Opus successfully desalinates oilfield-produced water

Opus successfully desalinates oilfield-produced water

NEWS chokes off other life – a process known as eutrophication. The main type of wastewater treatment envisaged by the directive is biological or ‘sec...

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NEWS chokes off other life – a process known as eutrophication. The main type of wastewater treatment envisaged by the directive is biological or ‘secondary’ treatment. The deadline for this infrastructure to be operational was 31 December 2000. If wastewater is discharged into ‘sensitive’ water bodies, the directive requires more strict ‘tertiary’ treatment, involving removal of phosphorous and/or nitrogen. This should have been in place by 31 December 1998. The EC says that the final warning is for failing to comply with a European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling in 2004 on the treatment of urban waste water in certain sensitive areas. Under the ruling, the ECJ condemned France for failing to designate 11 areas as sensitive and for inadequate treatment facilities in a number of settlements which discharge their wastewater into these areas. The ECJ also found that 121 settlements breached the directive by discharging their wastewater into previously designated sensitive areas. During 2006, France designated the 11 areas as sensitive. However, 140 settlements, including Paris, continue to discharge into these sensitive areas. With regard to the 121 settlements discharging into the previously designated sensitive areas France proceeded to rearrange them into 164 settlements, resulting in some settlements no longer meeting the threshold level of 10 000 residents at which the directive applies. The commission considers making such changes to settlements, to avoid compliance with the directive, unacceptable and calls on France to implement the directive in all settlements covered by the ECJ ruling. In May 2007 France notified the commission of the settlements’ status and its agenda for complying with the ruling. It appears that some remaining settlements will not be equipped with wastewater treatment facilities before 2011, some seven years after the ECJ court ruling and 12 years after the deadline set by the directive. The commission says that it finds this delay deplorable and is urging France to build wastewater treatment facilities in all concerned settlements as soon as possible. Should it not respond satisfactorily to its warning, the commission may ask the court to impose fines on the country. Contact: European Commission, Secretariat-General, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium. http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/secretariat_general/index_ en.htm, http://ec.europa.eu/community_law/infringements/ infringements_en.htm


Membrane Technology

Opus successfully desalinates oilfieldproduced water


.A. Water Systems, a Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies company, has successfully demonstrated, on a full-scale, its Optimized Pretreatment and Unique Separation (OPUS) technology for produced-water treatment at Chevron USA Incorporated’s oil production field in San Ardo, California, according to a report by Water Online. This project, believed to involve the first produced-water desalination facility in the world that uses this technology, enables Chevron to expand its current area of steam-enhanced production into an ‘idled’, but previously developed portion of the field. Produced water – the water generated when oil is brought out of the ground – contains high levels of boron, silica, organics and free oil. Previously, most of Chevron’s produced water in San Ardo was injected into deep disposal wells. However, the capacity was limited. OPUS removes contaminants sufficiently for treated produced water to be discharged into shallow groundwater recharge basins, allowing greater oil production and replenishing precious water resources. This technology was developed through the joint efforts of Chevron and N.A. Water Systems. At the San Ardo site, the OPUS system is sized to treat 50 000 barrels of water per day. This technology consists of multiple treatment processes, including de-gasification, chemical softening, media filtration, ion-exchange softening, cartridge filtration and reverse osmosis. The overall project also involved expanding the water-softening facilities. The softened water is used in Chevron’s once-through steam generators, which produce this gas for oil extraction. Contacts: N.A. Water Systems Llc, Airside Business Park, 250 Airside Drive, Moon Township, PA 15108, USA. Tel: +1 412 809 6000, www.nawatersystems.com Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, L’Aquarène, 1 place Montgolfier, 94417, Saint Maurice, France. Tel +33 1 4511 5555. www.veoliawaterst.com

‘World Water Day’ commended


raising efforts to improve water resources and sanitation throughout

the world the American Beverage Association has commended ‘World Water Day’, which is held every year on 22 March. The association says that its industry remains committed to being a leader in responsible water management, and ensuring minimal environmental impact from the manufacture of the many beverage products that it makes. Susan Neely, President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Beverage Association, said: ‘The beverage industry understands the importance of strong, healthy water systems and the need to conserve natural resources. Importantly, our industry has taken upon itself a unique leadership role among all industries in helping nations develop strong water management strategies.’ The beverage industry supports water conservation and efficiency. In fact, it says that it is a minimal water user and, while water is a key ingredient in all of its products, its manufacturing facilities use very little compared with other industries. In fact, the beverage industry accounts for about one gallon (3.8 litres) out of every 3300 gallons (12 500 litres) withdrawn from groundwater or surface-water sources. According to the association, the bottled water industry is dedicated to reducing water and energy usage, making containers lighter and supporting recycling programmes. Furthermore, bottled water is not only convenient, portable and healthy, but safe and highly regulated. Purified bottled water is also much more than just tap water. The beverage industry takes municipal water, approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency, and employs a multiple barrier treatment system that includes reverse osmosis, distillation and deionisation, or a combination of these processes. Spring water is typically treated with ozone disinfection, which is an effective barrier for impurities. In addition, spring water sources are carefully selected to begin with in order to protect consumers against the potential of chemical, bacteriological and surface-water contamination. Recently, the association became a founding member of the Alliance for Water Efficiency, a US non-profit organisation dedicated to efficient and sustainable water use throughout the country. Contact: American Beverage Association, 1101 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA. Tel: +1 202 463 6732, www.ameribev.org

April 2008