Options for Tele-Intensive Care Unit Design: Centralized Versus Decentralized and Other Considerations

Options for Tele-Intensive Care Unit Design: Centralized Versus Decentralized and Other Considerations

O p t i o n s f o r Tel e - I n t e n s i v e C a re U n i t D e s i g n : C e n t r a l i z e d Ve r s u s De c e n t r a l i z e d and Other Conside...

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O p t i o n s f o r Tel e - I n t e n s i v e C a re U n i t D e s i g n : C e n t r a l i z e d Ve r s u s De c e n t r a l i z e d and Other Considerations It Is Not Just a “Another Black Sedan” H. Neal Reynolds,



*, Joseph J. Bander,



KEYWORDS  Tele-ICU  Design  Technology  ICU KEY POINTS  The decision to acquire and develop Tele-ICU technology should be thoughtful, educated, and consider many of the variables presented.  Belief in predicted return on investment may falter with time and lead to withdrawal of administrative support, particularly with more expensive programs.  Failure to develop the medical workforce in a sustainable fashion could lead to failure or additional expenses when hiring intermediary programs.  If a restrictive Tele-ICU technology is adopted, future growth plans could be stunted and the full value of the technology not realized.


Henry Ford built his first “quadracycle” in 1896. It was another 27 years before the invention of the assembly line, in December 13, 1913, when Ford began to produce the Model T in large numbers.1,2 The production time fell from more than 12 hours to 93 minutes. The innovation depended on using identical and interchangeable parts. Therefore, the first Model Ts were generally identical; there was no variation. The buyer

Financial Disclosure: H.N. Reynolds: No current financial disclosures. Previously a paid employee with VISICU in 2000–2001. Served on the advisory board for InTouch Health 2004–2008, completed grant funded research, 2010, and participated in the InTouch Health Research Consortium, all without financial remuneration. a Division of Critical Care Medicine, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Medical Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 22 South Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA; b St Joseph Mercy Health System-Ann Arbor, 5301 McAuley Drive, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] Crit Care Clin 31 (2015) 335–350 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ccc.2014.12.010 criticalcare.theclinics.com 0749-0704/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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was left with 1 option: a Model T or none at all. Now, in 2014, there are more than 44 new car brands available in the United States alone,3 each with multiple models (Ford with 40 models) and each model with “comfort options,” “entertainment options,” “safety options,” “appearance options,” and “performance options.”4 The choice among all these brands, models, and options does not require technical expertise, such as engine compression ratio or gearing in the differential, just a definition of preferences and characteristics. Similarly, the Tele-ICU has evolved, although not nearly as dramatically as the automobile. Either way, there are significant choices to be made, beyond buying the generic early versions. This article is designed to consider some of those options. HISTORY OF THE TELE-INTENSIVE CARE UNIT

Telemedicine was introduced into the intensive care unit (ICU) in the 1970s via early efforts of Grundy and colleagues.5,6 Subsequently, telemedicine in the ICU has grown exponentially after the first commercial installation in Norfolk, Virginia, occurred in 2000.7,8 The driving force for the expansion of telemedicine in the ICU evolved from a manpower maldistribution9,10 shortage within the field of critical care,11–15 growing value of intensivists,16–19 recommendations from the Leapfrog group,20 successes systematizing critical care and the telemedicine in the ICU,7,8 and support for increasing telemedicine as part of Health Care reform.21–23 Furthermore, data are emerging that the intensivist can have a significant positive impact on outcomes of critically ill patients when utilizing telemedicine technologies.7,8,24,25 The literature evaluating Tele-ICU has evolved such that there are now 2 meta-analyses available,26,27 both of which suggest lower ICU mortality after implementation of a TeleICU. Of note, Wilcox and Adhikari27 conclude that the final structural model remains undefined. All of these data are supplemented by a recent, functional review of the literature28; it seems that the Tele-ICU is here to stay. The Telemedicine examination is visual and not hands on, other than surrogate examinations from on-site nursing. Skeptics have suggested that the lack of a hands-on examination is a critical lack, but data are evolving that the visual examination and visual review of graphical waveforms improves accuracy of decision making.29,30 There are multiple reports suggesting better compliance with evidence-based medical protocols when a centralized telemedicine process is in place.31–37 Finally, although it seems intuitive, evidence has evolved that telemedicine in the ICU may have even greater impact in the rural environment.38–41 From 2000 to 2010, a single vendor and single design have largely driven growth. To stimulate alternative modalities and designs, a group of national experts in the field of Tele-ICU medicine published a “LEXICON” for the Tele-ICU.42 The concept was simply to stimulate better descriptive language such that the new participants would ask for more specific design elements. This was followed by an examination of staffing processes43 designed to expand the associated language and options for different staffing models. To date, there have been no head-to-head evaluations of the various alternative technologies, networking models, or staffing structures for the Tele-ICU. It remains unclear what informational elements are mandatory to facilitate best diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in the Tele-ICU or what elements are unnecessary, superfluous, or just overengineered. CONSIDERATIONS PRE-IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE TELE-INTENSIVE CARE UNIT

