On scheme dependence of gravitational dressing of renormalization group functions

On scheme dependence of gravitational dressing of renormalization group functions

q,lllltll I I1'_'I[tlII | [k'l Ilk'! I%SEV[I-:R PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 49 (1996) 81-84 On scheme dependence of g...

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Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 49 (1996) 81-84

On scheme dependence of gravitational dressing of renormalization group functions H. Dorn ~ aHumboldt-Universit£t zu Berhn, Institut fiir Physik Invalidenstr. 110, D-10115 Berlin It is shown that for 2D field theories only the first order coefficient of the gravitationally dressed RG fl-function is scheme independent. This is valid even for matter theories with one dimensionless coupling, where the first two coefficients of the original fl-function are scheme independent.

For the gravitational dressing of renormahzation group [3-functions of two-dimensional field theories there has been estabhshed in l o w e s t order of perturbation theory the remarkable universal formula [1-5]

N0) = b(c).[3(0).


The factor b(c) depends only on the central charge c of the conformally invariant theory around which one is perturbing b(c)






-s 2


25-c 3



A simple argument [6] based on the c-theorem [7] shows that (1) cannot be valid to all orders. Therefore, it is an interesting question to ask for the higher orders. But then in general one has to face the problem of scheme dependence. A natural candidate to find a scheme independent universal formula 1 seemed to be theories with only one couphng constant. In the absence of a linear term the first two coefficients of their 3 are scheme independent. A corresponding formula was derived in [6] having in mind the prejudice that scheme independence holds also for the corresponding dressed/~ coefficients. Meanwhile, there has been found [8] a second order formula based on a completely different ap1By universal we u n d e r s t a n d a formula which relates the coefficients of the power series of f~ to t h a t of 13 a n d which requires no i n f o r m a t i o n b e y o n d f] and c.

proach [9], which differs from our result by a factor 2 in a relative weight. One explanation of such a difference would be scheme dependence of the dressing procedure [10]. Therefore, the first aim of this note is to analyze from the very beginning the question of scheme dependence within our own approach. The analysis of [6] also involved manipulations with a divergent bare coupling. As a byproduct of our improved treatment we will be able to avoid these formal steps. Throughout this letter we use the notations and conventions of [6]. In our discussion three [3functions appear. [3(0) denotes the [3-function of the original matter theory without gravity, f~(0) is the [3-function of the combined matter-gravity system refering to scahng in t h e (unphysical) coordinate space. The condition [3(0) = 0 fixes the gravitational dressing. Finally the gravitationally dressed function/3(g) is connected to the response of the system to a change in the cosmological constant which sets the physical scale after coupling to quantum gravity. Our starting point is the gravitationally dressed action

=sc +

+ zo, f




+Q_~¢(z) + m2e~ ) . S c denotes

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(3) action.


H. Dorn/Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 49 (1996) 81 84


2D metric is treated in conformal gauge g~b = e ~¢ g~b. The Liouville mass parameter m 2 plays the role of the cosmological constant. For the relation between the dressed and undressed perturbation the ansatz V(z)


e 6¢(')-



[11,12]. In contrast to [6] we keep track of the m dependence introduced by the Liouville sector more carefully, BN contains no further m dependence. After factorizing in (8) an overall factor A2 we see that in the remaining part rn only appears in the combination

is made. The dimension of I7 is 2 - y with Y = 5(5-Q).


We extract the renormalization Z-factor needed to calculate 3 from the two-point function of V(z). y > 0 acts as a regularization parameter, effectively. From (V(~I)V(z2)) =


-g / d2z(fZ(zx)f/(z:)f/(z))o + O(g 2)


Although the N-point functions of Liouville exponentiMs for N > 3 have not been constructed explicitly, the last statement on m dependence is valid for all N [13]. To take care of the 2D coordinate space dimension of the bare coupfing g we introduce a RGscale # which has to be distinguished from # and define the dimensionless Z-factor for the coupling constant renormalization by

together with

6 q-2*

= ~a z~(v, g~) g~.


• Iz~ - z 2 7 ~ - ~


This yields

, q-36



= I-

• B3(5, 6, 5)(Izl - z~llz~ - z~tlz~ - z~lF -2 (7) we get

g,m,#,v fix


Due to

r(v)(r(i - ~))~

+ O(g~).


