Mechanical and Engineering Section.--A meeting of the section was held on Thursday evening, May ISt, at 8 o'clock, in the Hall of the Institute. The meeting was called to order by the president of the Institute, who introduced Dr. Ralph McMjeski, Consulting Engineer, Chicago, Ill. Dr. Modjeski presented a communication on "The Design of Large Bridges, with Special Reference to the New Quebec Bridge." As an introductory, the speaker dealt with the properties of materials used in modern bridge construction. He then considered salient features of the design of several co,mpleted structures and also of some in course of construction. His remarks on the Quebec Bridge referred to the original design and to the causes of failure of the first bridge, He concluded with a description of the new bridge. Dr. Modjeski illustrated his paper with lantern slides and diagrams of full-size chord sections. Through these media his remarks were especially interesting and instructive, Adjourned, WILLIAI~I E. BULLOCK, Acting Secretary.
Mr. Frederick Monsen, F.R.G.S., artist and explo,rer, again delivered a lecture in the Hall of the Institute on the evening of Friday. April 25, 1913, on this occasion describing the country traversed by the Spanish pioneers, early in the sixteenth century, under the leadership of Hernando Cortes. Incidentally the speaker discussed the present conditions in Mexico and the southwestern portions of the United States. The natural wonders of these countries were shown and described by means of beautifully-colored lantern slides made from photographs taken by Mr. Monseu, interspersed by many interesting tales of travel and exploration.
Elections to Membership.
(Stated Meeting of the Board of Managers, May I4, 1913.) RESIDENT. MR. MR. MR. MR.
LEO D. FIRMAI'Z,173o Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. NATHAN HAYWARD, 1230 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. HEULINGS, JR., The J. G. Brill Company, Philadelphia, Pa. JosEPIt D. ISRAEL, The Philadelphia Electric Company, Tenth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. MR. CHARLES H. LAWALL, 39 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.