tate U niversity 1943 W oody, F ran k S. Roxboro, N.C. Born 1910. Died April 1992 A tlanta-Southern D ental College 1937 Y esh lin , Irving. Monsey, N.Y. Bom 1921. Died May 1992 New York U niversity 1946