Before describing some specifics of the Tele-ICU, the following questions should be considered when initiating a Tele-ICU program. The authors have offered caveats

Options for Tele-ICU Design

suggesting potential outcomes and/or barriers. Thoroughly considering these questions preemptively may yield a successful program in the long term, versus one that encounters internal hospital political or economic turbulence and ultimately fails. Assess Finances

 Today, and in a changing health care environment (hospital total patient revenue, global reimbursement, accountable care organizations, patient-centered medical homes), how will new reimbursement schemes impact hospital incentives?  Stability of leadership should be assessed. Chief executive officers (CEOs) change their minds, change support, or change jobs, causing future support to change or completely erode.  Will the return on investment (ROI) be sustainable and enough to support the program in the long term?  Will the program be dependent on significant, fee-for-service reimbursement for survival?  If reimbursement is important, the developer should assess local payers and payer mix (Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial payers) before completion of the financial model. Caveats

1. Total patient revenue or global reimbursement schemes44 have removed incentives to attract new patients to major hub hospitals and have dissuaded community total patient revenue hospitals from sending patients to more expensive hub hospitals. Therefore, total patient revenue may serve to dissuade an organization from adopting a Tele-ICU. It is important to know what payer model your facility is involved with, both currently and in the foreseeable future. 2. Accountable care organizations are effectively supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, capitated programs that disincentivize hospital admissions and may reduce future needs for ICU care.45 The developer should be aware of the local penetration of the accountable care organizations reimbursement model. 3. The average “life expectancy” of a hospital CEO is about 5.5 years with 14% to 18%46 yearly change over. So-called long-term decisions made by a current CEO may not carry through to subsequent CEOs. Seek support beyond the CEO. 4. Large, centralized programs depend on full funding from the parent facility with the expectation that the facility will benefit from ROI through cost savings.40,47 Be sure that the institution believes in the projected ROI. 5. If independent financial sustainability is important, system designers should investigate local and national reimbursement.48 Reimbursement through the Medicare system is much more limited49–51 with only nonreimbursable, “class III–ICD” critical care billing codes. Assess Human Resources: Medical Doctors

 Do you need medical doctors (MDs) or could critical care trained nurses or midlevel practitioners suffice?  Will your current cadre of intensivists participate (or refuse to participate) in a new Tele-ICU program?  Can you recruit (and retain) physicians to staff the Tele-ICU?  Can a Tele-ICU program afford dedicated intensivists, nurses, or midlevel practitioners?  How much do you want to involve the consulting MDs into the Tele-ICU?



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1. Eastern Maine Medical Center initially ran a Tele-ICU program without MD involvement and were able to demonstrate a positive impact on patient outcomes (personal communication from Mary McCarthy, Director, Tele-ICU program at Eastern Maine Medical Center, 2011). 2. The more rural the Tele-ICU, the more difficult to recruit and retain intensivists.52 But even urban areas experience difficulty, with recruitment driving the growth of a middle-man industry that provides staffing to the Tele-ICU.53 3. Staffing with MDs, registered nurses (RNs), or midlevel professionals accounts for about 72% of ongoing operating costs.54 Providing a single MD, 12 hours per day, 365 days per year at $200 per hour accrues a cost of $876,000 per year. As a consequence, some programs are investigating alternative staffing models. 4. Consulting physicians, such as nephrologists and cardiologists, are outside the telecommunications system when the Tele-ICU program utilizes a closed architecture system, but may access the real-time audio–video connection with the open architecture systems.42 Preemptive decisions regarding utilization of community physicians and consultants will drive the decision to deploy the open versus the closed architecture system. Assess Human Resources: Registered Nurses

