Optics and laser technology

Optics and laser technology

Optics and Laser Technology SUGGESTIONS FOR AUTHORS Types of contribution Optics and Laser Technology invites contributions from scientists, engineers...

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Optics and Laser Technology SUGGESTIONS FOR AUTHORS Types of contribution Optics and Laser Technology invites contributions from scientists, engineers and technologists on all aspects of optical methods and their application. Such contributions should fall into one of the following classes: Papers on original research or development on techniques and applications. These should be written with a wide readership in mind and should emphasize the practical significance of the work. Review and survey articles including crticial reviews and introductory surveys. Short technical or research notes on new techniques, applications, instruments and components. Letters to the editor arising out of published articles and papers, and on questions of opinion. Other kinds of contribution are also considered e.g. critical reviews, case studies, interpretive and tutorial articles, conference reports and news items. Intending authors are invited to contact the editorial office. Standard contribution lengths are: papers 2000-4000 words; reviews and surveys 2000-5000 words; conference reports 500-15000 words; news items up to 1000 words.

Manuscripts Presentation. Scripts should be typed in double spacing with wide margins, and preferably in

duplicate. Title. This should be short and should indicate the nature of the contribution. Abstract. An abstract of 25-100 words should be provided with the title page. This should indicate the full scope of the contribution, and include the principal conclusions.

M a t h e m a t i c s . Mathematical expressions should be arranged to occupy the minimum number of lines (e.g. (a + b)/(a -- b)). Illustrations. As line drawings are redrawn to suit the printing process they may be submitted as sketches but must be clearly drawn and correctly lettered. Photographs should be supplied as highcontract, unmounted, glossy prints. Captions for illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet. R e f e r e n c e s . These should contain the authors name and initials, the date of publication in brackets, the title of the paper, the journal or book title, the volume number, the issue number in brackets, and first and last page numbers, e.g. Butters, J. N. & Middleton, T. (1970). Holographic test glasses. Opt. Laser Technol. 2. (4). 202-203. Units and a b b r e v i a t i o n s . Authors should use SI units wherever possible. BS 350, 1991 & 3763 or ISO/R31 may be referred to for units, abbreviations and symbols.

Proofs Please ask for galley proofs if required.

Reprints Orders are accepted up to 12 months after publications. Authors receive 25 run-on copies.

Address IPC House, 32 High Street, Guildford, Surrey, England.

Telephone Guildford (0483) 7166l. Telex: Businesspress 25137 London. Optics and Laser Technology

October 1972