Selected Scientific Abstracts
Operative Laparoscopyfor the Treatment of Ovarian Dermoids G Vittori, A Rosetti, R Marana, R Fanfani, A Casa, M Montanino Oliva, L Montevecchi. Gruppo Romano di Endoscopia Ginecologica, Rome, Italy.
From January 1, 1991, to October 31, 1993, 67 patients with a histologic diagnosis of benign cystic teratoma were treated by operative laparoscopy in nine centers in Rome. The mean age of patients was 29.7 years, ranging from 16 to 45 years. The mean diameter of the cysts was 41.6 mm, ranging from 20 to 120 mm. The p r o c e d u r e s were c o m p l e t e d by laparoscopy in 62 cases (92.5%) whereas 5 cases were converted to laparotomy. Conservative treatment was performed in all cases except seven cases (10.44%), where ovariectomy was performed. No recurrences occurred in all patients, with a follow-up of at least 3 months. We conclude that operative laparoscopy can be considered a valid alternative to classic laparotomy for dermoid cysts.
"Wadia Syndrome" Correlation of Laparoscopic Findings in the TuberculosisAbdomen BJ Wadia. Department of Ob/Gyn/and Family Planning, Sir J.J. Group of University Hospitals, Bombay, India.
The author has the experience of assessing tuberculosis in the abdomen through the laparoscope. Since 1982 all cases of diagnostic laparoscopy done in the department have been on videotape. This provides a unique collection that allows for teaching and subsequent review of the tapes to determine the treatment results. The clinical signs, laboratory tests and laparoscopic findings are summarized as the "Wadia Syndrome." We have seen many lesions which have regressed with treatment, but the most important factor is that 2/3 of the patients so diagnosed with infertility have conceived. The study has extended from 1968 to present date and over 15,000 cases have been studied in these 25 years. Videotapes have routinely been done in the department since 1982, but not in camps outside Bombay, where many studies have been done.
part of the overall gynecologic surgical concept. In 156 women results of intrauterine hysteroscopic surgery are demonstrated to be at least comparable to those of conventional procedures. Moreover, a meta analysis of the literature (n = 10,000) as well as our own experience (n = 200) supports the view that complication rates may be minimized by a well-structured training program which includes the recently d e v e l o p e d in vitro s i m u l a t i o n t r a i n e r , the HysteroTrainer.
Operative PelviscopicMyomectomy L Weather Jr. Omni Fertility & Laser Institute, Xavier University, New Orleans, LA.
Video operative pelviscopic myomectomy was used to treat 115 women with leiomyomata uteri. The procedures were p e r f o r m e d from April 1989 to J a n u a r y 1994. The average n u m b e r of m y o m a s removed were three and the largest was 12 cm. All but three patients were discharged the day of surgery from an ambulatory surgical center. The findings, preoperative medications, operative time, estimated blood loss, additional procedures, and complications have been complied. Video operative pelviscopic myomectomy can be used to treat certain patients with leiomyomata uteri in the hands of a skilled operator.
The Role of the "O.R. Personnel" for Operative Gynecologic Endoscopy WK Winer. Endoscopic Specialists, Southeastern Institute for Endoscopic Laser Surgery, Atlanta, GA.
The role of the operating room personnel in gynecologic surgery has changed dramatically during the past decade. This change has been a result of the development of gynecologic endoscopy, and more importantly, due to the addition of the videocamera to the laparoscope and hysteroscope. The attachment of the videocamera to the laparoscope and hysteroscope during surgery so that everyone present can follow the procedure on the videomonitor and appropriately anticipate the surgeon's needs has created an entirely new involvement for operating room personnel. This has made the contribution by personnel so important that many hospitals have recognized the need for an "endoscopy team." The "endoscopy team" generally refers to the surgeon, surgical assistant, scrub nurse or technician,
Operative Hysteroscopy: Results, Security Aspects, In Vitro Simulation Training (Hysterotrainer) D Wallweiner, S Rimbach, B Aydeniz, D Pollmann, G Bastert. Department of Ob/Gyn, University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany.
To date, hysteroscopy has become an integral