33, il&TibGi2
Chemistry Department,
Berr Grriion Urtiveisigy of the Negev, Beer-SherlJ,
1 June
The EPR spectnm of the Ni(II!)EDTA complex is reported. It is concluded ttnt the complex distorted octahedral structure with a dz,, dzz dJz d:?_,.z electronic confiuration.
1. Introduction
In a recent study [I :I we have reported that a trivalent nickel EDTA comples (EDTA = ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid) is formed in the reaction Ni(I1)EDT.k
+ OH + Ni(II1)EDT.k
i OH-.
This trivalent nickel complex was found to be stab!e in deoxygenated aqueous solutions for several days. However oxygen was found to react wi’ch this comglex with a specific rate of k = 6.5 X IO2 Wi s-l [lj Though the tietic data identifying the prcduct as an
Ni(III) cm-&x were convhc~~ng, hthei experimefitai data coAntkning the xsignment seemed desiiable. We wish to report here tIze EPR spectrum of this product which conkins thz eiuliei assignment.
Nitious~.tide saturai:ed solutions containirrg 1 X 1CY3-2 X iO-! M Ni(II)EDTA at $$I = 4.3 f 0.1 were irradiated b a 6*Ca “y souxe. The dose rzte was 2 X
has 2 flattened
IO” rad/min. Irradiation times were between 2 to 8 minutes. The solutions thus obtained were tlmnsfer-red into a flat cell for room tempsi2ture measurements or a quartz tube for measurements at 77 K avoiding contact with air. The ERR measurements were czried out uskg an X-band E-12 Vcrian EPR spectrome:er.
3. Results and discussion An F,PR ebsorption band was observed Fn all irrzdieted solutions. In 6g. la a typical room temperature spectlTm is shown. Ihe band has a ha!f width of about 40 G with g = 2.204,. The signal inte,nsity was found to increase linearly with tii-ne of irradiation thus pcoving that it is due to a product of the irradiation. The addition of o:5ygen to the irradiated sc!ution?s caused tie dirzpp_oezance of the absorption bvld (fig. Ib). T&s absorption band is attributed to IG(IIi)EDTA formed by the following reactions [l] :
Volume 33, numb-_r 2
1 June 1975
th2t the electron exchange reaction
field _
Fig. 1. EPR zpectia. _U sa-nples contzinned 1 X lo-” hi NiSOs + 1 X lo-’ hl Na,H,EDT_A atpH = 4.3 i 0.1 aid were N20 saturated. Irradiak~ time was 300 s. Spzctrz A and B at room temperature md 9.459 GHz, 25 nW; spectrum Cat 75 K md 9.209 GI-Iz, 2.5 mW; spectrum B is for a sample LOwhich oxygen mas added after irradiation.
+ N,O + H,O + +
OH + N, + H,O,
f OH-,
is quite slow in agreement with expectations for nickel EDTA complexes [ 1O] . Wren the solutions were frozen after irradiation to 77 K the spectrum changed 2s seen in fig. Ic. This spectrum clearly indicates th2t the Ni(III)EDTA complex is not octahedrzliy symmetric 2s both g,, = 2.330, 2nd gL = 2.139 1 are observed. The observatidn that gll > ,g, seemed 2t fkst quite surprising 2s it indicates th2t the&paired electron is not located in the dZz orbitd [I I] . For most other Ni(II1) complexes studied g, > g,, was reported [7-91. F or 2ll the exceptions to this rule a planar configuration of the complex witi no ligands out of p!ane was suggested [8,9] . It is difficult to erksage 2 planar con5guration for the Ni(iII)EGTA complex. This compiex c2n be considered 2s 211 octnhedml bJA,I3, complex with 2 cis configuration (where A = -O,C- 2nd B = N(-CH,-), . The level order in this case is expected to be inverted relative to that in a trnlzs configuration [ 121 :
H, 0 + H + Ni(III)EDTA -+ Ni(Il)EDTA + H,O’, 2H,O + 2Ni(III)EDTA
+ H,O, _ _ -+ ZNi(II)EDTA + Q2 + 2H3 0’)
the yield of Ni(III)EDTA being G(Ni(III)EDTA)
= 32
‘The observation of the EPR absorption band clearly indicates that the d7 Ni(III)EDTA complex is a low-spin comp!ex. This obsenlarion is somewhat surprising 2s EDTA is known to be 2 we& field lig2nd. Thus the Mn(EII)EDTA and Fe(IlI)EDTA have 3 higbspin configuration. it seems therefore that she fact that the Co(III)EDTA complex 112s2 low-spin co.nfiguration is due more to the decrease in +Yne ionic Lmdii than to the stabilization of the d6 configurztion [2] . This conclusion is in agreement with the observztion that trklent nickel ions have 2 low-spin configuration both in different oxide lattices (e.g., in MgO [3] , C20 [4] and Al303 [5] ), 2s NiFz- [6] 2nd in ccmpkes wi’J macrocyclic lig2nds [7-9] . Tne line width of the absorption band was found to be nearly independent on the Ni(il)EDTA co~centration in the 1 X lo-’ -2 X lW1 M rulge. This &id-
c!istorted c!s
distorted tmms configuration;
configuration The observation that predicted
that q
> g, is irk full agreement
from this configuration
2s the unpaired
eIectron is located in the CQ _;?z orbitd. In other words the distortion of the octahedron causes here fiattetig 2nd not elongation of the complex. No hy-
due to the nitrogens was observed.
Acknowledgement We wish to eXpiesS our thanks to the
israe! Natlor?rJ 287
Yolumc 33, number 2
L June 1975
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