Oceanography of the subarctic Pacific Ocean

Oceanography of the subarctic Pacific Ocean

336 Oceanographic Abstracts auf dem 1. Internationalen Ozeanographischen Kongress er6rtert wurden, finden sich in Heft 4/1960. In diesem und dem fol...

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Oceanographic Abstracts

auf dem 1. Internationalen Ozeanographischen Kongress er6rtert wurden, finden sich in Heft 4/1960. In diesem und dem folgenden Heft sei tiber weitere grundlegende Erkenntnisse berichtet, die durch die Auswertung der Messergebnisse und weitere internationale Zusammenarbeit erzielt wurden. TOMCZAK, G., 1961. Ergebnisse der ozeanographischen Forschung im Internationalen Geophysikalischen Jahr. 11. Topographie des Meeresbodens--Die grossen Meerestr6mungen im Pazifischen Ozean Weiteres Forschungsziel: lndischer Ozean. Umschau, (18): 570-572. Abstract in: Ozeanogr., 1961, Deutsch. Hydrogr. Inst. Wiihrend im I. Teil in Heft 16 die grosse Leistung der internationalen ozeanographysichen Forschung beleuchtet und die im Atlantischen Ozean erzielten Ergebnisse besprochen wurden, soil hier eine Reihe weiterer wichtiger Arbeiten, die vor allem unser Bild vom Pazifischen Ozean bereichern, dargestellt werden. Ein Ausblick zeigt, welche Aufgaben in den nfischten Jahren vordringlich bearbeitet werden sollen.

TOMINAGA, M., 1962. On the waves generated over the steady uniform current (Part 1). J. Oceanogr. Soc., Jap., 20th Ann. Vol. : 189-199. To investigate the behaviour of steady waves generated oxer a' steady, uniform, opposing current, wave motion is discussed theoretically by giving simple periodic disturbances on the surface of flow of uniform velocity U. The rate of increase of the amplitud_e of waves propagating against the current to that over still water is given by 2/I - 4 G + \J 1 - 4 G in deep water, where G = o~U/g, and a, is the frequency of disturbances. For the case of finite depth, a similar formula is obtained. The results of experimental investigation showed agreement between wave behaviour and that predicted by the present theory. TYLER, A. V., and D. G. CARGO, 1963. Size relations of two instars of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Chesapeake Sci., 4 (1): 52-54. Two successive blue crab instars were examined for size variation. Data assembled from Chesapeake Bay crabs show that linear measurements of an instar may vary by as much as 50 per cent of the mean dimension. The size ranges of the two instars (penultimate and ultimate) that were examined overlap considerably. The average crab size for the instars may change significantly with sample locality, or, at a particular locality, may change with date. UcH~o, T., 1962. Influence of the River Shinano on Foraminifera and sediment grain size distributions. (In Japanese; English abstract). J. Oceanogr. Soc., Jap., 20th Ann. Vol., 15-24. One hundred and thirty-six sediment samples from the floor off the River Shinano, Niigata Prefecture, were studied quantitatively for total (living plus dead) Foraminifera. The distributions of species, assemblages and populations of Foraminifera are affected by this river. A good example is the distribution of Trochammina cf. T. globigeriniformis. Along a traverse directly off the mouth of the Shinano, the Trochammina assemblage is distributed from nearshore to ca. 6 km offshore (ca. 55 m deep). The 6 km wide Trochamrnina assemblage becomes narrower in a northeasterly direction and finally, in a wedge-shape pattern, disappears at a point ca. 15 km northeast of the river mouth at a depth of ca. 25 m. What factors in the river cause such a peculiar distribution are not understood. The detrital sediments and organic fragments transported by the Shinano and deposited on the sea floor, the salinity and temperature of the bottom water are not the most important factors, if considered separately, but may together be very important. Grain size analyses of these samples were made by Sato. The Foraminifera and grain-size distributions are influenced by the Shinano to a remarkable extent. These distributions are similar in general pattern but differ in some respects, because the grain-size distribution of sediments is influenced mainly by physical processes of the river and sea waters while the distribution of organisms, including Foraminifera, is influenced by physical, chemical, biological, geological and geographic factors. Therefore, the interpretation of the distribution of organisms is not easy but, when interpreted correctly, will give a better understanding of the environmental conditions of sediments than does the distribution of grain size. The significance of this cannot be over emphasized. Foraminifera assemblages in Recent marine sediments are very useful in interpreting fossil assemblageS, and, thus, the environments of sedimentary rocks. Some fossil Foraminifera found in the Tertiary formations of the Niigata, Yamagata and Akita oil fields are very similar to the Recent Foraminifera assemblages off the River Shinano. UDA, M., 1963. Oceanography of the subarctic Pacific Ocean. J. Fish. Res., Bd. Canad., 20 (1): 119-179. All available oceanographic data observed from 1951 to 1958, north of lat. 35°N in the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Bering Sea, together with the relevant literature, were examined. There were sufficient data from 1955 to 1958 to prepare composite charts of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and transparency of the near-surface waters in the Subarctic Region from Asia to America. The Subarctic Pacific is defined as the region in which there is a marked halicline separating

