On the gravitational lagrangian with R2-terms

On the gravitational lagrangian with R2-terms

Volume 151B, number 5,6 PHYSICS LETTERS 21 February 1985 ON THE GRAVITATIONAL LAGRANGIAN WITH R2-TERMS P.F. GONZ,~LEZ-DIAZ Instituto de Optica "'D...

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Volume 151B, number 5,6


21 February 1985


P.F. GONZ,~LEZ-DIAZ Instituto de Optica "'Daza de Valdds'" C S.I. C, Serrano 121, Madrid 28006, Spain Received 7 November 1984

A new gravitational quantum lagrangian with logarithmic dependence on R is suggested. The resulting propagator seems to have no tachyon or unpbysical state poles, nor complex conjugate poles on the physical sheet.

General relativity with higher derivative terms (GRHDT) has been claimed [1,2] as a suitable starting point to quantize gravity. However, although GRHDT preserves many of the good properties of general relativity [3], it appears now clear [4,5] that in this kind of theory one ultimately has either unitarity or renormalizability, but never both. Renormalization group techniques have been used by Julve and Tonin [6], and Salam and Strathdee [7] to move the ghost mass off to infinity, where it should become innocuous. Resummation based on the 1/N approximation has been carried out by Tomboulis [7] who has showed that the real poles vanish in a 1IN expansion when gravity is coupled to N massless fermions. The trouble now is that a complex pair of poles would appear in the physical sheet so violating the analyticity of the S-matrix. The aim of this short letter is to advance one more alternative action integral with additional R2-terms which, through a logarithmic dependence on R, could avoid the above problems. Starting from the potential for a scalar field q~, Vm = _1/,/2¢2 + ~kO~b4, propagating in a background spacetime with curvature R in the case that the scalar fiekt is conformally coupled, we can define [9] an effective gravitational potential for a Higgs field with spontaneous symmetry breaking

o = (3/4rrG) 1/2 = M * , and suitable normalization conditions:

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l~gff(¢) = _~/d0~, 2 2 ( 1 - 3e4M*2/16~r2#20) + ¼(P0/M*)2¢4(1 - 9e4M*2/327rEp 2) + (3e4[647r 2) ¢4 In [(¢//14") 2] ,


with g = -8rrGp2¢ 2 .


In order to obtain a renormalizable quantum lagrangian, we can now generalize the relation between ¢4 and the curvature-squared so that ¢4 be connected to R 2 and RuvRUV, instead o f R 2 alone. The term RuvTeRUVTe need not be considered here due to the use of the generalized Gauss-Bonnet theorem [10]. Thus, to preserve conformal invariance [11 ], we take 64rr2G2p4¢ 4 = co(RuvRUV- 1R2) + 13~'R 2 ,


where 6o and ~"are coefficients whose values need not be specified now. Consider then the simple case where the coupling constant e is given by 3e4/321r 2 = p-to/in 2 ,..,2 .


Inserting (2), (3) and (4) into (1) we obtain the quantically-corrected action integral for the conformally coupled gravity field: Sgff=_

1 fd4x(_g)l/2 16riG


X {n - R o 1 [co(R.vR # v - ~R 2) + }~'R 2] [1 - l n ( R / R o ) ] } , 405

Volume 151B, number 5,6


in which R 0 = - 6 p ~ is obtained by including the vacuum expectation value a = +~/* in (2). Eq. (5) conrains the logarithmic dependence on R that was already introduced by DeWitt [12], Ginzburg et al. [13] and others [14]. In the region R 2 >R02 this ensures a bounce which can avoid the general relativity singularities [15] and for R 2 < R 2 it gives a power-law asymptotic behaviour of the scale factor. Such an asymptotic behaviour may be obtained in the limit t -+ oo only in the case that production of matter is allowed [15]. It is worth noting that the effective potential corresponding to (5) acquires a dynamical minimum at the disordered phase ¢ = 0 (zero curvature) with exactly the same stability as the minimum at the ordered phase $ = M * (R ---R0). Thus, even at zero temperature, quantum corrections can lead to a dynamical symmetry restoration in our Higgs model. Since in this model all observable values o f R 2 ought to be less than R 2, we can expand l n ( R / R o ) in an infinite series: l n ( R / R o ) = ( R / R 0 - 1) - ½(R/R 0 - 1) 2 + ~ ( R / R 0 - 1) 3 - ....


Inserting (6) into (5) and expressing the result in terms of tinearized theory guy = rluu + huu, we can obtain, after taking the quadratic part, the gauge-independent graviton propagator in momentum space by using the usual procedure [4] : (2) 32zrGP~w;oo Auv;ap(k) = k 2 [ k 2 R ~ l ~ ( 1 + Xn=l n - l ) - 1]

+ k 2 [ k 2 R ~ l ~ ( 1 + Z n = l n _ l ) _ ½],


where P ~ ! o p and P~t°~ap are, respectively, the spin-two and spin-zero orthogonal Stelle projectors [4]. It is evident that for any w, ~"¢ 0, the only zero o f the denominators is for k 2 = 0, even if we rotate to Minkowski space. Therefore, propagator (7) has neither tachyon nor ghost poles, while the theory appears to be renormalizable and analytical. Thus, i f R ~
[1] C.J. Isham, in: Quantum gravity 2: a second Oxford

[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

(0) 8 ~rGP~,; op (7)

21 February 1985

[14] [15]

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