I,,, the device can be switched on by a light pulse, but will never be switched back to the off state again unless the bias condition is changed. If Z < Z,, the device works in a light amplifier mode. In the following, the double transistor mode will be used for estimating the influence of illumination on the holding current, which is important in measuring optical bistability performance. Similar to the mathematical treatment in Ref.[l6], the charge storage equations are given as follows:
at steady state condition,
(8) (9) where, G=~-l=~“p,-l, “P
and G is the excess loop gain with /3, = s,,/t, and BP= zp/tp being the common emitter amplification factor respectively for the 1st and 2nd transistor. The total current going through the diode at on state is given by Z=g+g+P(a+b) tn t/I
s+(;+$z-(&-&)Qn (6)
PM1 - ao1)+ 41 - a,,)1 1 - a01- a02
The above quadratic equation for Z has two roots namely: =h+ap
+JVh-ap)*-4aplA 2
z =Zh+ap-d(I,-ap)*-4aPIA 2 2
( r”
(12) (13)
Z, corresponds to the holding current in the on state, while Z2is the saturation photocurrent in the off state. From equations (12) and (13) it can be easily seen that:
z, > z, > ZJ2;
From equation (1 l), it can be seen that in darkness (P = 0) Z is always equal to zero except when tlo, + q, = 1. This means that the device in darkness will remain in the off state (the saturation current Z, is assumed to be negligible as mentioned above) unless the condition tool+ cloz= 1 is fulfilled. On the other hand, when the device is under illumination, P is no longer equal to zero and Zcan be very large even if (1 -a,,, - a,,r) is very small. This means that the device can be switched on when (1 - tlo, + or) is sufficiently small but not equal to zero. We assume that the variation of (1 - aol + cto2)is proportional to (I* - Z) in the small range of current near the steady on state, so that 1 - tlo, - ao2= A(Z,, - I) with A being a constant, and taking a = 6, equation (11) becomes:
Z, = Z,,; Z2= 0 for P = 0 (in darkness) =p
By using Q,, Q, of equations (8) and (9) in equation (IO), the following expression can be established: z
where the symbols are; Q,, electron charge in the base of the first transistor, Qr, hole charge in the base of second transistor, t,, z,, transit time and mean lifetime of electrons as minority carriers in the base of transistor 1, tp, zp, transit time and mean lifetime of holes as minority carriers in the base of transistor 2, P, incident photon flux, a, 6, constants related to the photo-generated carriers and assuming the photocarriers generated near the reverse bias region give the main contribution to the photocurrent. It should be noticed that the minority carrier charges in the base regions of both transistors under thermal equilibrium condition have been ignored in equations (4) and (5), because they are very small in comparison with either the injected or the photogenerated carrier charges in the respective regions. This approximation is equivalent to ignoring the saturation current of the reverse biased pn junction in darkness, in comparison with the holding current of the device. Combining equations (4) and (S), we obtain:
Z, > I2 > 0 for P # 0 (under illumination)
WANG Snowwu
Fig. 4. Steady V/I characteristics X 2 V/cm Y 1ma/cm, light input (from right to left) 0, 100, 170, 400, 550, 85OpW. Besides, as the incident light intensity P increases, I, will decrease while I, increases, and eventually I, and I2 approach each other under high-intensity illumination.
The experimental devices are of broad contact type with the light (2 = 0.82 pm) incident upon the top face and absorbed in the region of the two bases (d4, d,). The light output from the cavity’s lateral face (dz) is detected. The family of S-type forward P’/Z characteristics at steady state is shown in Fig. 4 for different incident light. Typically device parameters under electrical operation in darkness are as follows: turn on turn on holding holding
voltage current voltage current
(V,) (1,) (V,) (I,,)
et al.
capacitance (C) or input light power. Some investigations on the frequency characteristics of the device have been made previously by authors[ 161. d.c. and pulse optical bistability observation. Figure 6 shows the experimetnal optical bistable traces under d.c. light input with bias current satisfying IL < I < I,,. In that case the device shows good bistable characteristics with controllable span and clearly distinguished bistable states. The output can be either electrical or optical, or both; this is a very desirable feature from the point of view of applications. Traces l-5 in Fig. 6 show clearly the bistable span with different applied bias in the range of IL < I < I,. Trace 6 illustrates the case when the applied current I > &. The output from the device is spontaneous emission because the holding current in the dark is smaller than the threshold current in our case. However, if the structure parameters are modified to further increase the holding current, possibly lasing emission in bistable operation will be attainable. In Fig. 7, a pulse optical bistable oscillographic trace displays in fact an optical data processing function of the device. The applied electrical and optical conditon is similar to that in d.c. The input ladder light pulse can be seen as an overlap of two pulses with different pulse height, neither of them can
10-20 V, 50-100 @A, 1.4 V, 10-200 mA.
From this figure, it can be seen that as the incident light increases, both the turn on voltage and holding current decrease. Besides, the holding voltage stays very low, implying the junction power dissipation is small during the on state, and the designed dark holding current can be variable over a large current range, making the bistable output easily modulated. For demonstrating an optically triggering switch laser action, we put the diode in to a so-called self-oscillation circuit with the forward bias across the diode lower than P’,. With the light on, if the current offered by the circuit itself at the on state is larger than the threshold current, lasing action within the relaxation oscillation can be obtained. This is the case in our measurements because of the low lasing threshold current density (J,,, N 2500 A/cm2) and the large on state current. Figure 5(a) and (b) illustrate the self-oscillation circuit and the lasing far field pattern during self-oscillation under illumination. The self-oscillation frequency can be regulated by varying the applied voltage (V), resistance (R),
(b) Fig. 5. (a) self-oscillation circuit (V < V_ V/R
Optical bistability in a Pnpn GaAs/GaAlAs
Light input (mW)
laser diode
sessed. The output response time depends on the incident light intensity and bias current; with increasing incident light and current, the rise time decreases, while the fall-time increases. With a high intensity rectangular incident light pulse, we obtain an electrical output rise-time in the range of nanosecond (the minimum is 4 ns depending on the measuring condition), and a fall-time in the range of 10 ns. Analysis shows that the time characteristics can be improved, by decreasing the area of sample, junction capacitance, or applying a pre-bias to the device. The experimental results mentioned above and reported before in Refs[lS] and[l6] indicate that the GaAs/GaAlAs pnpn laser diode is a device with many functions including light emission, optical bistability, switching and light detection, which vest the device with a potentiality for applications such as high speed light source, optical pulse shaper, optical switching, signal processing and optically controlled memories.
Fig. 6. Optical bistability traces under d.c. illumination operation, X light input, Y light output (arb. units), l-5 bistable mode (r, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27 ma), 6 switch mode [I > I,(30 ma)].
turn the diode on. Only with the combination of both pulses does the device turn from the off state to the on state. It remains in the on state even if either pulse is removed. Among other things, the device acts as an optical shaper, if a single optical pulse illuminating
the device is strong enough. The time characteristics for such a demonstrated sample (300 pm long, 100pm wide) has been as-
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