Oceanographic Abstracts


a low-salinity, upper zone from a more saline lower zone. It includes all areas having dichothermal temperature structure. Definite boundaries for the region are established. The subarctic characteristics are limited to the upper zone and halocline. The lower zone characteristics are continuous from the subtropic into the subarctic. From the data the principal features of structure of the properties have been shown, as well as the differences from one locality to another. The seasonal variations and also some non-seasonal variations have been discussed. The persistent current systems have been traced and their components named. The processes for the maintenance of the structure by precipitation, evaporation, dissipation of upper zone water, and entrainment from the deep zone are discussed. A relation between tl~e barometric pressure distrib-~tion and the transport in the non-persistent systems is proposed. USCHAKOV, P. V., 1963. Quelques particularit6s de la bionomie benthique de I'Antarctique de l'Est. Cah. Biol. Mar'., Roscoffl 4 (I): 81-89. The Soviet Antarctic Expedition of 1955-1958 on the R. "v. Ob, collected a considerable amount of material on the bottom fauna which disclosed some peculiarities in the vertical distribution of the bottom communities off the East Antarctic Shelf. The bottom fauna, there, formed mainly mixed communities consisting mostly of fixed seston-feeders. A general uniformity (homogeneity) of submarine landscapes was noted at depths from 50-100 to 500-700 m. Making a comparison between the Arctic and the Antarctic basins, the author explains the difference in the composition and distribution o f the bottom communities in both basins as dependent on the peculiar structure o f the Antarctic shelf.

UYEDA, S., 1963. Recent geophysical investigations of the ocean bottom. (in Japanese; English abstract). J. Oceanogr. Soc., Jap., 20th Ann. Vol., 64-79. The development of new techniques for geophysical investigation of the ocean bottom, such as seismic reflection and refraction techniques, gravity meters, ship-towed magnetometers and the heat flow measuring device, is summarized in the first half of this review. The second half deals with some of the important results obtained by these new techniques on sea-mounts, atolls, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the transitional area between continental and oceanic crusts, magnetic anomalies in the ocean floor, the East Pacific Rise, trenches and island arcs. WALt., D., 1962. Evidence from Recent plankton regarding the biological affinities of Tasmanites Newton 1875 and Leiosphaeridia Eisenack 1958. Geol. Mag., 99 (4): 353-362. Following a brief survey of previous literature concerning microfossils of the genera Tasmanites Newton 1875 and Leiosphaeridia Eisenack 1958 (generally known as liospheres), two present day green algae are described (Pachysphaera pela,gica Ostenfeld 1899 and Halosphaera minor Ostenfeld 1899). These organisms are compared with members of the fossil genera reviewed above and on the basis o f this comparison it is concluded that the biological affinities of Tasmanites and some species of Leiosphaeridia lie with the Chlorophyceae. A possible mode of life is suggested for the fossils and the systematic position of the genera Tasmanites and Leiosphaeridia is reviewed but Jlot altered. WEISS, H. V., and M. -G. Lal, 1963. Cocrystallization of ultramicro quantities of elements with 2-mercaptobenzimidazole. Determination o f gold in sea water. Analyt. Chim. Acta, 28 (3): 242-248. The co-crystallization of ultramicro quantities of twenty-five diverse elements with 2-mercaptobenzimidazole was investigated with the aid of radiotracers. Under optimum conditions Sn, Hg, Ag, Ta and Au were recovered in high yield. Distribution coefficients between mother liquor and solid phase were calculated for gold and were found to vary inversely with the degree of crystallization and the hydrogen ion concentration. The co-crystallization process was applied to the isolation and subsequent determination o f the natural gold abundance in seawater. After radiometric correction for chemical yield, the concentration of gold was calculated to be 0-068 ~ 0.003 ~g/l. WEULS, J. B. J., 1963. Copepoda from the littoral region of the estuary of the river Exe (Devon, England). Crustaceana, 5 (1): 10-26. lm Eulittoral des Estuars des Flusses Exe wurden 96 Copepodenarten gefunden, darunter 22 Arten die for Grossbritannien neu sind. Eine neue Art, sowie die bisher unbekannten M~nnchen von 4 Arten und das Weibchen einer weiteren Art sind hier zum erstenmal beschrieben. Die Arbeit versucht eine Revision der Genera Rhizothrix, Adelopoda und To,phoema, und enth~ilt einen Bestimmungschliissel f/it die Gattungen Rhizothrix, Paramesochra und LeptopsyUus. WILCKENS, F., 1962. Anwendbarkeit yon Satellitenmessungen in der Ozeanographie. Deutsche

Hytbogr. Z., 15 (3): 93-102.

After a discussion of the general conditions for satellite measurements of the possibilities of oceanographic satellite observations by means o f television (state of the sea, sea ice) and radiation measurements (heat budget of the ocean, surface-temperature distribution) are outlined and supplemented with observations. The importance o f meteorological and geodetic satellite for oceanographic purposes is shown. The possibilities of applying satellite observations to future