bladder, the handle, which had been insecurely fixed, separated from the shaft; ON AN INSTRUMENT RECENTLY the instrument was therefore withdrawn in
USED BY MR. CRAMPTON IN less than a minute,and no other instrument AN OPERATION OF LITHO- of the kind was introduced. TOMY. The extraction of the calculus was afterwards effected by the common forceps.
To the Editor
oi THE
of THELANCET, StR,—In Number 117 correspondent " ERINENSIS" gives I an account of an operation of lithotomy, which was lately performed at the County Dublin Infirmary, but in his anxiety to be severe, he has lost sight of that accuracy
It is proper however to mention, and it accounts for the mistake into which your correspondent has fallen, that Mr. C. introduced in succession three different pair of forceps, the blades of the first two pair being so wide apart as to be unable to hold a calcnlus of so small a size; with the third pair the stone was easily seized and extracted.
which should distinguish a medical communication. The operation was performLastly, your correspondent inadverted in the presence of nearly two hundred ently omitted to mention, that the ope. persons, among ;whom were, .1 believe, ration was not succeeded by the slightest all the eminent surgeons in Dublin; the untoward circumstance, and the child left circumstances attendant upou it. must the Hospital pefectly healed on the therefore be perfectly well known to all twenty-first day. those who were so situated as to be enabled to see the proceedings of the opeI remain, Sir,
That your correspondent was not circumstanced must appear from the Your obedient servant, following. brief statement of the facts, FRANCIS L’ESTRANGE. for the accuracy of which 1, ’of course must be held responsible to you and the highly respectable gentlemen who wit- 35, Baggot-street, Dublin, nessed and assisted at the operation. December 9th, 1825. Passing over without comment the offensive allusion to myself, I shall confine my observations to that which alone can be P. S.-I may just observe that Mr. C. interesting to the profession, uamely, the has made repeated experiments with the facts of the case. instrument on the dead subject, in the presence of myself and of several other First, then, " the instrument which was professional persons, and invariably snbstituted for the forceps," although succeeded in extracting a stone from the made, was not invented by me ; for its bladder with the greatest facility. His merits or its defects Mr. Crampton is manner of using the instrument is as folalone responsible. lows :rator. so
Secondly, a reference to the drawing -of tbeinstrument, whichtake tlie liberty to Mibjoia, will be sufficient to show that yonr con’espondeBt’s description applies to a totally different instracnzent, which, althottgh lying on the table, was not made
of the left hand used
director, the instrument in its closed state (Fig. 1.) is introduced into the bladder. By pushing down the but. ton C., with the thumb of the right hand,
the blade B. is raised from A. and the intended instrument is opened in the bladder,The calculus being stopt by the fore-finof the left hand, which just tonchesit, Thirdly, it is atifficiently obvious that ager movement of rotation is given to the no " force" could to an be required push hy which the stone is pressed instrument, such as is represented in the instrument, into the bag (which is attacked to the into the bladder; it annexed drawing, holes in the plade A , and round the side was accordingly passed into the bladder with the greatest facility, upon the tinger, B.) the button B. is then allowed to rewhich had been previously introduced as coil, by which the mouth of the bag is closed, the elastic blade B. descending a director into the bladder. to the dotted line D. The instrument is then was not "twistinstrument withdrawn, and the stone is found Fourthly, the ed about for a quarter of an hour," for, enclosed in the bag. at the first attempt to rotate it in the
of in the operatiooii, to be 6t) -employed.. use