 Will your current cadre of critical care nurses participate in the Tele-ICU?  How will you maintain nursing bedside expertise?  How can Tele-ICU nursing prestige be maintained to avoid relegation to a perceived second class stature? Caveats

1. Evaluating nursing Tele-ICU competencies and establishing a thorough orientation is likely to overcome nursing anxiety of moving to a new and unknown working environment.55 2. The Tele-ICU nurse should initially have significant bedside experience before becoming a Tele-ICU nurse.56 Some programs require an ongoing minimum of bedside nursing practice time. 3. The formal “CCRN-e” accreditation was established and serves to lend prestige and recognition to the field of Tele-ICU nursing and may serve to maintain stability in the workforce.57,58 All Tele-ICU nurses should be encouraged to seek the CCRNe certificate. Define Goals of Program

 Will the Tele-ICU program provide coverage to internal ICUs within the parent facility only?  Will the Tele-ICU program provide outreach to community ICUs?  Is the intent of the Tele-ICU program to develop a network of ICUs with centripetal (community to the center hub) and/or centrifugal (from center hub toward community) movement of patients?  To avoid future dissatisfaction, preemptively define Tele-ICU coverage: 24 hours a day versus 8 to 12 hours a day versus reactive consultative only.  Will the Tele-ICU program provide coverage only when on-site intensivists are not present?

Options for Tele-ICU Design


1. When more complex and expensive technology is selected, it may be necessary to spread the cost across multiple ICUs. When considering less expensive or less complex technology, single unit coverage becomes financially feasible. 2. Many, if not all, programs are designed to provide service only when the “on-site” intensivist are off site and/or unavailable. 3. “Continuous” care is rarely continuous 24  7 but rather, continuous for limited numbers of hours per day such as 8 or 12 hours per day. Alternatively, certain aspects may be continuous, 24  7 such as nursing Tele-ICU monitoring; intensivist monitoring could be limited to 8 to 12 hours per day. 4. Tele-ICU technology can support both centripetal (typical patient flow from community to hub) and centrifugal (repatriation to the community). Repatriation to the community can facilitate more efficient utilization of the high-end hub ICU beds. Technical Support and Guidelines

 Will the Tele-ICU vendor provide all technical support?  Will the hospital Information Technology department participate in the installation and ongoing technical support?  Does the Tele-ICU vendor provide real-time, 24  7, technical support?  Certain vendors have scheduled mid-day, “down time” for maintenance and upgrades. The designer should understand the impact of “down time” on the flow of patient care and consider alternative documentation monitoring modalities Caveats

1. Establishment of a Tele-ICU will always require considerable collaboration between the vendor and the local medical facility’s Information Technology group. Defining clear lines of responsibility is mandatory before “going live,” and preferably before installation. A point of contention is frequently the interface between the wireless system (or hospital backbone) and the Tele-ICU equipment. 2. The American Telemedicine Association has recently established Guidelines for Tele-ICU Operations with recommended minimums.59 These guidelines are weighted toward certain technologies, but serve as a beginning reference. 3. Essentially, all major software requires periodic updates and upgrades. Some do so by temporarily ceasing functionality and without an alternative mechanism to continue to perform routine duties. This should be understood in advance with alternative care models put in place before going live. Institutional Politics

 What are the driving forces for the development of a Tele-ICU program?  Determine where resistance lies and what the origin of resistance is to the development of a Tele-ICU. Caveats

1. Tele-ICU program development driven only by hospital administration for stated cost savings or quality purposes, without a buy-in from the physician staff, are doomed to serious turbulence if not failure. Bring all stakeholders to the table early.



