On the reliability and optimality of the finite element method
I. BABUSKA Institute for Physical Scienceand Technology, University of Maryland,Coll...
I. BABUSKA Institute for Physical Scienceand Technology, University of Maryland,College Park, MD 20742,U.S.A.
ComputerScience Center, University of Maryland,Cw
Pprlr,MD 20742, U.S.A.
Abstract-An overview is presented of the authors’ recent the~rctical and expcrimcntal results on reli and computationallyefficient a-posttin’ error bounds for finite element solutions. These estimates arc composed from error indicators evaluated on the individual elements, and thesc indicators in turn allow for a very effective approachto the effective constructionof optimal meshes. Emally, some views are presented about possible future trends in the development of finite ekment software and an outiine is given of the design of an experimental&dte ekment system currentlyunder ~vei~~nt which kc~~ many of these ideas and results.
1. lNTRoDumoN
In recent years considerable progress has been made in the theoretical analysis and the variety and depth of appli~t~ns of the finite element method (see e.g.Il]). The pace of these developments does not appear to be diminishing(see e.g.[2]). It is surprising,however, that a subject of considerable practical importauce, namely, the assessment of the reliability of the results of the finite element compu~~ons, has not been studied more intensively. Many of the current reliability studies consist of various comparisons for different benchmark problems. Theoretical error estimations are almost always of an a&on’ type and, as important as such estimates are for the theory of the method, they are rarely of much use for practical error determinations. In particular, since in practical applications an accuracy of 540% may be entirely acceptable, any enor bound that typically represents an overestimate by a factor of five is clearly worthless. It appears that for any effective computation of reliable error bounds for finite element solutions we should use a-posteriori estimates that are based on information obtained during the solution process itself. Moreover, such estimates may also provide a too1 for the adaptive design of optimal finite element meshes. This is the topic of this paper. More specitTcally,we present here an overview of recent theoretical and experimental results ([MI) on reliable and computationally efficient a-posterion’ error bounds for the finite element method. These estimates are composed from “error-indicators” evaluated on the elements used in the solution, and these error indicators in turn allow for a very effective approach to the adaptive construction of optimal meshes. After a brief discussion in Section 2 of typicai a-p&n’ estimates and their sho~comings for
practicnl purposes, we present in Section 3 some of the principal results about the a-poJtni6n’ estimates. This includes also a few illuatfative numerical experiments. Then !%ction 4 addre8ses the desigu of optimal &t&e element using these estimates. Fdy, in Section 5 we sketch some views about possible future trends in the development of finite element software and outline an experimental finite element system currentIy tmder develapment which incorporates many of these ideas and results. 2.MrEJQ-PICB In this section we present some typical examples of theorems about the rate of convergence of the fItrite element solutions to the exact solution. For reasons of simplicity we restrict the discussion to the simple model problem in R’ -AB+u
onQ C R2
g=O, ondfl
where fl is an L&aped domain as shown in Fig. 1, n
represents the outward normal of &a, and f is a s&able given function on 0. On li we consider a family P of quasi-uniform trian-
tThis work was in part supported under DOE Contract E(401)3443, NSF Grant MCS-72.0372lAO6,and ONR Grant NOOO1677-C-0623. x7
gular meshes A; that is, the ratio of the largest triangleside to the smallest triangle-sideoccurring in A is bounded by a constant depending only on P. For any A E f let S(A) be the set of all continuous functions on fl which are linear on each triangle of A. The dimension of the space S(A) shall be denoted by N(A). In addition, let QPbe the set of all polynomialsof degree at most p on h and N, the dimensionof Q,,. For any A E P the finite element solution of (2.1) is now the function u = u(A) E S(A) such that for all tr E S(A)
,jx- -
*fv d-x. (2.2)
Correspondinglyu = u(p) E Q, is the function for which (2.2) holds for all v E Q. The exact solution of (2.1) is denoted by uo, and we measure the errors e(A)= u. - u(A) and e(p) = u. - u(p) in the energy norm #e~~z=~~[(~)z+(~)z+r’]dr
The rate of convergence depends on the smoothness of the exact solution rro Mathematically, it is advantageous to introduce the so-c&d Besov space BZ...(fl) (see e.g.[l) and for a0 E BZ.,.@) to express the error in terms of the nom of that space. We shall not enter into details here, but note that H”(0) C Bt C H’=+‘(@ where H”(fA) is the usual Sobolev space of fractional order a on II. We mention also that the function P’cos 2eD-represeating the natural singukrity of our p&km on the L-shaped domain &belongs to B?a0) but not to H’“(0). For the following rate of convergence result we consider sequences of meshes 4 E P for which S(Ar)C S(Ar+,) and N(Ad+q as i++q). We call this a sequence of proper refinements. 77teorem 2.1: Suppose that the exact solution u. of (2.1)belongs to Bl,m(fA).then