OGP 6354 EARLY CEREBRAL CIRCULATION ASSESSED BY DOPPLER &j&&g&, Asim Kurjak Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Zagreb, Sveti Duh Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia
Case Report M.D.;Zarranz,H. M.D. ;Pescio,L. M.D. y Gori,R M.D.
It’s usually that IUGR bepratnt liketwotyper: I a “sim&ic”,wha faus show us all Qe mew-ml8 unda 10th pertnrile.Tipe II w ‘asimaric ‘,tien fetus presmt the abdonlmal paimaa unds the 1061 pcmtil md the dhher -rrmmts in noonal size (I).
A 3 I year ol~~wkia 4 para 3 .LMp: 1 I -I-96.EDD: 2 I -X-%.The sonogams dammIMe a differmcaof3 weeks Iresthm thoeslimntal bythe LMP,ti IO,14 and 25weeks.Wed~ink a date am. In the 25 weeks examinaicwve damed poljlydmnmios.The slfa-faopmein level was nomlal. At 32 weeks,lhe ditrasla in the lm@h mQ8uTBneR8 of lalg h-mar was 3 weas 15s than the cpha (5th pauaail). Thheterapadic indicated was like IUGRtqpc II. A new ex@‘ation at 34 weeks ret&d us the some ditfa-mce (3 w&s Iru in long hmes.).lhe farI wei& was animated in2.144 grs @en 4O).We used Sheppard fmnulu,hsaw &ml use the farmr kw&.DqJpla evidaaicn was normal. Al 38 we&s(like la sonogrameaimate)thefa~s bmn.Cbpumrwxe: 38 .v&.hgh: 44 uns.Ciphdic Perinlaa: 35 am. Weighl:3.000 grs.Ssdacana mfrmwdad de Knica(3X5). Tal Lys of life lola .ths f&al Imk$h was 48 u~e.Cqholic Peimda:34 cms.Wei&t:2.700 grs.
Chr munth laler,lhe lmg¶h was 57 am.Hed
OGP 6210 SECKEL’S SYNDROME Albert0 Sosa Olavarria, Marisol Garcia, Maria Martinez, DeyaniraPereira. CuidadHospitalaria“Dr. Enrique Tejera”, Valencia, EspaiIa Seckel’ssyndromeis a raredisorderprobablyrecessive autosomic,characterizedby microcephaly,smallface, headof bird, little brain, retardedgrowthand variable degreeof psicomotorretardness. It refersto a patient36 years old, secondgestation,imprecisedate of last menstruation,without antecedents,pregnancyof 28 weeks, symmetrical retarded intrauterine growth, microcephaly and oligohidramnios.Impossibly of genetic study by cordocentisunsuccessfU.A new evaluationwas done at 35.2 weekscorroboratingthe previousdiscoveries,alsovisualizing the bird’s face. New cordocentesis was planned,but patiententersin prematurelabor 12 hours later, resulting masculine newborn,weight 1000grams,35 centimeters,cephalic circumference25 centimeters,normal genetic study 46XY. We concludedthat before the presenceof a retard of the intra-uterine symmetrical growth associated cromosomical with microcefalia, it’s necessary to think in alterationscromosomical without forgetting us of the syndromeof Seckeland Treacher Collins.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate early embryonic circulatory system with emphasis to cerebral circulation. METHODS: Cerebral circulation was investigated in 148 patients with normal intrauterine pregnancy between 7+3 and 12 weeks gestation. RESULTS: Starting from 8th weeks gestation ti was possible to detect blood flow signals from internal carotid and vertebral arteries. Progressive increase in blood flow velocity was obvious for all the cerebral arteries with advancing the gestational age. Clear distinction between anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries was possible from the 9th week onward. Between 9th end 10th week, diastolic velocities began to emerge, but they were incomplete and inconsistently present. From the 1 lth gestational week, end-diastolic flow was constant. At the same time in most of the cases cerebellar vessels were detected and discriminated from cerebral arteries. Significantly lower resistance index values were obtained from the intracerebellar arteries that mainly originated from the vertebral arteries. Plexus choroideus vascularity had two typical features: prominent venous blood flow signals and absence of diastolic flow during the 91h and 10th weeks gestation. Thereafter, low vascular impedance (similar to intracerebellar arteries) was easily obtainable. CONCLUSIONS: In this light non-invasive analysis by color and pulsed Doppler seems to provide additional help in better understanding of early brain development and circulation.
OGP 6355 UTERINE AND OVARIAN SENESCENCE ASSESSED TRANSVAGINAL COLOR DOPPLER wKuoesic, Asim Kurjak Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Zagreb, SW Duh Hospital. Zagreb, Croatia
OBJECTIVE: To measure the flow velocity of the ovarian, uterine, radial, and spiral arteries in different age groups. METHODS: Serial measurements throughout the menstrual cycle in normal cycling women with documented fertility were compared with those in postmenopausal patients with and without hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Two hundred fiiy, patients were analyzed: 120 healthy fertile women, 85 postmenopausal patients,. end 45 postmenopausal patients receiving HRT. RESULTS: Ovariin artery Doppler measurements in postmenopausal patients showed a significant difference when compared with the ovarian artery on the side containing dominant follicle or corpus luteum in healthy fertile group. Uterine and radial artery flow velocity analyses demonstrated significant positive correlations between the resistance index and years of menopause. In patients receiving HRT. a lowering effect occurred in the resistance index of the main uterine artery and its intramyometrial branches. Visualization of clear Doppler signals from the spiral arteries was possible in 30% of women who were menopausal for ~5 years. Increased vascular inipedance was the typical finding in this vessel for this group of patients. The addition of HRT resulted in higher visualization rates of the spiral erteries and lowered resistance index values. CONCLUSIONS: There are changes in the flow velocity patterns of the ovarian, uterine, radial, and spiral arteries with age. The fact that the uterine artery resistance index does not change significantly in the first postmenopausal years strongly supports the thesis that the aging process initially affects the uterus less than the ovary. Furthermore, the uterine -environment can be manipulated more easily during the menopausal years by proper hormonal stimulation.