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2. Rotating clinicians from bedside work to remote Tele-ICU service increases exposure to both sides of the service model and may reduce the “us versus them” stigma.60 2. Exclusion of subspecialists from direct access to the Tele-ICU technology may increase resistance. Conversely, inclusion of the subspecialists to the technology may greatly improve local physician buy-in. Quality Metrics

 What quality metrics do you currently monitor?59  Do you need additional metrics?  Should those metrics come from the Tele-ICU database or via current ICU sources?  Will a Tele-ICU database and analysis cost more than using current data collection technologies?  Will the Tele-ICU database and analysis be as good as or better than the current analysis? Caveats

1. Quality metrics should at least include the traditional metrics, such as mortality, length of stay, ventilator duration of use, and infectious complications, but should also include quality metrics related to the unique performance of telemedicine, such as patient and family acceptance of telemedicine interventions, system scheduled and unscheduled downtime, quality of the audio and video, remote care provider response time, and remote care provider perceived competence.59 2. If a facility already has a staff of well-qualified data analysts and data collectors who provide a wide range of hospital quality metrics, there may be little savings in shifting quality analysis to a Tele-ICU service provided by an outside vendor. What Future Growth Pattern for the Tele-Intensive Care Unit

 Does the program vision include vertical growth (vertical scaling) with continued expansion of the same service line?  Does the program vision include horizontal growth (horizontal scaling) with expansion into other fields of service?61 Caveats

1. The centralized Tele-ICU is ideally suited for vertical growth with inclusion of more critical care programs by expansion of same line of services with more intensivist and critical care nursing staffing. 2. Horizontal scaling mandates an “open architecture”42 as defined elsewhere in this article. Open architecture technology is necessary to support access by multiple specialists who will not be based in a centralized, closed architecture program (Fig. 1) Regional Technical Limitations

 What are the current limitations on the local, wireless, or broadband service?  What are the limitations on the local “hard-wired” broadband service?  Could some of the rural facilities be subject to the expenses of “the last mile”?

Options for Tele-ICU Design

Fig. 1. Vertical scaling with addition of more critical care units for the provision of critical care support only. Horizontal scaling entails the addition of additional service lines such as suggested to include cardiology, trauma, and neurology.


1. Certain technologies necessary to facilitate an “open architecture” capability will require significant wireless broad band capabilities, which may not be available regionally.62 Such limitations could restrict the development of multispecialty based Tele-ICU. 2. Rural communities suffer from significant shortage of wired broadband technology. The problem is of such a magnitude as to have provoked the development of a government-based Broadband Initiative Program.63 3. Multiple state and federal initiatives have supported the development of highspeed “back-bone” networks to rural communities. The final connection from the back-bone to a consumer or facility is referred to as the “last mile” where “mile” is metaphorical for a relatively short distance. Costs to connect from a regional broadband backbone can be significant and should be understood and incorporated into any financial planning64 and startup costs Additional Technical Burdens on the Staff

 Does a Tele-ICU technology increase the burden of documentation (double documentation) for the critical care staff?  If so, will double documentation require additional staff such as scribes? Caveats

1. Certain Tele-ICU programs have ICU-focused Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems deployed in the real ICU that may not interface with the hospital EMR.



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Intensivist staff could be required to document in both systems, thereby increasing workload and resistance to adoption. 2. Despite vendor reports, some Tele-ICU EMR (at the real ICU) can be seen as burdensome. As a result, the ICU staff may request supplemental scribe staff to deal with the workload, as is done in emergency departments.65


Once having considered all these issues, a key question will be whether the Tele-ICU should be centralized or decentralized. Part and parcel to this question is the decision regarding communications systems based on an “open” versus a “closed” architecture. Centralized or decentralized Tele-ICUs have been defined elsewhere42 and are reiterated herein. The definition is provided as a pure description knowing that, with evolution and time, some systems will have characteristics of both centralized and decentralized programs (hybrid programs). The Centralized Tele-Intensive Care Unit

A centralized Tele-ICU is a hub-and-spoke model in which critical care services originate from a hub and services are delivered at a spoke facility. The hub (or center) is an established site with staffing that includes intensivists, nurses, and clerical and technical staff. The established hub is connected to 1 or multiple medical facilities and/or multiple ICUs. As such, the intensivists must work from the central hub and not from other sites. Therefore, the centralized Tele-ICU is a discrete site and has an established process of care. The Decentralized Tele-Intensive Care Unit

In this model, there is no defined, established central monitoring facility or staff dedicated to being present at any remote site. The decentralized model typically involves computers or mobile devices equipped with camera, speakers, and microphones located at sites of convenience such as physician offices, homes, or mobile sites. Therefore, the decentralized Tele-ICU is not a specific or single site, but more of a process. Open Architecture

