OOOO August 2017
radiographic image of a radiolucent area in the region between the incisors. Vitality tests were performed on the involved teeth and the diagnostic hypothesis were nasopalatine duct cyst. First, incisional biopsy and enucleation of the cyst were conducted. The sample was sent for pathologic examination, confirming the diagnostic of nasopalatine duct cyst. Finally, the cyst was excised and this procedure was followed by autogenous bone graft and implant installation. The patient have been followed-up for 10 years and currently is prosthetically rehabilitated and without local recurrence of the lesion.
CPP294 - ORAL MANIFESTATION OF CHIKUNGUNYA FEVER: CASE REPORT. JAIR CARNEIRO LEAO, MARIANA BITU RAMOS PINTO, JAIR CARNEIRO LEÃO FILHO, ANDREZA BARKOKEBAS, LUIZ ALCINO GUEIROS, ALESSANDRA TAVARES CARVALHO, STEPHEN PORTER. The emerging arboviruses in Latin America, including Chikungunya infect patients usually presenting with mild illness. However, there is now great concern about the associations and manifestations of arboviruses, because of the widespread epidemic recently described. The aim of the present report is to detail the features of a 34-year-old female patient with fever, rash, myalgia, arthralgia associated with vomiting and an oral ulceration in the lower lip. Based upon the clinical characteristics, a diagnosis of Chikungunya was established. The patient was treated with Tramadol 100 mg. To knowledge, this is the first report associating oral ulceration with Chikungunya.
CPP295 - SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CENTRAL GIANT CELL GRANULOMA: A CASE REPORT. THIAGO FONTANELLA CESTARI, MATHEUS CAVALCANTE TOMAZ BEZERRA, TÂNIA CRISTINA CHICRE ALCÂNTARA DE BRITO, LIA MIZOBE ONO, JECONIAS CÂMARA, JOSÉ EDUARDO GOMES DOMINGUES. The central giant cell granuloma is considered a nonneoplastic lesion that affects mainly women and approximately 70% arise with preference for the jaw. The aim of this paper is to report a central giant cell granuloma case of a male patient, 11year-old, who attended the service with tumor volume history of rapid evolution, painless, in the right maxillary region. The clinical examination revealed a tumor of approximately 2 cm in diameter, firm consistency, with bluish-red coloration in the region between the dental elements 13 and 14. The imaging examination showed diffuse radiolucent image. An excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed and a piece of about 3 cm in largest diameter was obtained. Histopathologic analysis confirmed the diagnosis of central giant cell granuloma. After more than 2 months of surgery, patient showed significant bone formation seen by occlusal radiograph. Patient recovered uneventfully.
IFR female patient, 33 years old, feoderma, who attended the service with a complaining of volume in gingival tissue, located in the alveolar region of the left jaw. The clinical examination showed lesion of approximately 2 cm in diameter, nodular, pedunculated, slightly reddish, smooth and firm consistency. According to the report, the lesion began 1 year before and had
slowly increase of volume. On radiographic examination of the lesion, no abnormalities were found. An excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed, the parts were preserved in container with 10% formalin and sent for histopathologic analysis. On microscopic examination was observed lesion characterized by development of a tumor of mesenchymal origin with production of large amounts of calcified material of osteoid nature. It was defined as diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma injury. Surgical removal should be the treatment of choice for this type of injury, having a low recurrence rate. Patient recovered uneventfully.
CPP297 - BASALOID SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF THE LOWER LIP: A CASE REPORT. LUIS ALBERTO NUNES DE SOUSA CRUZ, GILBERTO AMARAL DIAS NETO, NATALY PANTOJA LEITE, CAMILA TATYANNE SANTOS DE FREITAS, JOACY DA SILVA AZEVEDO, JECONIAS CÂMARA, NAÍZA MENEZES MEDEIROS ABRAHIM. Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is a rare, highgrade, aggressive variant of squamous cell carcinoma. A 90-yearold female patient presenting with a lesion in lower lip with a history of high tobacco and alcohol consumption since adolescence. Clinical examination revealed a large ulcerated lesion on of the lower lip vermilion in the right side of the face, with indurated borders. An excisional biopsy was performed and histologic examination showed tissue fragments exhibiting proliferation of cells forming nests, with pleomorphism, hyperchromatic, volume increase; in some areas its was noticed the presence of basaloid tumor cells and atypical mitosis and formation of keratin’s pearls and the stroma was permeated by inflammatory infiltrate. The diagnosis was compatible with basaloid squamous cell carcinoma. The patient is on follow-up of 2 months with signs of healing of surgical site. The optimal treatment of BSCC of the skin involves complete surgical resection followed by postoperative.
CPP298 - PERIPHERAL GIANT CELL GRANULOMA (PERIPHERAL GIANT CELL LESION): CASE REPORT. BRENDO VINICIUS RODRIGUES LOUREDO, HELLEN FERREIRA DE SOUZA SOBRINHO, TÂNIA CRISTINA CHICRE ALCÂNTARA DE BRITO, NIKEILA CHACON DE OLIVEIRA CONDE, JECONIAS CÂMARA, JOSÉ EDUARDO GOMES DOMINGUES. The peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG) has a similar growth as the tumor and are relatively common in the oral cavity. The present clinical case is of a black female patient, 43 years old, who attended the service of stomatology complaining of a “cyst” in her tooth. The intraoral examination noticed a gingival growth in the region of element 43 of approximately 2 cm, without bleeding, painful, pedicellate, non-ulcerated and the presence of purulent secretion. Initially was held the scraping supra and subgingival of the elements in the lower right hemiarcade. The excisional biopsy was realized, the specimen was sent to pathology service for histopathologic analysis and the result revealed multinucleated giant cells in the midst of a fibroelastic connective tissue with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, with presence of multiple Russell bodies and areas of hemorrhage, confirming the diagnosis of PGCG. Six months after treatment, the patient showed no recurrence of the lesion.