Fuel science and technology
95lO3154 Inelastic neutron-scattering ton dynamics In carbons and coals Fillaux, F.
science, analysis, instrumentation)
(INS) study of the pro-
1994, 32, (7), 1325-1331.
The INS spectra from 30 to 4000 cm.’ of four coal samples at 20 K with various ranks (subbituminous A, low volatile bituminous, semi-anthracite, and anthracite) are reported. For each sample, rather broad bands superimposed on a continuum with constant intensrty over the whole frequency range are observed. This continuum is assigned to recoiling free protons located between the graphite-like lanes. The INS spectra of the coals are also compared to that of perylene C&I, . The spectrum of the anthracite is dominated by the C:H and skeletalPO,m es of polyaromatic entities. Samples of lower rank show bands due to alkylic and vinylic CH, and CH, groups. The integrated intensity of the INS spectra are not proportional to the numbers of protons given by the elemental analysis.
A Lagran Ian-Eulerlan flnlte-element 95103155 for steady-state solldlf Bcation problems Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Oct.-Nov.
Ruan, Y. 33.5-351.
formulation 1994, 26, (3),
Describes an accurate finite-element methodology which has been developed to solve a steady-state solidification problem for pure materials.
Life prediction
of corrodible
NACE Membership Services Dept., PO Box 218340, Houston, Tex.772188349, USA, $200.00, 1677 pp. Proceedings of two separate NACE International Conferences in Cambridge, UK, and Hawaii. Cover measurement of corrosion resistance, prediction of remaining life of engineering structures, life extension for corroded structures. The proceedings are in two volumes.
95103157 concentrlc Al-Nimr,
MHD free-convectlon porous annull
M. A.
flow In open-ended
Applied Energy, 1995, 50, (4). 293-311.
Analytical solutions for fully developed MHD natural-convection flow in open-ended vertical concentric porous annuli are presented. Four fundamental boundary conditions have been investigated and the corresponding fundamental solutions are obtained. These four fundamental boundary conditions are obtained by combining each of the two conditions of having one boundary maintained at uniform heat flux or at uniform wall temperature with each of the conditions that the opposite boundary is kept isothermal at the inlet fluid temperature or adiabatic. Expressions for the flow and heattransfer parameters are given for each case. These fundamental solutions may be used to obtain solutions satisfying more general thermal boundary conditions.
Model Code of Safe Practice. Part 20. The deslgn 95lO3168 and operatlon of on-board truck computer systems for road tankers Institute of Petroleum, published by John Wiley Br Sons Ltd, Bafins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 lUD, UK9 f65.00, $104.00, Jan. 1995, 96 PP. Demand is developing rapidly throughout the European Petroleum Industry for road tanker on-board computer (OTC) systems. Such systems provide a number of important functions in product distribution operations, including interfacing with equipment at loading terminals and at service stations, providing tractor/trailer monitoring and control, and transmitting data to a central point for routing, despatch control and mvoicing. Since most petroleum terminals and some service stations cater for more than one road tanker operator, guidelines are re uired to ensure the maxium degree of compatibility and safe operation o9 the OTC equipment being installed by the various users. The Code of Practice has therefore been prepared with the active participation of representatives drawn from both European oil industry and OTC equipment manufacturers.