A flexible, undedicated communications system that supports connectivity by 1 or more care providers, from 1 or more sites, to 1 or multiple sites. Open architecture generally implies connectivity via the Internet. Open architecture networks may take any of the following forms: a. Single physician to a single site with multiple patients: One physician (from home, office, or mobile device) providing critical care services to 1 ICU and providing care for any or all the patients within that ICU. b. Single physician to multiple sites and/or multiple patients: An individual physician could be virtually present, sequentially, at several different medical sites from a home, office, or mobile device and provide services for some or all patients at each site. c. Multiple physicians from multiple sites to a single patient: Multiple physicians could simultaneously evaluate a single patient, each physician located at a separate location. d. Multiple physicians from multiple sites to multiple sites and multiple patients.

Options for Tele-ICU Design

Closed Architecture

A closed architecture Tele-ICU program has point-to-point, dedicated communication to a patient from a central monitoring facility. For purity of definition, there would be no option for physicians outside the closed system to have full access to patient audio– video, clinical, or trending information. Medical consultants would be functionally external to the closed Tele-ICU system and could only evaluate a patient via traditional communications, such as the telephone. The closed architecture model generally employs dedicated high-speed lines. Functionally, the closed architecture exists outside the Internet, although internal data may be transmitted over high-speed cables or fibers by using internet protocol. In discussing generalities about technology, the intent is to remain vendor neutral. The centralized Tele-ICUs may be based on the Philips VISICU technology (Andover, MA, USA), Cerner EMR/Technology (Kansas City, MO, USA), IMDSoft (Dedham, MA, USA), or EPIC (Verona, WI, USA). Conversely, decentralized Tele-ICUs may be based on the Intouch Health robotic (Santa Barbara, CA, USA) technology, or any of the web-based carts to include Polycom (San Jose, CA, USA), AMD Global (Chelmsford, MA, USA), and Rubbermaid (Huntersville, NC, USA). However, the vast majority of the centralized Tele-ICUs deploy the Philips VISICU system (positioned in approximately 400 hospitals nationwide) and the vast majority of the decentralized Tele-ICU systems are based on the InTouch Health web-enabled, wireless robotic technology (positioned in about 950 hospitals in North America). THE TELE-INTENSIVE CARE UNIT LITERATURE: CENTRALIZED VERSUS DECENTRALIZED

To further define characteristics of systems, we have defined characteristics of the literature. A literature search was performed using the National Institutes of Health PubMed service and Google Scholar, using key words of Telemedicine, ICU, tele-ICU, Robots and Tele-ICU, ICU and Telemedicine with the intent to generally examine the literature for characteristics that define centralized versus decentralized Tele-ICUs. In general, if an article described the use of mobile devices that were stated or known to be web enabled, then the system was assumed to be decentralized with an open architecture communications system. If an article refers to a telemedicine center, a system hub, a “hub-and-spoke” functionality, or uses the phrase “telemedicine center,” then the article was judged to refer to a centralized program. No assumptions were made about the connectivity (open vs closed architecture) unless specifically stated. Overall, there is much more current literature describing centralized programs than decentralized programs in a ratio of about 3:1 (34 vs 12). Eight review articles were discovered that also generally focused on centralized programs. Ten articles were categorized as administrative in that the content was directed at establishing function, training, and nursing competencies, but again the majority of the focus was on centralized programs (Table 1). Based on a review of the relevant literature, combined with knowledge of the technology and clinical field, Table 2 was created to help the reader understand the spectrum of differences between centralized versus decentralized tele-ICU technology (see Table 2). Table 1 Categorization of literature search related to the Tele-ICU Centralized Tele-ICU Publication

Decentralized Tele-ICU Tele-ICU Review or Tele-ICU Publication Administrative Related Meta-Analysis

Refs.5,6,8,24,25,31–40,66–84 Refs.7,29,30,85–93





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Table 2 General comparison of the decentralized versus the centralized models for the Tele-ICU Characteristic

Centralized Tele-ICU

Decentralized Tele-ICU

Open Architecture



Closed architecture

Most common model

Not workable

Requires dedicated communication lines (T-1, T-3, etc)

