Optics. An Introduction for Ophthalmologists

Optics. An Introduction for Ophthalmologists

VOL. 66, N O . 4 BOOK REVIEWS cap, and demonstrates that the determined blind person, when given guidance and encouragement, can lead a reasonably ...

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66, N O . 4


cap, and demonstrates that the determined blind person, when given guidance and encouragement, can lead a reasonably normal life. James E. Lebensohn COMPTES RENDUS DU LER CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE NEURO-GENETIQUE ET

NEURO-OPHTALMOLOGIE. Edited by D. Klein and P. Amalric. Basel, Karger, 1968. Paperbound, 396 pages, 199 figures in black and white, 11 tables. Price: $20.20. The transactions of this meeting recommend themselves to the ophthalmologist on two counts: the first in the realm of basic science, the second in terms of clinical correlations. They provide a condensed view of current concepts of molecular heredity, including aspects of protein synthesis, the influence of the nucleic acids, and an introduction into chromosomal types. Several interesting presentations are devoted to ocular malformations, principally cyclopia, and to experimental teratogenesis. In the more clinical portions, the late Professor Franceschetti discussed sex-linked ocular disturbances, followed by an encyclopedic survey of autosomal chromosomal abnormalities in ophthalmology by Professor Jules François. Several other contributions relate to a variety of hereditary ocular syndromes, most of which have been recently described in the general ophthalmic literature. Of greater interest is the discussion of the surgical treatment of orbitofacial malformations by Dr. P. Tessier, covering an area rarely discussed by ocular surgeons. Marcel Frenkel HANDBUCH DER KINDERHEILKUNDE. By H .

Opitz and F. Schmid. Berlin, SpringerVerlag, 1968. Clothbound, 968 pages, index, 520 figures in black and white, 36 color figures. Price: $96.25. This is the ninth volume of the German "Handbook of Pediatrics." It deals with special aspects of childhood diseases affecting


the eye, the ear, the teeth or the skin. The contribution on eye diseases is written by Professor Pau of Duesseldorf. It comprises 102 pages and 81, partly colored illustrations. The test is a fairly complete coverage of pediatric ophthalmology. It should give the pediatrician a good, basic introduction into some aspects of various eye problems which may occur in children. A certain aura of yesteryear permeates this chapter. Many aspects of modern pediatric ophthalmology are not mentioned. Even if we must assume that several years elapse between writing and publishing such a handbook, it is hard to understand why the chapter appears to have been written 20 years ago. Toxocara canis, homocystinuria, modern antiviral treatment and other aspects of pediatric ophthalmology are not mentioned, whereas other diseases, now completely obsolete in the Western world (tuberculosis of the eye, keratomalacia) are dealt with in detail. It is to be hoped that a future edition will shift the emphasis. The price of nearly $100 makes this more of a museum piece than a reference work. F. C. Blodi, M.D. OPTICS. A N INTRODUCTION FOR OPHTHAL-

MOLOGISTS. 2nd edition. By Kenneth N . Ogle. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C Thomas, 1968. Clothbound, 264 pages, index, appendix, 178 figures in black and white. $10.75. The second edition of Optics must have been completed shortly before the author's death. Although some minor changes in organization of subject matter and content have been made, the second edition is essentially the same as the first edition. It is a lucid presentation of optics, particularly the optics necessary for an ophthalmologist. The test is precise, the formulas are simply and clearly evolved, and the diagrams are excellent. This book is highly recommended for all ophthalmologists and will be of particular interest to residents. Daniel Snydacker, M.D.