~--N~ =



N = 2, 3


is the z-independent part of the 2- and 3-point function for exponentials of the Liouville field ¢ 2/~ is a s c a l e n e e d e d t o f o r m a d i m e n s i o n l e s s r a t i o . F o r a complete analysis of all dimensionful parameters involved see [13].


f d2zv~r~

Zg(y,g~)(/f. = o~ it is related to

OZg Z~ 1 = Zg + g~og~ Now

The constant f parametrizes the 3-point function of the undressed V. 2


OlogZ s




= #-Y


r(1 - y)(r(})) 2

1 + g~

Besides Zg the renormalization of (8) involves the Z-factor of the composite operator I7


(9(z~)f~(z2)) =





by (13)

renormalized, two-point 2~


(fZ(zl)~(z~))~ = u2~ 7 z ; ('2(zl)f~(z2)) expressed in terms of g~ has to be finite. With (8), (13), (10) this implies ~

Zg = 1 + (r~fy +7) g,. + O(g~).


3' is an arbitrary number. In contrast to [6] we do not restrict ourselves to minimal subtraction 3As d i s c u s s e d i n [6] we use B 3 / B ~ = a + O(v).

H. Dorn/Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 49 (1996) 81 84


with respect to the 'y-regularization'. From (11) we get the corresponding fl-function/3

decoupled from the divergence just discussed, it is naturally to define

~(y, g,) = -yg~ + (Trf +TY)g~ +3~(Y)g~ + .... (15)

0 : gZ;I(Y, gr)l~-~

Of course the deviation from minimal subtraction parametrized by 7 has no influence on the first two nonvanishing coefficients of the original matter/3-function/3(g~) which is obtained for y ~ 0

as the bare coupling with respect to a change of m. T h e n /3(g~) =



(21) fix

/32 -- 32(0) -- ~ ' f ,

/33 --- 33(0) •


However, the freedom to choose 7 influences the dependence of y on g, imposed by the condition ~(y,g~) = 0. This condition ensures independence of the unphysical scale in coordinate space and fixes the gravitational dressing of the perturbation V within our ansatz (4) ¢,

v = v(g )

+ (/33



Via (5) this leads to =




(/3~ \Q2 -/33-/327)" g~ + O ( g ~ )



Before we proceed to the construction of the gravitational dressed /3 we have to have a closer look on the condition 3 = 0. Although for general y > 0 the bare coupling is finite, eq. (11) tells us t h a t ~ -- 0 at finite y # 0 can be achieved for the price of infinite Zg i.e. infinite g only. This effect is in complete analogy to the situation at the nontrivial fixed point in ~4 theory in 4 - e dimensions [14]. There it has been understood and used to derive scaling relations not at but near the critical t e m p e r a t u r e for distances x very large (very small) c o m p a r e d to the lattice constant (correlation length). Let us look at (10) in the form $

gZ21(y, g,)#-u =

g, .


g and Zg diverge for y -~ y(g,), 6 --* 6(g,) both sides of (19) remain finite in this limiting process. Since in addition the m-dependence in a factorized way is completely Although


derivers us /~(g,, m ) = 2/32 g~



+ ~

/33 + 7/32 -

q2 /

g~ l o g - - + /z



This coincides with [6] for 7 = 0. In conclusion we want to stress t h a t the origin of scheme dependence of second order coefficients for the dressed RG-function/3 can be traced back to the presence of a linear term in /3. It does not spoil scheme independence of the first two coefficients of the original/3 since this function is related to the y ---* 0 limit where the linear term drops out. However, the gravitational dressing fixed by /~ = 0 requires y # 0. An alternative point of view would be to interpret y or 6 not as a regularization parameter but as a second coupling. In theories with more t h a n one coupling the second order contribution is scheme dependent. As we have seen there is no universal formula relating ~ to/3 beyond lowest order. Nevertheless, if one lowers the d e m a n d s on universal validity, within a given renormalization scheme one can look for expressions for the coefficients o f / 3 in terms of t h a t of/3 which as additional information involve c only. Then our formula (22) for 7 = 0 yields the answer for minimal subtracted 'yregularization'. It would be interesting to derive a similar result in a more s t a n d a r d scheme as e.g. minimal subtracted dimensional regularization. The divergence of the original bare coupling (related to the RG with respect to the scaring in the unphysical coordinate space) in the presence


H. Dorn/Nuclear PhysicsB (Proc, Suppl.) 49 (1996) 81 84

of a regularization, which is forced by f)(y, g~) = 0, requires the definition of a new bare coupling as in (20). The similarity with an effect in the theory of critical phenomena is remarkable. A last comment concerns the log ~_ term in (22). In contrast to the ~-funetion in the MOM-scheme in standard field theories (see e.g. [15]) our m-dependence exhibits no threshold behaviour. We expect this to be related to the peculiar role of m in Liouville theory. A scaling of m can be compensated by a shift of the constant mode of the Lionville field. Acknowledgement I would like to thank J. Ambjorn, P. Di Vecchia, C. Schmidhuber, K. Sibold and A.A. Tseytlin for discussions. REFERENCES

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