A new and simple method to estlmate f(E) and k,,(E) 95103160 In the dlstrlbuted actlvatlon energy model from three sets of experlmental data Miura, K. Energy & Fuels, Mar.-Apr. 1995, 9, (2), 302-307. Complex reactions such as coal pyrolysis reaction are often analyzed using the distributed activation energy model, in which the reactions are assumed to consist of a set of irreversible first-order reactions that have different activation energies and a constant frequency factor. The difference in the activation energies has been usually represented by a Gaussian distribution a priori. In the paper, a simple method is presented for estimating both the distribution curve of the activation energy, f(E), and the activation energy dependent frequency factor, k(E), without any a priori assumptions for f(E) and &6(E). New two-fluld flow formallsm: Separation of the 95103161 flow according to velocltles Rajamaki, M. and Saarinen, M. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Dec. 1994, 26, (4). 439-453. A nonorthogonal flnlte-volume method for the 95103162 solution of all speed flows uslng co-located varlables Marchi, C. H. and Maliska, C. R. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Oct.Nov. 1994, 26, (3), 293-311. Numerlcal Investigation of twodlmenslonal laml95103163 nar flow and solute transport In a channel with some symmetric expansions and contractions Iliev. 0. P. Numerical Heat Transfer, PartA. Dec. 1994,26, (6). 739-748. Numerical investigation of two-dimensional (2D) laminar flow’and solute transport in a channel with some sudden symmetric expansions and contractions has been performed using the fictitious regions method. Optlcal flber pH sensors for hlgh-temperature 95103164 water TR-104196, Final Report RP8004-6, S200.00, EPRI, Distribution Center, 207 Coggins Dr., PO Box 23205, Pleasant Hill, CA.94523. The permeabllltles of carbon dloxlde, nltrous oxlde 95103165 and oxygen and thelr mlxtures through slllcone rubber and cellulose acetate membranes ~$$es, R. and Jiang, B. Gas Separation & Purification, 1995, 9, (l),
Measurements have been made of the permeability of nitrous oxide (N,O), through silicone rubber and cellucarbon dioxide (CO,) and oxygen (0 lose acetate membranes using a flat s?l!eet permeator. Measurements have also been made of individual gas permeabilities from a mixed feed stream. N,O had the highest permeability when using the silicone rubber membrane, followed by CO,, with 0, an order of magnitude less. All three gas permeability coefficients were independent of feed pressure for this membrane and N,O and CO, permeability coefficients were temperature independent. Perspectives In the structure of hadronlc systems 95103166 (editors) Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Harakeh, J. H. and Scholten, 0. Spring St., New York, Ny.10013, USA, $105.00, 343 pp. The book contains papers given at a NATO Advanced Study Institute lecture on the rapid developments in the nuclear physics and elementary particle physics fields and the interfaces between these fields. The physics of Intense beams and storage rlngs 951037 67 Dikansky, N. and Pestrikov, D. American Institute of Physics, PO Box 20, Williston, Vt.O5495-0020, USA, $70.00, 473 pp. The authors Nicolai Dikansky and Dmitri Pestrikov are at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia. The book gives an in-depth description of the physical processes limiting or assisting the performance of intense beams in particle accelerators.
1994, 26, (3),
Predlctlon of reformate research octane number by 951037 66 FT-l.r. spectroscopy Lob, A. et al., Fuel, Feb. 1995, 74, (2), 227-231. Fourier transform infrared (FT-i.r.) spectroscopy was used to calculate the research octane number (RON) of naphtha feed and reformate during the course of performance evaluation of reforming catalysts. Five absorption regions tht correspond to aliphatic and aromatic bands within the midinfrared region were utilized for developing the correlation for RON estimation. Statistical methods were used to derive third degree polynomial equations which could give a better estimate of engine RON. The technique was found to give excellent correlation (R2=0.95) with the engine RON data.
A modified finite element method is used to solve the equations of motion for inviscid and viscous two-dimensional compressible flow. The timedependent equations are solved explicity using bilinear isoparametric quadrilateral elements, mass lumping, and Petrov-Galerkin weighting applied to the advection terms. Use of reduced integration is optional, along with k adaptation (with 2 X 2 quadrature). The modified FEM is accurate, providing the elements are not too distorted (using reduced integration). Problems requiring several thousand nodes can be run on a personal computer.
Procedures for the quantltatlve analysls of poly951037 69 cyclic aromatlc hydrocarbons Shore, P. Petroleum Rev., Feb. 1995, 49, (577), 62-65. Discusses polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are of concern because some are known to be carcinogenic in tests on laboratory animals. They are found in trace levels in the combustion products of many hydrocarobn fuels; for example they are emitted from coal-fired burners, wood stoves even the burning of garden waste.
95103159 flow Pepper, D. W. 237-256.
for compressible
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Oct.-Nov.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
May 7995