359 of chlo- tised accoucheur knows when it it is necessary), let it be attempted within a reasonable time, when the passages are thoroughly and dest...

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of chlo- tised accoucheur knows when it it is necessary), let it be attempted within a reasonable time, when the passages are thoroughly and destroy the excessive foster. On examination of the body, it appeared dilated. If Mr. Lawton had been left in that the fungus had originated in the right full possession of the case, and had ad. frontal sinus (the left being quite healthy), ministered the ergot of rye, I would almost and had thence extended into the orbit, and stake my existence, that the sufferings of the subsequently into the maxillary sinus, both patient would have been shorter, and the of which it filled. The orbital platc of the placenta expelled merely with such aid as ethmoid bone, the os unguis and nasi, and becomes necessary (on most occasions) to the orbital process of the maxillary bone, adopt, without waiting more than a quarter I know nothing so dangerous were destroyed, or greatly softened; the of an hour. only remainrng part of the eve was the scle- in obstetric practice, as unnecessary delay ; rotic coat; the optic nerve was yellowish, neither do I ever recollect being taught to somewhat softened, and stretched to more lenead the abdomen," or sluice it, in order than an inch beyond its natural length. The to adventure the expulsion of the placenta. tumour was elastic and spongy at the cen- I should feel marvellously ill inclined, after tre, but externally consisted of a’soft medul- having gone through the operation of a larysubstance, containingsmall cells filled smart cathartic, to have my bowels rolled to and fro, and should be naturally satisfied with black grumous blood.—La Clinique. with their own peristaltic motions. I can now well remember the horror, nay, alarm, I felt, when a tyro in the art, at the ON PROTRACTED LABOUR, AND ON THE formidable display of long and short forceps, EFFICACY OF ERGOT OF RYE. crotchets (they made me quaver), blunt hooks, and all the paraphernalia of obstetri-

employed, except the application ruret of

lime, camphor, &c.,

to overcome



cal instruments, and naturally expected that every other case would be one requiring their use. Practice, however, proved my error; they are, thank Heaven ! seldom required, and can only be reprobated by those who see the cruelty and absurdity of flying


old reader of your excellent in which truth has so often disof falsehood, I must solicit the clouds pelled a corner in your earliest number, for the following observations on Mr. Lawton’s case to them for help too often. of protracted labour; a case which I will A word on the ergot of rye :-It is a most venture to assert, falls under the hands of invalu’lble medicament, and made into every country practitioner, of any practice, tincture of half the strength ordered in THE LANCET of some months back, never fails, weekly ! The questions (in common parlance) if properly administered, of rendering the usually asked, on entering a lying-in-room, most important service. Six drachms of are, How long has the poor woman been in the tincture thus prepared, acts far better labour? Has the water broke’! 1 If ’;,ve find than the powder or infusion ; and as I have that the liquor amnii has been discharged a most extensive field of midwifery, and some hours, that the pains are protracted, have made ample trials of all, probably I and the patient appears exhausted, a smart may be allowed to advance an opinion upon opiate exhibited, usually yields rest from its superior efficacy. useless exertion, and the os uteri gradually dilates. If, however, the dilation is sufficient, the pelvis well-formed, and the paON ANGINA PHARYNGEA. tient tolerably strong, the exhibition of the acts like a and soon relieves charm, ergot By WILLIAM TAPLEY, Esq., M.R.C.S. the sufferer. I cannot, of course, suppose that Mr. Lawton could have had much exI BFG, through the medium of your perience in a lying-in-room, or he never valuable publication, to draw the attention would have "awaited the expulsion of the of the medical profession to cases of angina placenta an hour and a half," neither would pharyngea, terminating in suppuration, and it have been necessary to have kneaded the frequently the death of the patient, from uterus like a lump of dough, or have sluiced suffocation. the abdomen with cold water; a method of It has hitherto been considered a rare practice which, in many hundred cases, I disease, but I am persuaded it is of more have never found it expedient to adopt ; and general occurrence than medical men imaprobably I may say, never dreamt of adopt- gine; and many lives, no doubt, have been ing. If there is any retention of the pla- lost, from not discriminatingthis from the centa, nothing detaches it so safely, or so other species of cynanche, combined with certainly, as the hand; and if necessity which I believe it often occurs. Within the last six months, I have seen exists for manipulation (and every prac-



