Ocular Therapeutics and Pharmacology

Ocular Therapeutics and Pharmacology

VOL. 85, NO. 1 BOOK REVIEWS 131 concept generally accepted in the United States. The chapter contains an interest­ ing discussion on a number of su...

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VOL. 85, NO. 1



concept generally accepted in the United States. The chapter contains an interest­ ing discussion on a number of subjects including early surgical intervention, its influence on craniofacial growth, and contraindications to surgical intervention when the risks of morbidity and mortality are too great. The chapter on blepharoptosis reviews briefly some of the operations described to shorten the levator aponeurosis. Sur­ prisingly, frontalis suspension operations that are usually reserved for those pa­ tients who have no levator muscle func­ tion appear as alternatives to levator shortening operations. Among other chapters of particular interest are those devoted to blepharophimosis, ectropion, entropion, and trichiasis.

The last chapter is devoted to medicolegal aspects, a timely subject. The present trend toward the use of abbreviations of scientific terms such as DNA complicates reading a book written in French; the reader learns that DNA becomes ADN, F O F designates orbital facial clefts, D C F signifies craniofacial disjunction. These are minor points and do not detract from the considerable effort that was made to review plastic surgery of the orbit and its adnexa. The book has great merit and is a noble effort to cover a wide variety of subjects.

The chapter on reconstruction of the eyelids surprises the American ophthal­ mic plastic surgeon, as the reader is ad­ vised never to use the upper eyelid for reconstruction of the lower eyelid by the tarsoconjunctival technique. Although it is agreed that the original technique ad­ vocated by Dupuy-Dutemps and Hughes caused deformity, entropion, and trichia­ sis in the upper eyelid, the tarsoconjuncti­ val flap technique modified along the lines of the original Kollner technique has been highly successful and is of simpler execution than the chondromucosal graft combined with a rotation flap. The latter technique may have its indications in total destruction or ablation of the eyelid. The excellent technique of Mustarde for the reconstruction of the destroyed upper eyelid by rotating the lower eyelid on a narrow vascular pedicle is described in some detail.

Ocular Therapeutics and Pharmacology, 5th ed. By Philip P. Ellis. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1977. Clothbound, 283 pages, table of contents, index, 26 tables. $19.50

One of the last chapters deals with laophthalmos following facial paralysis. The authors advocate the Arion prosthesis or the use of magnets. In view of the complexity of the subject, the chapter entitled the "lacrimal apparatus" is brief.


In this fifth edition of Philip Ellis's textbook the aims and purposes of the first edition continue to be realized. The book serves as a quick reference for a busy practicing ophthalmologist, as a guide in therapy for beginning residents in ophthalmology, and for nonspecialists who plan to treat ocular disorders. Infor­ mation in the book is presented in a concise form. As in the past the handbook is divided into two sections: the first deals with the basic considerations of treat­ ment, and summarizes the present medi­ cal therapy of most ocular disorders. The second section presents the most com­ monly used medications that a practicing ophthalmologist would have to admini­ ster. Here one can find the actions, uses, side reactions, contraindications, prepa­ rations, and dosages of these agents. The dosages are always applied as those for adults but the methods for determining



pediatric doses are given at the beginning of the section. In this edition the pediatric dosage tables have been expanded and new therapeutic agents including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, enzyme inhibitors, autonomic nervous system agents, and anti-glaucoma medications have been added. New chapters have been added on carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and osmotherapeutic agents and on asesthetic agents. Although each statement in the text is not referenced directly, an excellent refer-

ence list at the end of each chapter supplies a source of more detailed information to the ardent reader. Dr. Ellis continues to provide us with an excellent, concise guide in the understanding and therapeutic management of patients with ocular disease. He has condensed his decades of considerable experience in pharmacological and therapeutic events to a brief, succinct, and lucid presentation. IRVING H. L E O P O L D


First Series 1862-1863; Six issues 1864: Two issues J U L I U S M. H O M B E R G E R , M.D.,


New York, New Y'ork

Second Series 1884-1917 A D O L P H A L T , M.D., E D I T O R St. Louis, Missouri

Third Series 1918-1927 E D W A R D JACKSON, M.D., Denver, Colorado


1928-1930 W I L L I A M C R I S P , M.D., Denver,



1931-1940 LAWRENCE


St. Louis,




1940-1965 D E R R I C K T. V A I L , M.D., Chicago,




1965-Present F R A N K W. N E W E L L , M.D., Chicago, Illinois