Telia, L.: Considerations sur le Syndrome de L’Angine de Poitrine dans la Stenose mitrale. (Observations upon the Syndrome of Angina Pectoris in Mitral Stenosis.) i\rch. rlt> Mal. 1111 Co~~tr, Xugust. 1925. xviii, p. 531. h cas? is rep’lrtcrl in detail of a gir:: ngrcl srvrrrtcc’rl, \vith mitral stenosis who for more than R ycb:rr l~fovc she died hat1 :rlt:rcakr~f radiating procordial pain and opptcssion ~ltrsrl,~ r Ps:c~mlrling angina pectorir. .\t :ult~l]-ls,v the aorta and coronary :~llrl lliicrl~scnpica11y. From a nrterics \vcre foun~l Crce of ~liscnse, l)ollr grrrcsWion m0-Fin0 c.c.\ i5 rccomnll~llil.c~h for lhc rclirf nf thP left aurirlrj. nuri?ulnr congrotion.
Me&l, S.: La Valeur Diagnostique des Changements Prononces daus la Position et clans le Volume de L’Oreillette Gauche du Coeur. (The Diagnostic Value of the Pronounced Changes in the Position and Volume of the Left Auricle.) :1reh. de Ma1
du Coc~r,
In mitral discasr. tllc grrat1.v dilated left auri~~lc~ is often found displaced CO the right because of tllr dilatation and rotation of the llrart. This nccurs capcrinlly in children and in :r~lults with flnttcncd (,hrst,s. If ihc mitral defect, is acronrpanicd by aortic insufficiency, the hypntmphied left vcntricalc also Eacilitatcs rotaof the rlilat01 auricle may be diagnosrd by tion. Clinirnlly thy displnc~cmcnt dullness to the right of tllc spine in the 1ou;cr half of llrc int,crscxpr~lo~vcrl.el~ral sparr, the cxtraordirrary l~r~npagaticnl of thr* lrr;rr,t s~~nnh~ to thr l~ark, cspccially towards thr spinr or’ vvw to fhc right, nf tllr lnttc~r~, :rn11 the orcnsional trrcnrrrnre of nnricular pain to tlic right of thr spin11 postPr,iorly. Vxlnahle confirmatory rvidcnco ran 1~ obtainc~l 11y observing 111~ l’osition of the barium-filled esophagus 7’11~ rs~rph:r~ns follows tile contour IIf tlm auricle and \vh~n t,ho in the x-rsy. tlllx csophagn’: is fmmd to the right and ~lilatcd anrielc is displacr(l t (I thp right. the war. E. B., and Crowell, Jour. Med. Sci., clxs, 825.
C.: Spontaneous
of the Heart.
The authors have collected from the literature reports of 632 cases of this accident and to this add 22 of their own cases. This accident OCCUTS, on analysis of this The average age series, most frequently in males and in the latter part of life. The terminal symptoms are usually sudden in all cases. is wrcll in the sixties.