Yes: vendor dependent

No: Internet enabled

Real physical Tele-ICU site



Vertical scaling

Good model for vertical scaling

Poor model for vertical scaling

Horizontal scaling

Poor model for horizontal scaling unless involves open architecture connectivity to specialists

Good model for horizontal scaling with open architecture

Cost of install



Operational costs



Complexity of install



Data gathering/analysis



Smart alarms

Yes: vendor dependent

No: Bedside nurse functions as the “smart alarm”

Concurrent EMR

Generally yes, vendor dependent

Generally no: use local, preexisting EMR

MD provider mobility

None unless system incorporates open architecture

Greater mobility

MD provider flexibility

None: Care provider must be situated in the Tele-ICU

Greater flexibility, care provider can be mobile

RN provider mobility


N/A: Generally does not require dedicated RNs

RN provider flexibility


N/A: Generally does not require dedicated RNs

Provides “continuous” care

Yes: model dependent may be 24 h  7, 12 h  7 or 8 h  7

No; rare exceptions

Provides “reactive” or “consultative” care



Provides “scheduled” care



Impact on other hospital ICU personnel



Abbreviations: EMR, electronic medical record; MD, medical doctor; RN, registered nurse; T-1, dedicated telecommunications line, bandwidth 1.544 mb/s, cost 5 $1,000–$3,000/month; T-3, dedicated telecommunications line, bandwidth 43.233 mb/s, Cost $3,000/mth.98


The decision to acquire and develop Tele-ICU technology should be thoughtful, educated, and consider many of the variables discussed herein. Belief in predicted ROI may falter with time and lead to withdrawal of administrative support, particularly with more expensive programs. Failure to develop the medical workforce in a sustainable fashion could lead to failure or additional expenses when hiring intermediary

Options for Tele-ICU Design

programs. If a restrictive Tele-ICU technology is adopted, future growth plans could be stunted and the full value of the technology not realized. Finally, it is extraordinarily difficult to predict the evolution of the health care system and therefore to predict future reimbursement schemes. Regarding the scientific literature, there are more comparative studies emanating from centralized programs although essentially all the studies are before versus after Tele-ICU implementation, unrandomized, and with large potential for confounding variables. Similar statements apply to studies/reports regarding decentralized programs. However, no study to date examines efficacy or cost effectiveness of centralized versus decentralized structured programs. By summary comparison, the centralized models offer:     

A turn-key, relatively full-service program; An EMR at the Tele-ICU end and the ICU end; Audio–video hardware and software; Mechanisms to accumulate and analyze data easily; and Virtual attendance at the bedside by intensivists assisted by virtual nursing presence.

The decentralized programs offer:    

The equivalent of placing the intensivist at the bedside; No need for all the associated support systems; Continued use of the hospital EMR and computerized physician order entry; and A reliance on established hospital programs to gather quality indicators and process the data.

The concept of centralized versus decentralized implies purity of definition. Unquestionably, hybrid models exist or will evolve, perhaps involving an established site (“bunker”) with open architecture allowing outside physicians access to the telemedicine technology from virtually anywhere. As important is the concept of open versus closed architecture. Open architecture equates to “accessible” by multiple care providers, from multiple sites and can be done so with more than 1 remote care provider simultaneously. Closed architecture equates to restricted access limited only to those in the central site. REFERENCES

1. Henry Ford Introduction of the Assembly line. Available at: http://history1900s. about.com/od/1910s/a/Ford–Assembly-Line.htm. Accessed July 8, 2014. 2. Ford’s Assembly line starts rolling. Available at: http://history1900s.about.com/od/ 1910s/a/Ford–Assembly-Line.htm. Accessed July 8, 2014. 3. New cars. Available at: http://www.edmunds.com/new-cars. Accessed July 8, 2014. 4. Car options. Available at: http://www.cars.com/go/advice/. Accessed July 8, 2014. 5. Grundy BL, Jones PK, Lovitt A. Telemedicine in critical care: problems in design, implementation, and assessment. Crit Care Med 1982;10(7):471–5. 6. Grundy BL, Crawford P, Jones PK, et al. Telemedicine in critical care: an experiment in health care delivery. JACEP 1977;6(10):439–44. 7. Rosenfeld BA, Dorman T, Breslow MJ, et al. Intensive care unit telemedicine: alternate paradigm for providing continuous intensivist care. Crit Care Med 2000;28:3925–31.



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